Library prosa.analysis.facts.behavior.service


In this file, we establish basic facts about the service received by jobs.
To begin with, we provide some simple but handy rewriting rules for service and service_during.
Section Composition.

Consider any job type and any processor state.
  Context {Job: JobType}.
  Context {PState: ProcessorState Job}.

For any given schedule...
  Variable sched: schedule PState.

...and any given job...
  Variable j: Job.

...we establish a number of useful rewriting rules that decompose the service received during an interval into smaller intervals.
As a trivial base case, no job receives any service during an empty interval.
  Lemma service_during_geq:
     t1 t2,
      t1 t2 service_during sched j t1 t2 = 0.

Equally trivially, no job has received service prior to time zero.
  Corollary service0:
    service sched j 0 = 0.

Trivially, an interval consisting of one time unit is equivalent to service_at.
  Lemma service_during_instant:
      service_during sched j t t.+1 = service_at sched j t.

Next, we observe that we can look at the service received during an interval [t1, t3) as the sum of the service during t1, t2) and [t2, t3) for any t2 \in [t1, t3]. (The "_cat" suffix denotes the concatenation of the two intervals.)
  Lemma service_during_cat:
     t1 t2 t3,
      t1 t2 t3
      (service_during sched j t1 t2) + (service_during sched j t2 t3)
      = service_during sched j t1 t3.

Since service is just a special case of service_during, the same holds for service.
  Lemma service_cat:
     t1 t2,
      t1 t2
      (service sched j t1) + (service_during sched j t1 t2)
      = service sched j t2.

As a special case, we observe that the service during an interval can be decomposed into the first instant and the rest of the interval.
  Lemma service_during_first_plus_later:
     t1 t2,
      t1 < t2
      (service_at sched j t1) + (service_during sched j t1.+1 t2)
      = service_during sched j t1 t2.

Symmetrically, we have the same for the end of the interval.
  Lemma service_during_last_plus_before:
     t1 t2,
      t1 t2
      (service_during sched j t1 t2) + (service_at sched j t2)
      = service_during sched j t1 t2.+1.

And hence also for service.
  Corollary service_last_plus_before:
      (service sched j t) + (service_at sched j t)
      = service sched j t.+1.

Finally, we deconstruct the service received during an interval [t1, t3) into the service at a midpoint t2 and the service in the intervals before and after.
As a common special case, we establish facts about schedules in which a job receives either 1 or 0 service units at all times.
Section UnitService.

Consider any job type and any processor state.
  Context {Job : JobType}.
  Context {PState : ProcessorState Job}.

Let's consider a unit-service model...
...and a given schedule.
  Variable sched : schedule PState.

Let j be any job that is to be scheduled.
  Variable j : Job.

First, we prove that the instantaneous service cannot be greater than 1, ...
  Lemma service_at_most_one:
     t, service_at sched j t 1.

... which implies that the instantaneous service always equals to 0 or 1.
  Corollary service_is_zero_or_one:
     t, service_at sched j t = 0 service_at sched j t = 1.

Next we prove that the cumulative service received by job j in any interval of length delta is at most delta.
Conversely, we prove that if the cumulative service received by job j in an interval of length delta is greater than or equal to ρ, then ρ delta.
  Lemma cumulative_service_ge_delta :
     t delta ρ,
      ρ service_during sched j t (t + delta)
      ρ delta.

  Section ServiceIsUnitGrowthFunction.

We show that the service received by any job j is a unit growth function.
Next, consider any time t...
    Variable t : instant.

...and let s be any value less than the service received by job j by time t.
    Variable s : duration.
    Hypothesis H_less_than_s: s < service sched j t.

Then, we show that there exists an earlier time t' where job j had s units of service.
    Corollary exists_intermediate_service:
        t' < t
        service sched j t' = s.

  End ServiceIsUnitGrowthFunction.

End UnitService.

We establish a basic fact about the monotonicity of service.
Section Monotonicity.

Consider any job type and any processor model.
  Context {Job: JobType}.
  Context {PState: ProcessorState Job}.

Consider any given schedule...
  Variable sched: schedule PState.

...and a given job that is to be scheduled.
  Variable j: Job.

We observe that the amount of service received is monotonic by definition.
  Lemma service_monotonic:
     t1 t2,
      t1 t2
      service sched j t1 service sched j t2.

End Monotonicity.

Consider any job type and any processor model.
Section RelationToScheduled.

  Context {Job: JobType}.
  Context {PState: ProcessorState Job}.

Consider any given schedule...
  Variable sched: schedule PState.

...and a given job that is to be scheduled.
  Variable j: Job.

We observe that a job that isn't scheduled in a given processor state cannot possibly receive service in that state.
  Lemma service_in_implies_scheduled_in :
      ~~ scheduled_in j s service_in j s = 0.

In particular, it cannot receive service at any given time.
  Corollary not_scheduled_implies_no_service:
      ~~ scheduled_at sched j t service_at sched j t = 0.

Conversely, if a job receives service, then it must be scheduled.
  Lemma service_at_implies_scheduled_at :
      service_at sched j t > 0 scheduled_at sched j t.

Thus, if the cumulative amount of service changes, then it must be scheduled, too.
We observe that a job receives cumulative service during some interval iff it receives services at some specific time in the interval.
  Lemma service_during_service_at:
     t1 t2,
      service_during sched j t1 t2 > 0
        t1 t < t2
        service_at sched j t > 0.

