Library prosa.analysis.facts.busy_interval.pi
Require Export prosa.model.task.preemption.parameters.
Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.model.preemption.
Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.busy_interval.hep_at_pt.
Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.model.preemption.
Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.busy_interval.hep_at_pt.
Priority Inversion in a Busy Interval
In this module, we reason about priority inversion that occurs during a busy interval due to non-preemptive sections.
Consider any type of tasks ...
... and any type of jobs associated with these tasks.
Context {Job : JobType}.
Context `{JobTask Job Task}.
Context `{JobArrival Job}.
Context `{JobCost Job}.
Context `{JobTask Job Task}.
Context `{JobArrival Job}.
Context `{JobCost Job}.
Consider any valid arrival sequence ...
Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job.
Hypothesis H_valid_arrivals : valid_arrival_sequence arr_seq.
Hypothesis H_valid_arrivals : valid_arrival_sequence arr_seq.
... and any uniprocessor schedule of this arrival sequence.
Context {PState : ProcessorState Job}.
Hypothesis H_uni : uniprocessor_model PState.
Variable sched : schedule PState.
Hypothesis H_uni : uniprocessor_model PState.
Variable sched : schedule PState.
Consider a JLFP policy that indicates a higher-or-equal priority relation,
and assume that the relation is reflexive and transitive.
Context {JLFP : JLFP_policy Job}.
Hypothesis H_priority_is_reflexive: reflexive_job_priorities JLFP.
Hypothesis H_priority_is_transitive: transitive_job_priorities JLFP.
Hypothesis H_priority_is_reflexive: reflexive_job_priorities JLFP.
Hypothesis H_priority_is_transitive: transitive_job_priorities JLFP.
Consider a valid preemption model with known maximum non-preemptive
segment lengths.
Context `{TaskMaxNonpreemptiveSegment Task} `{JobPreemptable Job}.
Hypothesis H_valid_preemption_model : valid_preemption_model arr_seq sched.
Hypothesis H_valid_preemption_model : valid_preemption_model arr_seq sched.
Further, allow for any work-bearing notion of job readiness.
We assume that the schedule is valid ...
... and that the schedule respects the scheduling policy at every
preemption point.
Variable j : Job.
Hypothesis H_j_arrives : arrives_in arr_seq j.
Hypothesis H_job_cost_positive : job_cost_positive j.
Hypothesis H_j_arrives : arrives_in arr_seq j.
Hypothesis H_job_cost_positive : job_cost_positive j.
Consider any busy interval prefix
[t1, t2)
of job j.
Variable t1 t2 : instant.
Hypothesis H_busy_interval_prefix :
busy_interval_prefix arr_seq sched j t1 t2.
Hypothesis H_busy_interval_prefix :
busy_interval_prefix arr_seq sched j t1 t2.
Lower Priority In Busy Intervals
First, we state some basic properties about a lower priority job executing in the busy interval of the job under consideration. From the definition of the busy interval it follows that a lower priority job can only be executing inside the busy interval as a result of priority inversion.
Consider a lower-priority job.
Variable t : instant.
Hypothesis H_t_in_busy : t1 ≤ t < t2.
Hypothesis H_jlp_scheduled_at_t : scheduled_at sched jlp t.
Hypothesis H_t_in_busy : t1 ≤ t < t2.
Hypothesis H_jlp_scheduled_at_t : scheduled_at sched jlp t.
Lemma lower_priority_job_scheduled_implies_no_preemption_time :
∀ t',
t1 ≤ t' ≤ t →
~~ preemption_time arr_seq sched t'.
∀ t',
t1 ≤ t' ≤ t →
~~ preemption_time arr_seq sched t'.
Any lower-priority jobs that are scheduled inside the
busy-interval prefix
must arrive before that interval.
Finally, we show that lower-priority jobs that are scheduled
inside the busy-interval prefix
must also be scheduled
before the interval.
Lemma low_priority_job_scheduled_before_busy_interval_prefix:
∃ t', t' < t1 ∧ scheduled_at sched jlp t'.
End LowerPriorityJobScheduled.
∃ t', t' < t1 ∧ scheduled_at sched jlp t'.
End LowerPriorityJobScheduled.
In this section, we prove that priority inversion only
occurs at the start of the busy window and occurs due to only
one job.
