Library prosa.classic.util.sorting
Require Import prosa.classic.util.tactics prosa.classic.util.induction prosa.classic.util.list.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop path.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop path.
Section Sorting.
Section SortedImplLeIdx.
(* Consider an arbitrary type T... *)
Variable T: eqType.
(* ... and some binary relation leT (≺) on it. *)
Variable leT: rel T.
Notation "x ≺ y" := (leT x y) (at level 30).
Let sorted xs := sorted leT xs.
(* Next, let xs be a sequence of elements of type T. *)
Variable xs: seq T.
(* Since Coq requires all functions to be total, we
need to specify a default value for cases when
an index exceeds the size of the sequence. *)
Variable default: T.
Let nth := nth default.
(* Next, let's introduce a notation for the nth element of a sequence. *)
Notation "xs [| n |]" := (nth xs n) (at level 10).
(* We prove that, given the fact that sequence xs is sorted,
the i'th element of xs is ≺ than the i+1'th element. *)
Lemma sort_ordered:
∀ (idx: nat),
sorted xs →
idx < (size xs).-1 →
xs[|idx|] ≺ xs[|idx.+1|].
intros idx SORT LT.
induction xs; first by rewrite /= ltn0 in LT.
simpl in SORT, LT; move: SORT ⇒ /pathP SORT.
by simpl; apply SORT.
(* Next we prove that the prefix of a sorted sequence is also sorted. *)
Lemma sorted_rcons_prefix:
∀ x,
sorted (rcons xs x) →
sorted xs.
intros x SORT; destruct xs; simpl; first by ins.
rewrite rcons_cons /= rcons_path in SORT.
by move: SORT ⇒ /andP [PATH _].
(* Let's assume that relation leT (≺) is transitive. *)
Hypothesis H_leT_is_transitive: transitive leT.
(* Given the fact that sequence xs is sorted, we prove that
the last elements of the sequence is the max. element. *)
Lemma order_sorted_rcons:
∀ (x lst: T),
sorted (rcons xs lst) →
x \in xs →
x ≺ lst.
intros x last SORT IN.
induction xs as [ | a xs']; [ | clear xs; rename xs' into xs]; first by rewrite in_nil in IN.
simpl in SORT; move: IN; rewrite in_cons; move ⇒ /orP IN.
destruct IN as [HEAD | TAIL];
last by apply IHxs'; [by apply path_sorted in SORT| by ins].
move: HEAD ⇒ /eqP HEAD; subst a.
apply order_path_min in SORT; last by ins.
move: SORT ⇒ /allP SORT.
by apply SORT; rewrite mem_rcons in_cons; apply/orP; left.
(* Next, we prove that for sorted sequence xs and for any
two indices i1 and i2, i1 < i2 implies xs|i1| ≺ xs|i2|. *)
Lemma sorted_lt_idx_implies_rel:
∀ i1 i2,
sorted xs →
i1 < i2 →
i2 < size xs →
xs[|i1|] ≺ xs [|i2|].
intros i1 i2 SORT LE LEsize.
generalize dependent i2; rewrite leq_as_delta.
intros delta LT.
destruct xs as [ | a xs']; [ | clear xs; rename xs' into xs]; first by rewrite ltn0 in LT.
simpl in SORT.
induction delta;
first by rewrite /= addn0 ltnS in LT; rewrite /= -addnE addn0; apply/pathP.
rewrite /transitive (H_leT_is_transitive (nth (a :: xs) (i1.+1 + delta))) //;
first by apply IHdelta, leq_ltn_trans with (n := i1.+1 + delta.+1); [rewrite leq_add2l| ].
rewrite -[delta.+1]addn1 addnA addn1.
move: SORT ⇒ /pathP SORT; apply SORT.
by rewrite /= -[delta.+1]addn1 addnA addn1 ltnS in LT.
