Require Import prosa.classic.util.all.
Require Import prosa.classic.model.arrival.basic.job prosa.classic.model.arrival.basic.task.
Require Import prosa.classic.model.schedule.uni.schedule.
Require Export
Require Export prosa.util.nondecreasing.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrfun eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop.
Require Import prosa.classic.model.arrival.basic.job prosa.classic.model.arrival.basic.task.
Require Import prosa.classic.model.schedule.uni.schedule.
Require Export
Require Export prosa.util.nondecreasing.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrfun eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop.
Platform for models with limited preemptions
In module we introduce the notion of whether a job can be preempted at a given time (using a predicate can_be_preempted). In this section, we instantiate can_be_preempted for the model with fixed preemption points and model with floating nonpreemptive regions.
Module ModelWithLimitedPreemptions.
Import Job UniprocessorSchedule LimitedPreemptionPlatform.
(* In this section, we instantiate can_be_preempted for the model with fixed preemption points and
the model with floating nonpreemptive regions. We also prove that the definitions are correct. *)
Section ModelsWithLimitedPreemptions.
Context {Task: eqType}.
Variable task_cost: Task → time.
Context {Job: eqType}.
Variable job_arrival: Job → time.
Variable job_cost: Job → time.
Variable job_task: Job → Task.
(* Consider any job arrival sequence. *)
Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
(* Next, consider a function that maps a job to the sequence of its preemption points. *)
Variable job_preemption_points: Job → seq time.
(* In this section, we provide a set of hypotheses for the models with limited preemptions. *)
Section Definitions.
(* In this section, we introduce the job-level definitions.
They are the same for both models. *)
Section ModelWithLimitedPreemptions.
(* First, we define a function that maps a job to the
sequence of lengths of its nonpreemptive segments. *)
Definition lengths_of_segments j := distances (job_preemption_points j).
(* Next, we define a function that maps a job to the
length of the longest nonpreemptive segment of job j. *)
Definition job_max_nps (j : Job) := max0 (lengths_of_segments j).
(* Similarly, job_last is a function that maps a job to the
length of the last nonpreemptive segment. *)
Definition job_last_nps (j : Job) := last0 (lengths_of_segments j).
(* Next, we describe some structural properties that
a sequence of preemption points should satisfy. *)
(* (1) The sequence of preemption points of a job with zero cost is equal to 0; 0. *)
Definition job_with_zero_cost_consists_of_one_empty_segment :=
∀ j, arrives_in arr_seq j → job_cost j = 0 → job_preemption_points j = [::0; 0].
(* (2) The last nonpreemptive segment of a job with positive cost cannot be empty. *)
Definition last_segment_is_positive :=
∀ j, arrives_in arr_seq j → job_cost j > 0 → job_last_nps j > 0.
(* (3) We also require the sequence of preemption points to contain the beginning... *)
Definition beginning_of_execution_in_preemption_points :=
∀ j, arrives_in arr_seq j → first0 (job_preemption_points j) = 0.
(* ... and (4) the end of execution for any job j.*)
Definition end_of_execution_in_preemption_points :=
∀ j, arrives_in arr_seq j → last0 (job_preemption_points j) = job_cost j.
(* (5) We require the sequence of preemption points to be a nondecreasing sequence. *)
Definition preemption_points_is_nondecreasing_sequence :=
∀ (j: Job),
arrives_in arr_seq j →
nondecreasing_sequence (job_preemption_points j).
(* Finally, we define a job-level model with limited preemptions
as a concatenation of the hypotheses above. *)
Definition limited_preemptions_job_model :=
job_with_zero_cost_consists_of_one_empty_segment ∧
last_segment_is_positive ∧
beginning_of_execution_in_preemption_points ∧
end_of_execution_in_preemption_points ∧
End ModelWithLimitedPreemptions.
(* In this section, we define the model with fixed preemption points. *)
Section ModelWithFixedPreemptionPoints.
(* Consider a function that maps a task to the sequence of its preemption points. *)
Variable task_preemption_points: Task → seq time.
(* Similarly to job's nonpreemptive segments, we define the length of the max
nonpreemptive segment and lenght of the last nonpreemptive segment. *)
Definition task_last_nps tsk := last0 (distances (task_preemption_points tsk)).
Definition task_max_nps tsk := max0 (distances (task_preemption_points tsk)).
(* Consider an arbitrary task set ts. *)
Variable ts: list Task.