Thus, any job that receives some service during an interval must be scheduled at some point during the interval...
  Corollary cumulative_service_implies_scheduled:
     t1 t2,
      service_during sched j t1 t2 > 0
        t1 t < t2
        scheduled_at sched j t.

...which implies that any job with positive cumulative service must have been scheduled at some point.
If we can assume that a scheduled job always receives service, we can further prove the converse.
  Section GuaranteedService.

Assume j always receives some positive service.
In other words, not being scheduled is equivalent to receiving zero service.
    Lemma no_service_not_scheduled:
        ~~ scheduled_at sched j t service_at sched j t = 0.

Then, if a job does not receive any service during an interval, it is not scheduled.
    Lemma no_service_during_implies_not_scheduled:
       t1 t2,
        service_during sched j t1 t2 = 0
          t1 t < t2 ~~ scheduled_at sched j t.

Conversely, if a job is not scheduled during an interval, then it does not receive any service in that interval
    Lemma not_scheduled_during_implies_zero_service:
       t1 t2,
        ( t, t1 t < t2 ~~ scheduled_at sched j t)
        service_during sched j t1 t2 = 0.

If a job is scheduled at some point in an interval, it receives positive cumulative service during the interval...
    Lemma scheduled_implies_cumulative_service:
       t1 t2,
        ( t,
            t1 t < t2
            scheduled_at sched j t)
        service_during sched j t1 t2 > 0.

...which again applies to total service, too.
    Corollary scheduled_implies_nonzero_service:
        ( t',
            t' < t
            scheduled_at sched j t')
        service sched j t > 0.

  End GuaranteedService.

Furthermore, if we know that jobs are not released early, then we can narrow the interval during which they must have been scheduled.
  Section AfterArrival.

    Context `{JobArrival Job}.

Assume that jobs must arrive to execute.
    Hypothesis H_jobs_must_arrive:
      jobs_must_arrive_to_execute sched.

We prove that any job with positive cumulative service at time t must have been scheduled some time since its arrival and before time t.
    Lemma positive_service_implies_scheduled_since_arrival:
        service sched j t > 0
         t', (job_arrival j t' < t scheduled_at sched j t').

    Lemma not_scheduled_before_arrival:
       t, t < job_arrival j ~~ scheduled_at sched j t.

We show that job j does not receive service at any time t prior to its arrival.
    Lemma service_before_job_arrival_zero:
        t < job_arrival j
        service_at sched j t = 0.

Note that the same property applies to the cumulative service.
    Lemma cumulative_service_before_job_arrival_zero :
       t1 t2 : instant,
        t2 job_arrival j
        service_during sched j t1 t2 = 0.

Hence, one can ignore the service received by a job before its arrival time...
    Lemma ignore_service_before_arrival:
       t1 t2,
        t1 job_arrival j
        t2 job_arrival j
        service_during sched j t1 t2 = service_during sched j (job_arrival j) t2.

... which we can also state in terms of cumulative service.
    Corollary no_service_before_arrival:
        t job_arrival j service sched j t = 0.

  End AfterArrival.

In this section, we prove some lemmas about time instants with same service.
  Section TimesWithSameService.

Consider any time instants t1 and t2...
    Variable t1 t2: instant.

...where t1 is no later than t2...
    Hypothesis H_t1_le_t2: t1 t2.

...and where job j has received the same amount of service.
    Hypothesis H_same_service: service sched j t1 = service sched j t2.

First, we observe that this means that the job receives no service during [t1, t2)...
...which of course implies that it does not receive service at any point, either.
    Lemma constant_service_implies_not_scheduled:
        t1 t < t2 service_at sched j t = 0.

We show that job j receives service at some point t < t1 iff j receives service at some point t' < t2.
Then, under the assumption that scheduled jobs receives service, we can translate this into a claim about scheduled_at.
Assume j always receives some positive service.
We show that job j is scheduled at some point t < t1 iff j is scheduled at some point t' < t2.
Consider any job type and any processor model.
  Context {Job: JobType}.
  Context {PState: ProcessorState Job}.

Consider any two given schedules...
  Variable sched1 sched2: schedule PState.

Given an interval in which the schedules provide the same service to a job at each instant, we can prove that the cumulative service received during the interval has to be the same.
Consider two time instants...
    Variable t1 t2 : instant.

...and a given job that is to be scheduled.
    Variable j: Job.

Assume that, in any instant between t1 and t2 the service provided to j from the two schedules is the same.
    Hypothesis H_sched1_sched2_same_service_at:
       t, t1 t < t2
           service_at sched1 j t = service_at sched2 j t.

It follows that the service provided during t1 and t2 is also the same.
We can leverage the previous lemma to conclude that two schedules that match in a given interval will also have the same cumulative service across the interval.
  Corollary equal_prefix_implies_same_service_during:
     t1 t2,
      ( t, t1 t < t2 sched1 t = sched2 t)
       j, service_during sched1 j t1 t2 = service_during sched2 j t1 t2.

For convenience, we restate the corollary also at the level of service for identical prefixes.
  Corollary identical_prefix_service:
      identical_prefix sched1 sched2 h
       j, service sched1 j h = service sched2 j h.

End ServiceInTwoSchedules.