(* Finally, assuming that (1) xs is sorted and contains
no duplicates, (2) ≺ is antisymmetric and transitive,
we prove that x|i1| ≺ x|i2| implies i1 ≤ i2. *)
Lemma sorted_rel_implies_le_idx:
∀ i1 i2,
uniq xs →
antisymmetric_over_list leT xs →
sorted xs →
xs[|i1|] ≺ xs[|i2|] →
i1 < size xs →
i2 < size xs →
i1 ≤ i2.
generalize dependent i2.
induction i1; first by done.
intros i2 REL SIZE2.
feed IHi1; first by apply ltn_trans with (n := i1.+1).
apply leq_trans with (n := i1.+1); first by done.
rewrite ltn_neqAle; apply/andP; split.
apply/eqP; red; intro BUG; subst.
assert (REL': leT (nth xs i2) (nth xs i2.+1)).
by apply sorted_lt_idx_implies_rel; rewrite // ltnSn.
rewrite /antisymmetric_over_list in ANTI.
exploit (ANTI (nth xs i2) (nth xs i2.+1)); rewrite ?mem_nth //.
move ⇒ /eqP EQ; rewrite nth_uniq in EQ; try (by done).
by rewrite -[_ == _]negbK in EQ; move: EQ ⇒ /negP EQ; apply EQ; apply/eqP.
apply IHi1; last by done.
rewrite /transitive (H_leT_is_transitive (nth xs i1.+1)) //.
by apply sorted_lt_idx_implies_rel; try (by done); apply ltnSn.
End SortedImplLeIdx.
(* Let F be a function from some type to natural numbers. Then for a
sequence xs, the fact that ∀ i: F(xs[i]) ≤ F(xs[i+1]) implies that
∀ i k: F(xs[i]) ≤ F(xs[i + k]). *)
Lemma prev_le_next:
∀ {T: Type} (F: T → nat) (xs: seq T) (def: T) (i k: nat),
(∀ i, i < (size xs).-1 → F (nth def xs i) ≤ F (nth def xs i.+1)) →
(i + k ≤ (size xs).-1) →
F (nth def xs i) ≤ F (nth def xs (i+k)).
intros T F r x i k ALL SIZE.
generalize dependent i. generalize dependent k.
induction k; intros; first by rewrite addn0 leqnn.
specialize (IHk i.+1); exploit IHk; [by rewrite addSnnS | intro LE].
apply leq_trans with (n := F (nth x r (i.+1)));
last by rewrite -addSnnS.
apply ALL, leq_trans with (n := i + k.+1); last by ins.
by rewrite addnS ltnS leq_addr.
End Sorting.
Section SortedImplLeIdx.
(* Consider an arbitrary type T... *)
Variable T: eqType.
(* ... and some binary relation leT (≺) on it. *)
Variable leT: rel T.
Notation "x ≺ y" := (leT x y) (at level 30).
Let sorted xs := sorted leT xs.
(* Next, let xs be a sequence of elements of type T. *)
Variable xs: seq T.
(* Since Coq requires all functions to be total, we
need to specify a default value for cases when
an index exceeds the size of the sequence. *)
Variable default: T.
Let nth := nth default.
(* Next, let's introduce a notation for the nth element of a sequence. *)
Notation "xs [| n |]" := (nth xs n) (at level 10).
(* We prove that, given the fact that sequence xs is sorted,
the i'th element of xs is ≺ than the i+1'th element. *)
Lemma sort_ordered:
∀ (idx: nat),
sorted xs →
idx < (size xs).-1 →
xs[|idx|] ≺ xs[|idx.+1|].
intros idx SORT LT.
induction xs; first by rewrite /= ltn0 in LT.
simpl in SORT, LT; move: SORT ⇒ /pathP SORT.
by simpl; apply SORT.
(* Next we prove that the prefix of a sorted sequence is also sorted. *)
Lemma sorted_rcons_prefix:
∀ x,
sorted (rcons xs x) →
sorted xs.
intros x SORT; destruct xs; simpl; first by ins.
rewrite rcons_cons /= rcons_path in SORT.
by move: SORT ⇒ /andP [PATH _].
(* Let's assume that relation leT (≺) is transitive. *)
Hypothesis H_leT_is_transitive: transitive leT.