(* Next, we describe some structural properties that
a sequence of preemption points of task should satisfy. *)
(* (1) We require the sequence of preemption points to contain the beginning... *)
Definition task_beginning_of_execution_in_preemption_points :=
∀ tsk, tsk \in ts → first0 (task_preemption_points tsk) = 0.
(* ... and (2) the end of execution for any job j.*)
Definition task_end_of_execution_in_preemption_points :=
∀ tsk, tsk \in ts → last0 (task_preemption_points tsk) = task_cost tsk.
(* (3) We require the sequence of preemption points
to be a nondecreasing sequence. *)
Definition task_preemption_points_is_nondecreasing_sequence :=
∀ tsk, tsk \in ts → nondecreasing_sequence (task_preemption_points tsk).
(* (4) Next, we require the number of nonpreemptive segments of a job to be
equal to the number of nonpreemptive segments of its task. Note that
some of nonpreemptive segments of a job can have zero length, nonetheless
the number of segments should match. *)
Definition job_consists_of_the_same_number_of_segments_as_task :=
∀ j,
arrives_in arr_seq j →
size (job_preemption_points j) = size (task_preemption_points (job_task j)).
(* (5) We require lengths of nonpreemptive segments of a job to be bounded
by lenghts of the corresponding segments of its task. *)
Definition lengths_of_task_segments_bound_length_of_job_segments :=
∀ j n,
arrives_in arr_seq j →
nth 0 (distances (job_preemption_points j)) n
≤ nth 0 (distances (task_preemption_points (job_task j))) n.
(* (6) Lastly, we ban empty nonpreemptive segments for tasks. *)
Definition task_segments_are_nonempty :=
∀ tsk n,
(tsk \in ts) →
n < size (distances (task_preemption_points tsk)) →
ε ≤ nth 0 (distances (task_preemption_points tsk)) n.
(* We define a task-level model with fixed preemption points
as a concatenation of the hypotheses above. *)
Definition fixed_preemption_points_task_model :=
task_beginning_of_execution_in_preemption_points ∧
task_end_of_execution_in_preemption_points ∧
task_preemption_points_is_nondecreasing_sequence ∧
job_consists_of_the_same_number_of_segments_as_task ∧
lengths_of_task_segments_bound_length_of_job_segments ∧
(* We define the model with fixed preemption points as
the model with fixed preemptions points at the task-level
and model with limited preemptions at the job-level. *)
Definition fixed_preemption_points_model :=
limited_preemptions_job_model ∧
End ModelWithFixedPreemptionPoints.
(* In this section, we define the model with floating nonpreemptive regions. *)
Section ModelWithFloatingNonpreemptiveRegions.
(* Consider a function task_max_nps that maps a task to
the lenght of its max nonpreemptive segment. *)
Variable task_max_nps: Task → time.
(* We require task_max_nps (job_task j) to be an upper bound
of the lenght of the max nonpreemptive segment of job j. *)
Definition job_max_np_segment_le_task_max_np_segment :=
∀ (j: Job),
arrives_in arr_seq j →
job_max_nps j ≤ task_max_nps (job_task j).
(* We define the model with floating nonpreemptive regions as
the model with floating nonpreemptive regions at the task-level
and model with limited preemptions at the job-level. *)
Definition model_with_floating_nonpreemptive_regions :=
limited_preemptions_job_model ∧
End ModelWithFloatingNonpreemptiveRegions.
(* Given a list of preemption points for each job, we define the function
can_be_preempted for the model with limited preemptions as follows. We say
that job j can be preempted at time t iff the service received by j at
time t belongs to the list of preemptions points. *)
Definition can_be_preempted_for_model_with_limited_preemptions (j: Job) (progr: time) :=
progr \in job_preemption_points j.
(* Based on the definition of the model with limited preemptions,
we define a schedule with limited preemptions. *)
Definition is_schedule_with_limited_preemptions (sched: schedule Job) :=
∀ j t,
arrives_in arr_seq j →
~~ can_be_preempted_for_model_with_limited_preemptions j (service sched j t) →
scheduled_at sched j t.
End Definitions.
(* In this section, we prove correctness of the model defined by
function model_with_limited_preemptions. *)
Section Lemmas.
(* Consider any uniprocessor schedule with limited preemptions...*)
Variable sched: schedule Job.
Hypothesis H_is_schedule_with_limited_preemptions:
is_schedule_with_limited_preemptions sched.
(* ...where jobs do not execute after their completion. *)
Hypothesis H_completed_jobs_dont_execute: completed_jobs_dont_execute job_cost sched.