Variable t_pi : instant.
Hypothesis H_from_t1_before_t2 : t1 ≤ t_pi < t2.
Hypothesis H_PI_occurs : priority_inversion arr_seq sched j t_pi.
Hypothesis H_from_t1_before_t2 : t1 ≤ t_pi < t2.
Hypothesis H_PI_occurs : priority_inversion arr_seq sched j t_pi.
First, we show that there is no preemption time in the interval
Next, we show that the same job will be scheduled from the start of the
busy interval to the priority inversion time t_pi.
Lemma pi_job_remains_scheduled :
∀ jlp,
scheduled_at sched jlp t_pi →
∀ t,
t1 ≤ t ≤ t_pi → scheduled_at sched jlp t.
∀ jlp,
scheduled_at sched jlp t_pi →
∀ t,
t1 ≤ t ≤ t_pi → scheduled_at sched jlp t.
Thus, priority inversion takes place from the start of the busy interval
to the instant t_pi, i.e., priority inversion takes place
As a simple corollary to the lemmas proved in the previous
section, we show that for any two jobs j1 and j2 that cause
priority inversion to job j, it is the case that j1 = j2.
Consider a time instant ts1 in
[t1, t2)
Variable j1 : Job.
Hypothesis H_j1_sched : scheduled_at sched j1 ts1.
Hypothesis H_j1_lower_prio : ~~ hep_job j1 j.
Hypothesis H_j1_sched : scheduled_at sched j1 ts1.
Hypothesis H_j1_lower_prio : ~~ hep_job j1 j.
Similarly, consider a time instant ts2 in
[t1, t2)
Variable j2 : Job.
Hypothesis H_j2_sched : scheduled_at sched j2 ts2.
Hypothesis H_j2_lower_prio : ~~ hep_job j2 j.
Hypothesis H_j2_sched : scheduled_at sched j2 ts2.
Hypothesis H_j2_lower_prio : ~~ hep_job j2 j.
From the above lemmas, it follows that either job j incurs no priority
inversion at all or certainly at time t1, i.e., the beginning of its
busy interval.
Lemma busy_interval_pi_cases :
cumulative_priority_inversion arr_seq sched j t1 t2 = 0
∨ priority_inversion arr_seq sched j t1.
cumulative_priority_inversion arr_seq sched j t1 t2 = 0
∨ priority_inversion arr_seq sched j t1.
Next, we use the above facts to establish bounds on the maximum priority
inversion that can be incurred in a busy interval.
First, we introduce the notion of the maximum length of a
nonpreemptive segment among all lower priority jobs (w.r.t. a
given job j) arrived so far.
Priority Inversion due to Non-Preemptive Sections
Definition max_lp_nonpreemptive_segment (j : Job) (t : instant) :=
\max_(j_lp <- arrivals_before arr_seq t | (~~ hep_job j_lp j) && (job_cost j_lp > 0))
(job_max_nonpreemptive_segment j_lp - ε).
\max_(j_lp <- arrivals_before arr_seq t | (~~ hep_job j_lp j) && (job_cost j_lp > 0))
(job_max_nonpreemptive_segment j_lp - ε).
Note that any bound on the max_lp_nonpreemptive_segment
function is also be a bound on the maximum priority inversion
(assuming there are no other mechanisms that could cause
priority inversion). This bound may be different for different
scheduler and/or task models. Thus, we don't define such a bound
in this module.
First, assuming proper non-preemptive sections, ...
... we observe that the maximum non-preemptive segment length
of any task that releases a job with lower priority (w.r.t. a
given job j) and non-zero execution cost upper-bounds the
maximum possible non-preemptive segment length of any
lower-priority job.
Lemma max_np_job_segment_bounded_by_max_np_task_segment :
max_lp_nonpreemptive_segment j t1
≤ \max_(j_lp <- arrivals_between arr_seq 0 t1 | (~~ hep_job j_lp j)
&& (job_cost j_lp > 0))
(task_max_nonpreemptive_segment (job_task j_lp) - ε).
End TaskMaxNPS.
max_lp_nonpreemptive_segment j t1
≤ \max_(j_lp <- arrivals_between arr_seq 0 t1 | (~~ hep_job j_lp j)
&& (job_cost j_lp > 0))
(task_max_nonpreemptive_segment (job_task j_lp) - ε).