(* Given the fact that sequence xs is sorted, we prove that
the last elements of the sequence is the max. element. *)
Lemma order_sorted_rcons:
∀ (x lst: T),
sorted (rcons xs lst) →
x \in xs →
x ≺ lst.
intros x last SORT IN.
induction xs as [ | a xs']; [ | clear xs; rename xs' into xs]; first by rewrite in_nil in IN.
simpl in SORT; move: IN; rewrite in_cons; move ⇒ /orP IN.
destruct IN as [HEAD | TAIL];
last by apply IHxs'; [by apply path_sorted in SORT| by ins].
move: HEAD ⇒ /eqP HEAD; subst a.
apply order_path_min in SORT; last by ins.
move: SORT ⇒ /allP SORT.
by apply SORT; rewrite mem_rcons in_cons; apply/orP; left.
(* Next, we prove that for sorted sequence xs and for any
two indices i1 and i2, i1 < i2 implies xs|i1| ≺ xs|i2|. *)
Lemma sorted_lt_idx_implies_rel:
∀ i1 i2,
sorted xs →
i1 < i2 →
i2 < size xs →
xs[|i1|] ≺ xs [|i2|].
intros i1 i2 SORT LE LEsize.
generalize dependent i2; rewrite leq_as_delta.
intros delta LT.
destruct xs as [ | a xs']; [ | clear xs; rename xs' into xs]; first by rewrite ltn0 in LT.
simpl in SORT.
induction delta;
first by rewrite /= addn0 ltnS in LT; rewrite /= -addnE addn0; apply/pathP.
rewrite /transitive (H_leT_is_transitive (nth (a :: xs) (i1.+1 + delta))) //;
first by apply IHdelta, leq_ltn_trans with (n := i1.+1 + delta.+1); [rewrite leq_add2l| ].
rewrite -[delta.+1]addn1 addnA addn1.
move: SORT ⇒ /pathP SORT; apply SORT.
by rewrite /= -[delta.+1]addn1 addnA addn1 ltnS in LT.
(* Finally, assuming that (1) xs is sorted and contains
no duplicates, (2) ≺ is antisymmetric and transitive,
we prove that x|i1| ≺ x|i2| implies i1 ≤ i2. *)
Lemma sorted_rel_implies_le_idx:
∀ i1 i2,
uniq xs →
antisymmetric_over_list leT xs →
sorted xs →
xs[|i1|] ≺ xs[|i2|] →
i1 < size xs →
i2 < size xs →
i1 ≤ i2.
generalize dependent i2.
induction i1; first by done.
intros i2 REL SIZE2.
feed IHi1; first by apply ltn_trans with (n := i1.+1).
apply leq_trans with (n := i1.+1); first by done.
rewrite ltn_neqAle; apply/andP; split.
apply/eqP; red; intro BUG; subst.
assert (REL': leT (nth xs i2) (nth xs i2.+1)).
by apply sorted_lt_idx_implies_rel; rewrite // ltnSn.
rewrite /antisymmetric_over_list in ANTI.
exploit (ANTI (nth xs i2) (nth xs i2.+1)); rewrite ?mem_nth //.
move ⇒ /eqP EQ; rewrite nth_uniq in EQ; try (by done).
by rewrite -[_ == _]negbK in EQ; move: EQ ⇒ /negP EQ; apply EQ; apply/eqP.
apply IHi1; last by done.
rewrite /transitive (H_leT_is_transitive (nth xs i1.+1)) //.
by apply sorted_lt_idx_implies_rel; try (by done); apply ltnSn.
End SortedImplLeIdx.
(* Let F be a function from some type to natural numbers. Then for a
sequence xs, the fact that ∀ i: F(xs[i]) ≤ F(xs[i+1]) implies that
∀ i k: F(xs[i]) ≤ F(xs[i + k]). *)
Lemma prev_le_next:
∀ {T: Type} (F: T → nat) (xs: seq T) (def: T) (i k: nat),
(∀ i, i < (size xs).-1 → F (nth def xs i) ≤ F (nth def xs i.+1)) →
(i + k ≤ (size xs).-1) →
F (nth def xs i) ≤ F (nth def xs (i+k)).
intros T F r x i k ALL SIZE.
generalize dependent i. generalize dependent k.
induction k; intros; first by rewrite addn0 leqnn.
specialize (IHk i.+1); exploit IHk; [by rewrite addSnnS | intro LE].
apply leq_trans with (n := F (nth x r (i.+1)));
last by rewrite -addSnnS.
apply ALL, leq_trans with (n := i + k.+1); last by ins.
by rewrite addnS ltnS leq_addr.
End Sorting.