(* Next, we assume that preemption points are defined by the model with
floating nonpreemptive regions. Note that the assumptions of the
model with floating nonpreemptive regions are a strict subset of
the assumptions of the model with fixed preemption points. This
guaranties that the results below work for both models. *)
Variable task_max_nps: Task → time.
Hypothesis H_limited_preemptions_job_model: limited_preemptions_job_model.
Hypothesis H_job_max_np_segment_le_task_max_np_segment:
job_max_np_segment_le_task_max_np_segment task_max_nps.
(* First, we prove a few basic auxiliary lemmas. *)
Section AuxiliaryLemmas.
(* Consider a job j. *)
Variable j: Job.
Hypothesis H_j_arrives: arrives_in arr_seq j.
(* We prove that the list of preemption points is not empty. *)
Lemma list_of_preemption_point_is_not_empty:
0 < size (job_preemption_points j).
move: H_limited_preemptions_job_model ⇒ [EMPT [LS [BEG [END _]]]].
move: (posnP (job_cost j)) ⇒ [ZERO|POS].
{ by specialize (EMPT j H_j_arrives ZERO); rewrite EMPT. }
apply/negPn/negP; rewrite -eqn0Ngt; intros CONTR; move: CONTR ⇒ /eqP CONTR.
move: (END _ H_j_arrives) ⇒ EQ.
move: EQ; rewrite /last0 -nth_last nth_default; last by rewrite CONTR.
by rewrite /job_cost_positive -EQ in POS.
(* We prove that 0 is a preemption point. *)
Lemma zero_in_preemption_points: 0 \in job_preemption_points j.
move: H_limited_preemptions_job_model ⇒ [EMPT [LS [BEG [END _]]]].
move: (BEG _ H_j_arrives) ⇒ EQ.
rewrite -EQ; clear EQ.
rewrite /first0 -nth0.
apply/(nthP 0).
∃ 0.
- by apply list_of_preemption_point_is_not_empty.
- by done.
(* Next, we prove that the cost of a job is a preemption point. *)
Lemma job_cost_in_nonpreemptive_points: job_cost j \in job_preemption_points j.
move: H_limited_preemptions_job_model ⇒ [EMPT [LS [BEG [END _]]]].
move: (END _ H_j_arrives) ⇒ EQ.
rewrite -EQ; clear EQ.
rewrite /last0 -nth_last.
apply/(nthP 0).
∃ ((size (job_preemption_points j)).-1); last by done.
rewrite -(leq_add2r 1) !addn1 prednK //.
by apply list_of_preemption_point_is_not_empty.
(* As a corollary, we prove that the size of the sequence of nonpreemptive points is at least 2. *)
Corollary number_of_preemption_points_at_least_two: 2 ≤ size (job_preemption_points j).
move: H_limited_preemptions_job_model ⇒ [EMPT [LS [BEG [END _]]]].
move: (posnP (job_cost j)) ⇒ [ZERO|POS].
{ by specialize (EMPT j H_j_arrives ZERO); rewrite EMPT. }
have EQ: 2 = size [::0; job_cost j]; first by done.
rewrite EQ; clear EQ.
apply subseq_leq_size.
rewrite !cons_uniq.
{ apply/andP; split.
rewrite in_cons negb_or; apply/andP; split; last by done.
rewrite neq_ltn; apply/orP; left; eauto 2.
apply/andP; split; by done. }
intros t EQ; move: EQ; rewrite !in_cons.
move ⇒ /orP [/eqP EQ| /orP [/eqP EQ|EQ]]; last by done.
- by rewrite EQ; apply zero_in_preemption_points.
- by rewrite EQ; apply job_cost_in_nonpreemptive_points.
End AuxiliaryLemmas.
(* We prove that the fixed_preemption_point_model function defines
a correct preemption model. *)
Lemma model_with_fixed_preemption_points_is_correct:
correct_preemption_model arr_seq sched can_be_preempted_for_model_with_limited_preemptions.
intros j ARR; split.
{ move ⇒ t NPP.
by apply H_is_schedule_with_limited_preemptions. }
{ intros t NSCHED SCHED.
have SERV: service sched j t = service sched j t.+1.
{ rewrite -[service sched j t]addn0 /service /service_during; apply/eqP.
rewrite big_nat_recr //=.
rewrite eqn_add2l eq_sym.
by rewrite /service_at eqb0. }
rewrite -[can_be_preempted_for_model_with_limited_preemptions _ _]Bool.negb_involutive.
apply/negP; intros CONTR.
move: NSCHED ⇒ /negP NSCHED; apply: NSCHED.
apply H_is_schedule_with_limited_preemptions; first by done.
by rewrite SERV.