End TaskMaxNPS.
Next, we prove that the function max_lp_nonpreemptive_segment
indeed upper-bounds the priority inversion length.
In this section, we require the jobs to have valid bounded
non-preemptive segments.
Hypothesis H_valid_model_with_bounded_nonpreemptive_segments :
valid_model_with_bounded_nonpreemptive_segments arr_seq sched.
valid_model_with_bounded_nonpreemptive_segments arr_seq sched.
First, we prove that, if a job with higher-or-equal priority is scheduled at
a quiet time t+1, then this is the first time when this job is scheduled.
Lemma hp_job_not_scheduled_before_quiet_time :
∀ jhp t,
quiet_time arr_seq sched j t.+1 →
scheduled_at sched jhp t.+1 →
hep_job jhp j →
~~ scheduled_at sched jhp t.
∀ jhp t,
quiet_time arr_seq sched j t.+1 →
scheduled_at sched jhp t.+1 →
hep_job jhp j →
~~ scheduled_at sched jhp t.
Thus, there must be a preemption time in the interval t1, t1
+ max_lp_nonpreemptive_segment j t1. That is, if a job with
higher-or-equal priority is scheduled at time instant t1,
then t1 is a preemption time. Otherwise, if a job with lower
priority is scheduled at time t1, then this job also should
be scheduled before the beginning of the busy interval. So,
the next preemption time will be no more than
max_lp_nonpreemptive_segment j t1 time units later.
We proceed by doing a case analysis.
(1) Case when the schedule is idle at time t1.
Assume that the schedule is idle at time t1.
Then time instant t1 is a preemption time.
Lemma preemption_time_exists_case1:
∃ pr_t,
preemption_time arr_seq sched pr_t
∧ t1 ≤ pr_t ≤ t1 + max_lp_nonpreemptive_segment j t1.
End Case1.
∃ pr_t,
preemption_time arr_seq sched pr_t
∧ t1 ≤ pr_t ≤ t1 + max_lp_nonpreemptive_segment j t1.
End Case1.
(2) Case when a job with higher-or-equal priority is scheduled at time t1.
Variable jhp : Job.
Hypothesis H_jhp_is_scheduled : scheduled_at sched jhp t1.
Hypothesis H_jhp_hep_priority : hep_job jhp j.
Hypothesis H_jhp_is_scheduled : scheduled_at sched jhp t1.
Hypothesis H_jhp_hep_priority : hep_job jhp j.
Then time instant t1 is a preemption time.
Lemma preemption_time_exists_case2:
∃ pr_t,
preemption_time arr_seq sched pr_t ∧
t1 ≤ pr_t ≤ t1 + max_lp_nonpreemptive_segment j t1.
End Case2.
∃ pr_t,
preemption_time arr_seq sched pr_t ∧
t1 ≤ pr_t ≤ t1 + max_lp_nonpreemptive_segment j t1.
End Case2.
The following argument requires a unit-service assumption.
(3) Case when a job with lower priority is scheduled at time t1.
Variable jlp : Job.
Hypothesis H_jlp_is_scheduled : scheduled_at sched jlp t1.
Hypothesis H_jlp_low_priority : ~~ hep_job jlp j.
Hypothesis H_jlp_is_scheduled : scheduled_at sched jlp t1.
Hypothesis H_jlp_low_priority : ~~ hep_job jlp j.
To prove the lemma in this case we need a few auxiliary
facts about the first preemption point of job jlp.
Variable fpt : instant.
Hypothesis H_fpt_is_preemption_point : job_preemptable jlp (progr_t1 + fpt).
Hypothesis H_fpt_is_first_preemption_point :
∀ ρ,
progr_t1 ≤ ρ ≤ progr_t1 + (job_max_nonpreemptive_segment jlp - ε) →
job_preemptable jlp ρ →
service sched jlp t1 + fpt ≤ ρ.
Hypothesis H_fpt_is_preemption_point : job_preemptable jlp (progr_t1 + fpt).
Hypothesis H_fpt_is_first_preemption_point :
∀ ρ,
progr_t1 ≤ ρ ≤ progr_t1 + (job_max_nonpreemptive_segment jlp - ε) →
job_preemptable jlp ρ →
service sched jlp t1 + fpt ≤ ρ.
