Library rt.restructuring.analysis.task_schedule

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From rt.restructuring.model Require Import task.
From rt.restructuring.behavior Require Export all.
From rt.restructuring.analysis.basic_facts Require Import ideal_schedule.

From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop.

Due to historical reasons this file defines the notion of a schedule of a task for the ideal uniprocessor model. This is not a fundamental limitation and the notion can be further generalized to an arbitrary model.

Schedule of task

In this section we define properties of schedule of a task
Section ScheduleOfTask.

Consider any type of tasks ...
  Context {Task : TaskType}.
  Context `{TaskCost Task}.

... and any type of jobs associated with these tasks.
  Context {Job : JobType}.
  Context `{JobTask Job Task}.
  Context `{JobArrival Job}.
  Context `{JobCost Job}.

Let sched be any ideal uniprocessor schedule.
  Variable sched : schedule (ideal.processor_state Job).

  Section TaskProperties.

Let tsk be any task.
    Variable tsk : Task.

Next we define whether a task is scheduled at time t, ...
    Definition task_scheduled_at (t : instant) :=
      if sched t is Some j then
        job_task j == tsk
      else false.

...which also corresponds to the instantaneous service it receives.
    Definition task_service_at (t : instant) := task_scheduled_at t.

Based on the notion of instantaneous service, we define the cumulative service received by tsk during any interval [t1, t2)...
    Definition task_service_during (t1 t2 : instant) :=
      \sum_(t1 t < t2) task_service_at t.

...and the cumulative service received by tsk up to time t2, i.e., in the interval [0, t2).
    Definition task_service (t2 : instant) := task_service_during 0 t2.

  End TaskProperties.

End ScheduleOfTask.