(* Next we prove that the fixed_preemption_point_model function defines
a model with bounded nonpremtive regions. *)
Lemma model_with_fixed_preemption_points_is_model_with_bounded_nonpreemptive_regions:
job_cost job_task arr_seq can_be_preempted_for_model_with_limited_preemptions
job_max_nps task_max_nps.
intros j ARR.
move: H_limited_preemptions_job_model ⇒ [EMPT [LS [BEG [END NDEC]]]].
move: (posnP (job_cost j)) ⇒ [ZERO|POS].
{ specialize (EMPT j ARR ZERO).
split; last split; last split.
- by rewrite /job_cannot_become_nonpreemptive_before_execution /can_be_preempted_for_model_with_limited_preemptions EMPT.
- by rewrite /job_cannot_be_nonpreemptive_after_completion /can_be_preempted_for_model_with_limited_preemptions EMPT ZERO.
- by intros _; rewrite /job_max_nps /lengths_of_segments EMPT /distances; simpl; rewrite subn0.
- move ⇒ progr; rewrite ZERO leqn0; move ⇒ /andP [_ /eqP LE].
∃ 0; rewrite LE; split.
+ by apply/andP; split.
+ by rewrite /can_be_preempted_for_model_with_limited_preemptions EMPT.
split; last split; last split.
{ by rewrite /job_cannot_become_nonpreemptive_before_execution; eauto; apply zero_in_preemption_points. }
{ by apply job_cost_in_nonpreemptive_points. }
{ by intros ARR2; apply H_job_max_np_segment_le_task_max_np_segment. }
{ unfold nonpreemptive_regions_have_bounded_length, can_be_preempted_for_model_with_limited_preemptions.
move ⇒ progr /andP [_ LE].
specialize (NDEC j).
specialize (H_is_schedule_with_limited_preemptions j).
destruct (progr \in job_preemption_points j) eqn:NotIN.
{ ∃ progr; split; first apply/andP; first split; try done.
by rewrite leq_addr.
set (preemptions := job_preemption_points j).
set (serv := progr).
have Fact1: job_cost j ≤ last0 preemptions.
{ by apply last_is_max_in_nondecreasing_seq; eauto 2; apply job_cost_in_nonpreemptive_points. }
have Fact2: first0 preemptions ≤ serv < last0 preemptions.
{ apply/andP; split.
- by rewrite /preemptions BEG.
- rewrite /serv /preemptions END; last by done.
rewrite ltn_neqAle; apply/andP; split; last by done.
apply/negP; intros CONTR; move: CONTR ⇒ /eqP CONTR.
rewrite CONTR in NotIN.
move: NotIN ⇒ /eqP; rewrite eqbF_neg; move ⇒ /negP NIN; apply: NIN.
by apply job_cost_in_nonpreemptive_points.
have EX: ∃ n,
n.+1 < size preemptions ∧
nth 0 preemptions n < serv < nth 0 preemptions n.+1.
{ intros.
move: (belonging_to_segment_of_seq_is_total
preemptions serv (number_of_preemption_points_at_least_two _ ARR) Fact2) ⇒ [n [SIZE2 /andP [N1 N2]]].
∃ n; split; first by done.
apply/andP; split; last by done.
move: N1; rewrite leq_eqVlt; move ⇒ /orP [/eqP EQ | G]; last by done.
move: NotIN ⇒ /negP CONTR; apply: CONTR.
unfold serv, fixed_preemption_points_model in ×.
rewrite -EQ; clear EQ.
rewrite mem_nth //.
by apply ltnW.
move: EX ⇒ [x [SIZE2 /andP [N1 N2]]].
set ptl := nth 0 preemptions x.
set ptr := nth 0 preemptions x.+1.
∃ ptr.
{ apply/andP; split.
{ by apply ltnW. }
apply leq_trans with (ptl + (job_max_nps j - ε) + 1).
{ unfold job_max_nps.
rewrite -addnA -leq_subLR.
rewrite -(leq_add2r 1).
rewrite [in X in _ ≤ X]addnC -leq_subLR.
rewrite !subn1 !addn1 prednK.
{ by rewrite -[_.+1.-1]pred_Sn; apply distance_between_neighboring_elements_le_max_distance_in_seq. }
{ apply max_distance_in_nontrivial_seq_is_positive; first by eauto 2.
∃ 0, (job_cost j); repeat split.
