Library rt.restructuring.model.schedule.priority_based.preemption_aware

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From rt.restructuring.behavior Require Import all.
From rt.restructuring.model Require Import priorities processor.ideal.
From rt.restructuring.model.preemption Require Import preemption_time job.parameters.

We now define what it means for a schedule to respect a priority in the presence of jobs with non-preemptive segments. We only define it for a JLDP policy since the definitions for JLDP and JLFP are the same and can be used through the conversions.
Section Priority.

Consider any type of tasks ...
  Context {Task : TaskType}.
  Context `{TaskCost Task}.

... and any type of jobs associated with these tasks.
  Context {Job : JobType}.
  Context `{JobTask Job Task}.
  Context `{JobArrival Job}.
  Context `{JobCost Job}.
  Context `{JobPreemptable Job}.
  Context `{JobReady Job (ideal.processor_state Job)}.

Consider any job arrival sequence...
  Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job.

...and any uniprocessor schedule of these jobs.
We say that a JLDP policy ...
  Context `{JLDP_policy Job}. respected by the schedule iff, at every preemption point, a scheduled task has higher (or same) priority than (as) any backlogged job.
  Definition respects_policy_at_preemption_point :=
     j j_hp t,
      arrives_in arr_seq j
      preemption_time sched t
      backlogged sched j t
      scheduled_at sched j_hp t
      hep_job_at t j_hp j.

End Priority.