Library prosa.util.div_mod
From mathcomp Require Export ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop div ssrfun.
Require Export prosa.util.nat prosa.util.subadditivity.
Require Export prosa.util.nat prosa.util.subadditivity.
Additional lemmas about divn and modn.
Definition div_floor (x y : nat) : nat := x %/ y.
Definition div_ceil (x y : nat) := if y %| x then x %/ y else (x %/ y).+1.
Definition div_ceil (x y : nat) := if y %| x then x %/ y else (x %/ y).+1.
We show that div_ceil is monotone with respect to the first
Given T and Δ such that Δ ≥ T > 0, we show that div_ceil Δ T
is strictly greater than div_ceil (Δ - T) T.
We show that the division with ceiling by a constant T is a subadditive function.
We show that for any two integers a and b,
a is less than a %/ b × b + b given that b is positive.
We prove a technical lemma stating that for any three integers a, b, c
such that c > b, mod can be swapped with subtraction in
the expression (a + c - b) %% c.