- by apply zero_in_preemption_points.
- by apply job_cost_in_nonpreemptive_points.
- apply/eqP; rewrite eq_sym -lt0n.
by apply POS.
{ rewrite addn1. rewrite ltn_add2r. apply N1. }
{ by apply mem_nth. }
End Lemmas.
End ModelsWithLimitedPreemptions.
End ModelWithLimitedPreemptions.
Import Job UniprocessorSchedule LimitedPreemptionPlatform.
(* In this section, we instantiate can_be_preempted for the model with fixed preemption points and
the model with floating nonpreemptive regions. We also prove that the definitions are correct. *)
Section ModelsWithLimitedPreemptions.
Context {Task: eqType}.
Variable task_cost: Task → time.
Context {Job: eqType}.
Variable job_arrival: Job → time.
Variable job_cost: Job → time.
Variable job_task: Job → Task.
(* Consider any job arrival sequence. *)
Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
(* Next, consider a function that maps a job to the sequence of its preemption points. *)
Variable job_preemption_points: Job → seq time.
(* In this section, we provide a set of hypotheses for the models with limited preemptions. *)
Section Definitions.
(* In this section, we introduce the job-level definitions.
They are the same for both models. *)
Section ModelWithLimitedPreemptions.
(* First, we define a function that maps a job to the
sequence of lengths of its nonpreemptive segments. *)
Definition lengths_of_segments j := distances (job_preemption_points j).
(* Next, we define a function that maps a job to the
length of the longest nonpreemptive segment of job j. *)
Definition job_max_nps (j : Job) := max0 (lengths_of_segments j).
(* Similarly, job_last is a function that maps a job to the
length of the last nonpreemptive segment. *)
Definition job_last_nps (j : Job) := last0 (lengths_of_segments j).
(* Next, we describe some structural properties that
a sequence of preemption points should satisfy. *)
(* (1) The sequence of preemption points of a job with zero cost is equal to 0; 0. *)
Definition job_with_zero_cost_consists_of_one_empty_segment :=
∀ j, arrives_in arr_seq j → job_cost j = 0 → job_preemption_points j = [::0; 0].
(* (2) The last nonpreemptive segment of a job with positive cost cannot be empty. *)
Definition last_segment_is_positive :=
∀ j, arrives_in arr_seq j → job_cost j > 0 → job_last_nps j > 0.
(* (3) We also require the sequence of preemption points to contain the beginning... *)
Definition beginning_of_execution_in_preemption_points :=
∀ j, arrives_in arr_seq j → first0 (job_preemption_points j) = 0.
(* ... and (4) the end of execution for any job j.*)
Definition end_of_execution_in_preemption_points :=
∀ j, arrives_in arr_seq j → last0 (job_preemption_points j) = job_cost j.
(* (5) We require the sequence of preemption points to be a nondecreasing sequence. *)
Definition preemption_points_is_nondecreasing_sequence :=
∀ (j: Job),
arrives_in arr_seq j →
nondecreasing_sequence (job_preemption_points j).
(* Finally, we define a job-level model with limited preemptions
as a concatenation of the hypotheses above. *)
Definition limited_preemptions_job_model :=
job_with_zero_cost_consists_of_one_empty_segment ∧
last_segment_is_positive ∧
beginning_of_execution_in_preemption_points ∧
end_of_execution_in_preemption_points ∧
End ModelWithLimitedPreemptions.
(* In this section, we define the model with fixed preemption points. *)
Section ModelWithFixedPreemptionPoints.
(* Consider a function that maps a task to the sequence of its preemption points. *)
Variable task_preemption_points: Task → seq time.
(* Similarly to job's nonpreemptive segments, we define the length of the max
nonpreemptive segment and lenght of the last nonpreemptive segment. *)
Definition task_last_nps tsk := last0 (distances (task_preemption_points tsk)).
Definition task_max_nps tsk := max0 (distances (task_preemption_points tsk)).
(* Consider an arbitrary task set ts. *)
Variable ts: list Task.
(* Next, we describe some structural properties that
a sequence of preemption points of task should satisfy. *)
(* (1) We require the sequence of preemption points to contain the beginning... *)
Definition task_beginning_of_execution_in_preemption_points :=
∀ tsk, tsk \in ts → first0 (task_preemption_points tsk) = 0.
(* ... and (2) the end of execution for any job j.*)
Definition task_end_of_execution_in_preemption_points :=
∀ tsk, tsk \in ts → last0 (task_preemption_points tsk) = task_cost tsk.
