Require Import prosa.classic.util.all.
Require Import prosa.classic.model.arrival.basic.job.
Require Import prosa.classic.model.schedule.uni.service
Require Import
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq path fintype bigop.
Require Import prosa.classic.model.arrival.basic.job.
Require Import prosa.classic.model.schedule.uni.service
Require Import
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq path fintype bigop.
Lock-in service of a job
In this module, we provide a sufficient condition under which a job receives enough service to become nonpreemptive.
Module AbstractRTALockInService.
Import Job UniprocessorSchedule Service AbstractRTADefinitions.
(* Previously we defined the notion of lock-in service (see limited.schedule.v file).
Lock-in service is the amount of service after which a job cannot be preempted until
its completion. In this section we prove that if cumulative interference inside a
busy interval is bounded by a certain constant then a job executes long enough to
reach its lock-in service and become nonpreemptive. *)
Section LockInService.
Context {Task: eqType}.
Variable task_cost: Task → time.
Context {Job: eqType}.
Variable job_arrival: Job → time.
Variable job_cost: Job → time.
Variable job_task: Job → Task.
(* Consider any arrival sequence with consistent arrivals... *)
Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
Hypothesis H_arrival_times_are_consistent: arrival_times_are_consistent job_arrival arr_seq.
(* Next, consider any uniprocessor schedule of this arrival sequence. *)
Variable sched: schedule Job.
(* Assume that the job costs are no larger than the task costs. *)
Hypothesis H_job_cost_le_task_cost:
task_cost job_cost job_task arr_seq.
(* Let tsk be any task that is to be analyzed. *)
Variable tsk: Task.
(* Assume we are provided with abstract functions for interference and interfering workload. *)
Variable interference: Job → time → bool.
Variable interfering_workload: Job → time → time.
(* For simplicity, let's define some local names. *)
Let work_conserving := work_conserving job_arrival job_cost job_task arr_seq sched tsk.
Let cumul_interference := cumul_interference interference.
Let cumul_interfering_workload := cumul_interfering_workload interfering_workload.
Let busy_interval := busy_interval job_arrival job_cost sched interference interfering_workload.
(* We assume that the schedule is work-conserving. *)
Hypothesis H_work_conserving: work_conserving interference interfering_workload.
(* Let j be any job of task tsk with positive job cost. *)
Variable j: Job.
Hypothesis H_j_arrives: arrives_in arr_seq j.
Hypothesis H_job_of_tsk: job_task j = tsk.
Hypothesis H_job_cost_positive: job_cost_positive job_cost j.
(* Next, consider any busy interval t1, t2) of job j. *)
Variable t1 t2: time.
Hypothesis H_busy_interval: busy_interval j t1 t2.
(* First, we prove that job j completes by the end of the busy interval.
Note that the busy interval contains the execution of job j, in addition
time instant t2 is a quiet time. Thus by the definition of a quiet time
the job should be completed before time t2. *)
Lemma job_completes_within_busy_interval:
completed_by job_cost sched j t2.
(* In this section we show that the cumulative interference is a complement to
the total time where job j is scheduled inside the busy interval. *)
Section InterferenceIsComplement.
(* Consider any subinterval t, t + delta) inside the busy interval [t1, t2). *)
Variable t delta: time.
Hypothesis H_greater_than_or_equal: t1 ≤ t.
Hypothesis H_less_or_equal: t + delta ≤ t2.
(* We prove that sum of cumulative service and cumulative interference
in the interval t, t + delta) is equal to delta. *)
Lemma interference_is_complement_to_schedule:
service_during sched j t (t + delta) + cumul_interference j t (t + delta) = delta.
End InterferenceIsComplement.
(* In this section, we prove a sufficient condition under which job j receives enough service. *)
Section InterferenceBoundedImpliesEnoughService.
(* Let progress_of_job be the desired service of job j. *)
Variable progress_of_job: time.
Hypothesis H_progress_le_job_cost: progress_of_job ≤ job_cost j.
(* Assume that for some delta, the sum of desired progress and cumulative
interference is bounded by delta (i.e., the supply). *)
Variable delta: time.
Hypothesis H_total_workload_is_bounded:
progress_of_job + cumul_interference j t1 (t1 + delta) ≤ delta.
(* Then, it must be the case that the job has received no less service than progress_of_job. *)
Theorem j_receives_at_least_lock_in_service:
service sched j (t1 + delta) ≥ progress_of_job.
End InterferenceBoundedImpliesEnoughService.
(* In this section we prove a simple lemma about completion of
a job after is reaches lock-in service. *)
Section CompletionOfJobAfterLockInService.
(* Assume that completed jobs do not execute. *)
Hypothesis H_completed_jobs_dont_execute:
completed_jobs_dont_execute job_cost sched.
(* Consider a proper job lock-in service function, i.e... *)
Variable job_lock_in_service: Job → time.
(* ...(1) for any job j the lock-in service of job j is positive... *)
Hypothesis H_lock_in_service_positive:
job_lock_in_service_positive job_cost arr_seq job_lock_in_service.
(* ...(2) it also less-than-or-equal to the job_cost... *)
Hypothesis H_lock_in_service_le_job_cost:
job_lock_in_service_le_job_cost job_cost arr_seq job_lock_in_service.
(* ..., and (3) we assume that the scheduler respects the notion of the lock-in service. *)
Hypothesis H_job_nonpreemptive_after_lock_in_service:
job_nonpreemptive_after_lock_in_service job_cost arr_seq sched job_lock_in_service.
(* Then, job j must complete in job_cost j - job_lock_in_service j time
units after it reaches lock-in service. *)
Lemma job_completes_after_reaching_lock_in_service:
∀ t,
job_lock_in_service j ≤ service sched j t →
completed_by job_cost sched j (t + (job_cost j - job_lock_in_service j)).
