Library prosa.analysis.facts.model.sequential
Consider any type of job associated with any type of tasks...
... with arrival times and costs ...
... and any kind of processor state model.
Consider any arrival sequence ...
... and any schedule of this arrival sequence ...
... in which the sequential tasks hypothesis holds.
A simple corollary of this hypothesis is that the scheduler
executes a job with the earliest arrival time.
Corollary scheduler_executes_job_with_earliest_arrival:
∀ j1 j2 t,
arrives_in arr_seq j1 →
arrives_in arr_seq j2 →
same_task j1 j2 →
~~ completed_by sched j2 t →
scheduled_at sched j1 t →
job_arrival j1 ≤ job_arrival j2.
End ExecutionOrder.
∀ j1 j2 t,
arrives_in arr_seq j1 →
arrives_in arr_seq j2 →
same_task j1 j2 →
~~ completed_by sched j2 t →
scheduled_at sched j1 t →
job_arrival j1 ≤ job_arrival j2.
End ExecutionOrder.