(* (3) We require the sequence of preemption points
to be a nondecreasing sequence. *)
Definition task_preemption_points_is_nondecreasing_sequence :=
∀ tsk, tsk \in ts → nondecreasing_sequence (task_preemption_points tsk).
(* (4) Next, we require the number of nonpreemptive segments of a job to be
equal to the number of nonpreemptive segments of its task. Note that
some of nonpreemptive segments of a job can have zero length, nonetheless
the number of segments should match. *)
Definition job_consists_of_the_same_number_of_segments_as_task :=
∀ j,
arrives_in arr_seq j →
size (job_preemption_points j) = size (task_preemption_points (job_task j)).
(* (5) We require lengths of nonpreemptive segments of a job to be bounded
by lenghts of the corresponding segments of its task. *)
Definition lengths_of_task_segments_bound_length_of_job_segments :=
∀ j n,
arrives_in arr_seq j →
nth 0 (distances (job_preemption_points j)) n
≤ nth 0 (distances (task_preemption_points (job_task j))) n.
(* (6) Lastly, we ban empty nonpreemptive segments for tasks. *)
Definition task_segments_are_nonempty :=
∀ tsk n,
(tsk \in ts) →
n < size (distances (task_preemption_points tsk)) →
ε ≤ nth 0 (distances (task_preemption_points tsk)) n.
(* We define a task-level model with fixed preemption points
as a concatenation of the hypotheses above. *)
Definition fixed_preemption_points_task_model :=
task_beginning_of_execution_in_preemption_points ∧
task_end_of_execution_in_preemption_points ∧
task_preemption_points_is_nondecreasing_sequence ∧
job_consists_of_the_same_number_of_segments_as_task ∧
lengths_of_task_segments_bound_length_of_job_segments ∧
(* We define the model with fixed preemption points as
the model with fixed preemptions points at the task-level
and model with limited preemptions at the job-level. *)
Definition fixed_preemption_points_model :=
limited_preemptions_job_model ∧
End ModelWithFixedPreemptionPoints.
(* In this section, we define the model with floating nonpreemptive regions. *)
Section ModelWithFloatingNonpreemptiveRegions.
(* Consider a function task_max_nps that maps a task to
the lenght of its max nonpreemptive segment. *)
Variable task_max_nps: Task → time.
(* We require task_max_nps (job_task j) to be an upper bound
of the lenght of the max nonpreemptive segment of job j. *)
Definition job_max_np_segment_le_task_max_np_segment :=
∀ (j: Job),
arrives_in arr_seq j →
job_max_nps j ≤ task_max_nps (job_task j).
(* We define the model with floating nonpreemptive regions as
the model with floating nonpreemptive regions at the task-level
and model with limited preemptions at the job-level. *)
Definition model_with_floating_nonpreemptive_regions :=
limited_preemptions_job_model ∧
End ModelWithFloatingNonpreemptiveRegions.
(* Given a list of preemption points for each job, we define the function
can_be_preempted for the model with limited preemptions as follows. We say
that job j can be preempted at time t iff the service received by j at
time t belongs to the list of preemptions points. *)
Definition can_be_preempted_for_model_with_limited_preemptions (j: Job) (progr: time) :=
progr \in job_preemption_points j.
(* Based on the definition of the model with limited preemptions,
we define a schedule with limited preemptions. *)
Definition is_schedule_with_limited_preemptions (sched: schedule Job) :=
∀ j t,
arrives_in arr_seq j →
~~ can_be_preempted_for_model_with_limited_preemptions j (service sched j t) →
scheduled_at sched j t.
End Definitions.
(* In this section, we prove correctness of the model defined by
function model_with_limited_preemptions. *)
Section Lemmas.
(* Consider any uniprocessor schedule with limited preemptions...*)
Variable sched: schedule Job.
Hypothesis H_is_schedule_with_limited_preemptions:
is_schedule_with_limited_preemptions sched.
(* ...where jobs do not execute after their completion. *)
Hypothesis H_completed_jobs_dont_execute: completed_jobs_dont_execute job_cost sched.
(* Next, we assume that preemption points are defined by the model with
floating nonpreemptive regions. Note that the assumptions of the
model with floating nonpreemptive regions are a strict subset of
the assumptions of the model with fixed preemption points. This
guaranties that the results below work for both models. *)
Variable task_max_nps: Task → time.
Hypothesis H_limited_preemptions_job_model: limited_preemptions_job_model.
