Library prosa.model.priority.elf
Require Export
Require Export prosa.model.priority.classes.
Require Export prosa.model.priority.gel.
Require Export prosa.model.priority.classes.
Require Export prosa.model.priority.gel.
ELF Priority Policy
Consider any type of tasks with relative priority points...
...and jobs of these tasks.
We parameterize the ELF priority policy based on a fixed-priority policy.
Job j1 is assigned a higher priority than job j2 if either the task
associated with j1 has a strictly higher priority than the task
associated with j2, or if their tasks have equal priorities and the
relative priority point of j1 is less than or equal to the relative
priority point of j2, similar to the GEL policy.
NB: The
| 0
at the end of the next line is a priority hint for
type-class resolution, meaning this type class should be picked with
highest priority in ambiguous contexts.
Recall the notion of a higher-priority job under the GEL policy as
Under the ELF policy, job j1 has higher-or-equal priority than job
j2 if (1) j1's task has higher priority than j2's task...