For correctness, we also assume that fpt does not
exceed the length of the maximum non-preemptive
Lemma no_intermediate_preemption_point:
∀ ρ,
progr_t1 ≤ ρ < progr_t1 + fpt →
~~ job_preemptable jlp ρ.
∀ ρ,
progr_t1 ≤ ρ < progr_t1 + fpt →
~~ job_preemptable jlp ρ.
Thanks to the fact that the scheduler respects the notion of preemption points
we show that jlp is continuously scheduled in time interval
[t1, t1 + fpt)
Lemma continuously_scheduled_between_preemption_points:
∀ t',
t1 ≤ t' < t1 + fpt →
scheduled_at sched jlp t'.
∀ t',
t1 ≤ t' < t1 + fpt →
scheduled_at sched jlp t'.
Thus, assuming an ideal-progress processor model, job jlp
reaches its preemption point at time instant t1 + fpt, which
implies that time instant t1 + fpt is a preemption time.
Lemma first_preemption_time :
ideal_progress_proc_model PState →
preemption_time arr_seq sched (t1 + fpt).
ideal_progress_proc_model PState →
preemption_time arr_seq sched (t1 + fpt).
And since fpt ≤ max_lp_nonpreemptive_segment j t1,
t1 ≤ t1 + fpt ≤ t1 + max_lp_nonpreemptive_segment j t1.
Lemma preemption_time_le_max_len_of_np_segment :
t1 ≤ t1 + fpt ≤ t1 + max_lp_nonpreemptive_segment j t1.
End FirstPreemptionPointOfjlp.
t1 ≤ t1 + fpt ≤ t1 + max_lp_nonpreemptive_segment j t1.
End FirstPreemptionPointOfjlp.
For the next step, we assume an ideal-progress processor.
Next, we combine the above facts to conclude the lemma.
Lemma preemption_time_exists_case3:
∃ pr_t,
preemption_time arr_seq sched pr_t ∧
t1 ≤ pr_t ≤ t1 + max_lp_nonpreemptive_segment j t1.
End Case3.
End CaseAnalysis.
∃ pr_t,
preemption_time arr_seq sched pr_t ∧
t1 ≤ pr_t ≤ t1 + max_lp_nonpreemptive_segment j t1.
End Case3.
End CaseAnalysis.
As Case 3 depends on unit-service and ideal-progress assumptions, we
require the same here.
Hypothesis H_unit : unit_service_proc_model PState.
Hypothesis H_progress : ideal_progress_proc_model PState.
Hypothesis H_progress : ideal_progress_proc_model PState.
By doing the case analysis, we show that indeed there is a
preemption time in the time interval [t1, t1 +
max_lp_nonpreemptive_segment j t1].
Lemma preemption_time_exists :
∃ pr_t,
preemption_time arr_seq sched pr_t ∧
t1 ≤ pr_t ≤ t1 + max_lp_nonpreemptive_segment j t1.
End PreemptionTimeExists.
∃ pr_t,
preemption_time arr_seq sched pr_t ∧
t1 ≤ pr_t ≤ t1 + max_lp_nonpreemptive_segment j t1.
End PreemptionTimeExists.
In this section we prove that if a preemption point ppt exists in a job's busy window,
it suffers no priority inversion after ppt. Equivalently the cumulative_priority_inversion
of the job in the busy window t1,t2 is bounded by the cumulative_priority_inversion
of the job in the time window t1,[ppt]).
Consider the preemption point ppt.
Variable ppt: instant.
Hypothesis H_preemption_point : preemption_time arr_seq sched ppt.
Hypothesis H_after_t1 : t1 ≤ ppt.
Hypothesis H_preemption_point : preemption_time arr_seq sched ppt.
Hypothesis H_after_t1 : t1 ≤ ppt.
We first establish the aforementioned result by showing that j cannot
suffer priority inversion after the preemption time ppt ...
Lemma no_priority_inversion_after_preemption_point :
∀ t,
ppt ≤ t < t2 →
~~ priority_inversion arr_seq sched j t.
∀ t,
ppt ≤ t < t2 →
~~ priority_inversion arr_seq sched j t.
... and then lift this fact to cumulative priority inversion.