Hypothesis H_job_max_np_segment_le_task_max_np_segment:
job_max_np_segment_le_task_max_np_segment task_max_nps.
(* First, we prove a few basic auxiliary lemmas. *)
Section AuxiliaryLemmas.
(* Consider a job j. *)
Variable j: Job.
Hypothesis H_j_arrives: arrives_in arr_seq j.
(* We prove that the list of preemption points is not empty. *)
Lemma list_of_preemption_point_is_not_empty:
0 < size (job_preemption_points j).
move: H_limited_preemptions_job_model ⇒ [EMPT [LS [BEG [END _]]]].
move: (posnP (job_cost j)) ⇒ [ZERO|POS].
{ by specialize (EMPT j H_j_arrives ZERO); rewrite EMPT. }
apply/negPn/negP; rewrite -eqn0Ngt; intros CONTR; move: CONTR ⇒ /eqP CONTR.
move: (END _ H_j_arrives) ⇒ EQ.
move: EQ; rewrite /last0 -nth_last nth_default; last by rewrite CONTR.
by rewrite /job_cost_positive -EQ in POS.
(* We prove that 0 is a preemption point. *)
Lemma zero_in_preemption_points: 0 \in job_preemption_points j.
move: H_limited_preemptions_job_model ⇒ [EMPT [LS [BEG [END _]]]].
move: (BEG _ H_j_arrives) ⇒ EQ.
rewrite -EQ; clear EQ.
rewrite /first0 -nth0.
apply/(nthP 0).
∃ 0.
- by apply list_of_preemption_point_is_not_empty.
- by done.
(* Next, we prove that the cost of a job is a preemption point. *)
Lemma job_cost_in_nonpreemptive_points: job_cost j \in job_preemption_points j.
move: H_limited_preemptions_job_model ⇒ [EMPT [LS [BEG [END _]]]].
move: (END _ H_j_arrives) ⇒ EQ.
rewrite -EQ; clear EQ.
rewrite /last0 -nth_last.
apply/(nthP 0).
∃ ((size (job_preemption_points j)).-1); last by done.
rewrite -(leq_add2r 1) !addn1 prednK //.
by apply list_of_preemption_point_is_not_empty.
(* As a corollary, we prove that the size of the sequence of nonpreemptive points is at least 2. *)
Corollary number_of_preemption_points_at_least_two: 2 ≤ size (job_preemption_points j).
move: H_limited_preemptions_job_model ⇒ [EMPT [LS [BEG [END _]]]].
move: (posnP (job_cost j)) ⇒ [ZERO|POS].
{ by specialize (EMPT j H_j_arrives ZERO); rewrite EMPT. }
have EQ: 2 = size [::0; job_cost j]; first by done.
rewrite EQ; clear EQ.
apply subseq_leq_size.
rewrite !cons_uniq.
{ apply/andP; split.
rewrite in_cons negb_or; apply/andP; split; last by done.
rewrite neq_ltn; apply/orP; left; eauto 2.
apply/andP; split; by done. }
intros t EQ; move: EQ; rewrite !in_cons.
move ⇒ /orP [/eqP EQ| /orP [/eqP EQ|EQ]]; last by done.
- by rewrite EQ; apply zero_in_preemption_points.
- by rewrite EQ; apply job_cost_in_nonpreemptive_points.
End AuxiliaryLemmas.
(* We prove that the fixed_preemption_point_model function defines
a correct preemption model. *)
Lemma model_with_fixed_preemption_points_is_correct:
correct_preemption_model arr_seq sched can_be_preempted_for_model_with_limited_preemptions.
intros j ARR; split.
{ move ⇒ t NPP.
by apply H_is_schedule_with_limited_preemptions. }
{ intros t NSCHED SCHED.
have SERV: service sched j t = service sched j t.+1.
{ rewrite -[service sched j t]addn0 /service /service_during; apply/eqP.
rewrite big_nat_recr //=.
rewrite eqn_add2l eq_sym.
by rewrite /service_at eqb0. }
rewrite -[can_be_preempted_for_model_with_limited_preemptions _ _]Bool.negb_involutive.
apply/negP; intros CONTR.
move: NSCHED ⇒ /negP NSCHED; apply: NSCHED.
apply H_is_schedule_with_limited_preemptions; first by done.
by rewrite SERV.