End CompletionOfJobAfterLockInService.
End LockInService.
End AbstractRTALockInService.
Import Job UniprocessorSchedule Service AbstractRTADefinitions.
(* Previously we defined the notion of lock-in service (see limited.schedule.v file).
Lock-in service is the amount of service after which a job cannot be preempted until
its completion. In this section we prove that if cumulative interference inside a
busy interval is bounded by a certain constant then a job executes long enough to
reach its lock-in service and become nonpreemptive. *)
Section LockInService.
Context {Task: eqType}.
Variable task_cost: Task → time.
Context {Job: eqType}.
Variable job_arrival: Job → time.
Variable job_cost: Job → time.
Variable job_task: Job → Task.
(* Consider any arrival sequence with consistent arrivals... *)
Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
Hypothesis H_arrival_times_are_consistent: arrival_times_are_consistent job_arrival arr_seq.
(* Next, consider any uniprocessor schedule of this arrival sequence. *)
Variable sched: schedule Job.
(* Assume that the job costs are no larger than the task costs. *)
Hypothesis H_job_cost_le_task_cost:
task_cost job_cost job_task arr_seq.
(* Let tsk be any task that is to be analyzed. *)
Variable tsk: Task.
(* Assume we are provided with abstract functions for interference and interfering workload. *)
Variable interference: Job → time → bool.
Variable interfering_workload: Job → time → time.
(* For simplicity, let's define some local names. *)
Let work_conserving := work_conserving job_arrival job_cost job_task arr_seq sched tsk.
Let cumul_interference := cumul_interference interference.
Let cumul_interfering_workload := cumul_interfering_workload interfering_workload.
Let busy_interval := busy_interval job_arrival job_cost sched interference interfering_workload.
(* We assume that the schedule is work-conserving. *)
Hypothesis H_work_conserving: work_conserving interference interfering_workload.
(* Let j be any job of task tsk with positive job cost. *)
Variable j: Job.
Hypothesis H_j_arrives: arrives_in arr_seq j.
Hypothesis H_job_of_tsk: job_task j = tsk.
Hypothesis H_job_cost_positive: job_cost_positive job_cost j.
(* Next, consider any busy interval t1, t2) of job j. *)
Variable t1 t2: time.
Hypothesis H_busy_interval: busy_interval j t1 t2.
(* First, we prove that job j completes by the end of the busy interval.
Note that the busy interval contains the execution of job j, in addition
time instant t2 is a quiet time. Thus by the definition of a quiet time
the job should be completed before time t2. *)
Lemma job_completes_within_busy_interval:
completed_by job_cost sched j t2.
(* In this section we show that the cumulative interference is a complement to
the total time where job j is scheduled inside the busy interval. *)
Section InterferenceIsComplement.
(* Consider any subinterval t, t + delta) inside the busy interval [t1, t2). *)
Variable t delta: time.
Hypothesis H_greater_than_or_equal: t1 ≤ t.
Hypothesis H_less_or_equal: t + delta ≤ t2.
(* We prove that sum of cumulative service and cumulative interference
in the interval t, t + delta) is equal to delta. *)
Lemma interference_is_complement_to_schedule:
service_during sched j t (t + delta) + cumul_interference j t (t + delta) = delta.
End InterferenceIsComplement.
(* In this section, we prove a sufficient condition under which job j receives enough service. *)
Section InterferenceBoundedImpliesEnoughService.
(* Let progress_of_job be the desired service of job j. *)
Variable progress_of_job: time.
Hypothesis H_progress_le_job_cost: progress_of_job ≤ job_cost j.
(* Assume that for some delta, the sum of desired progress and cumulative
interference is bounded by delta (i.e., the supply). *)
Variable delta: time.
Hypothesis H_total_workload_is_bounded:
progress_of_job + cumul_interference j t1 (t1 + delta) ≤ delta.
(* Then, it must be the case that the job has received no less service than progress_of_job. *)
Theorem j_receives_at_least_lock_in_service:
service sched j (t1 + delta) ≥ progress_of_job.
End InterferenceBoundedImpliesEnoughService.
(* In this section we prove a simple lemma about completion of
a job after is reaches lock-in service. *)
Section CompletionOfJobAfterLockInService.
(* Assume that completed jobs do not execute. *)
Hypothesis H_completed_jobs_dont_execute:
completed_jobs_dont_execute job_cost sched.
(* Consider a proper job lock-in service function, i.e... *)
Variable job_lock_in_service: Job → time.
(* ...(1) for any job j the lock-in service of job j is positive... *)
Hypothesis H_lock_in_service_positive:
job_lock_in_service_positive job_cost arr_seq job_lock_in_service.
(* ...(2) it also less-than-or-equal to the job_cost... *)
Hypothesis H_lock_in_service_le_job_cost:
job_lock_in_service_le_job_cost job_cost arr_seq job_lock_in_service.
(* ..., and (3) we assume that the scheduler respects the notion of the lock-in service. *)
Hypothesis H_job_nonpreemptive_after_lock_in_service:
job_nonpreemptive_after_lock_in_service job_cost arr_seq sched job_lock_in_service.
(* Then, job j must complete in job_cost j - job_lock_in_service j time
units after it reaches lock-in service. *)
Lemma job_completes_after_reaching_lock_in_service:
∀ t,
job_lock_in_service j ≤ service sched j t →
completed_by job_cost sched j (t + (job_cost j - job_lock_in_service j)).
End CompletionOfJobAfterLockInService.
End LockInService.
End AbstractRTALockInService.