(* Next we prove that the fixed_preemption_point_model function defines
a model with bounded nonpremtive regions. *)
Lemma model_with_fixed_preemption_points_is_model_with_bounded_nonpreemptive_regions:
job_cost job_task arr_seq can_be_preempted_for_model_with_limited_preemptions
job_max_nps task_max_nps.
intros j ARR.
move: H_limited_preemptions_job_model ⇒ [EMPT [LS [BEG [END NDEC]]]].
move: (posnP (job_cost j)) ⇒ [ZERO|POS].
{ specialize (EMPT j ARR ZERO).
split; last split; last split.
- by rewrite /job_cannot_become_nonpreemptive_before_execution /can_be_preempted_for_model_with_limited_preemptions EMPT.
- by rewrite /job_cannot_be_nonpreemptive_after_completion /can_be_preempted_for_model_with_limited_preemptions EMPT ZERO.
- by intros _; rewrite /job_max_nps /lengths_of_segments EMPT /distances; simpl; rewrite subn0.
- move ⇒ progr; rewrite ZERO leqn0; move ⇒ /andP [_ /eqP LE].
∃ 0; rewrite LE; split.
+ by apply/andP; split.
+ by rewrite /can_be_preempted_for_model_with_limited_preemptions EMPT.
split; last split; last split.
{ by rewrite /job_cannot_become_nonpreemptive_before_execution; eauto; apply zero_in_preemption_points. }
{ by apply job_cost_in_nonpreemptive_points. }
{ by intros ARR2; apply H_job_max_np_segment_le_task_max_np_segment. }
{ unfold nonpreemptive_regions_have_bounded_length, can_be_preempted_for_model_with_limited_preemptions.
move ⇒ progr /andP [_ LE].
specialize (NDEC j).
specialize (H_is_schedule_with_limited_preemptions j).
destruct (progr \in job_preemption_points j) eqn:NotIN.
{ ∃ progr; split; first apply/andP; first split; try done.
by rewrite leq_addr.
set (preemptions := job_preemption_points j).
set (serv := progr).
have Fact1: job_cost j ≤ last0 preemptions.
{ by apply last_is_max_in_nondecreasing_seq; eauto 2; apply job_cost_in_nonpreemptive_points. }
have Fact2: first0 preemptions ≤ serv < last0 preemptions.
{ apply/andP; split.
- by rewrite /preemptions BEG.
- rewrite /serv /preemptions END; last by done.
rewrite ltn_neqAle; apply/andP; split; last by done.
apply/negP; intros CONTR; move: CONTR ⇒ /eqP CONTR.
rewrite CONTR in NotIN.
move: NotIN ⇒ /eqP; rewrite eqbF_neg; move ⇒ /negP NIN; apply: NIN.
by apply job_cost_in_nonpreemptive_points.
have EX: ∃ n,
n.+1 < size preemptions ∧
nth 0 preemptions n < serv < nth 0 preemptions n.+1.
{ intros.
move: (belonging_to_segment_of_seq_is_total
preemptions serv (number_of_preemption_points_at_least_two _ ARR) Fact2) ⇒ [n [SIZE2 /andP [N1 N2]]].
∃ n; split; first by done.
apply/andP; split; last by done.
move: N1; rewrite leq_eqVlt; move ⇒ /orP [/eqP EQ | G]; last by done.
move: NotIN ⇒ /negP CONTR; apply: CONTR.
unfold serv, fixed_preemption_points_model in ×.
rewrite -EQ; clear EQ.
rewrite mem_nth //.
by apply ltnW.
move: EX ⇒ [x [SIZE2 /andP [N1 N2]]].
set ptl := nth 0 preemptions x.
set ptr := nth 0 preemptions x.+1.
∃ ptr.
{ apply/andP; split.
{ by apply ltnW. }
apply leq_trans with (ptl + (job_max_nps j - ε) + 1).
{ unfold job_max_nps.
rewrite -addnA -leq_subLR.
rewrite -(leq_add2r 1).
rewrite [in X in _ ≤ X]addnC -leq_subLR.
rewrite !subn1 !addn1 prednK.
{ by rewrite -[_.+1.-1]pred_Sn; apply distance_between_neighboring_elements_le_max_distance_in_seq. }
{ apply max_distance_in_nontrivial_seq_is_positive; first by eauto 2.
∃ 0, (job_cost j); repeat split.
- by apply zero_in_preemption_points.
- by apply job_cost_in_nonpreemptive_points.
- apply/eqP; rewrite eq_sym -lt0n.
by apply POS.
{ rewrite addn1. rewrite ltn_add2r. apply N1. }
{ by apply mem_nth. }
End Lemmas.
End ModelsWithLimitedPreemptions.
End ModelWithLimitedPreemptions.