Library prosa.analysis.facts.model.task_schedule

In this file we provide basic properties related to schedule of a task.
Section TaskSchedule.

Consider any type of tasks ...
  Context {Task : TaskType}.
  Context `{TaskCost Task}.

... and any type of jobs associated with these tasks.
  Context {Job : JobType}.
  Context `{JobTask Job Task}.
  Context `{JobArrival Job}.
  Context `{JobCost Job}.

Consider any valid arrival sequence of such jobs ...
... and let sched be any corresponding uni-processor schedule.
Let tsk be any task.
  Variable tsk : Task.

First, we show that a task is served at time t, then the task is scheduled at time t.
  Lemma task_served_task_scheduled :
      task_served_at arr_seq sched tsk t
      task_scheduled_at arr_seq sched tsk t.

Next, we show that, under ideal-progress assumption, the notion of task served coincides with the notion of task scheduled.
We note that if the processor is idle at time t, then no task is scheduled.
  Lemma no_task_scheduled_when_idle :
      is_idle arr_seq sched t
      ~~ task_scheduled_at arr_seq sched tsk t.

Similarly, if the processor is idle at time t, then no task is served.
  Lemma no_task_served_when_idle :
      is_idle arr_seq sched t
      ~~ task_served_at arr_seq sched tsk t.

We show that if a job is scheduled at time t, then task_scheduled_at tsk t is equal to job_of_task tsk j. In other words, any occurrence of task_scheduled_at can be replaced with job_of_task.
  Lemma job_of_scheduled_task :
     j t,
      scheduled_at sched j t
      task_scheduled_at arr_seq sched tsk t = job_of_task tsk j.

As a corollary, we show that if a job of task tsk is scheduled at time t, then task tsk is scheduled at time t.
  Corollary job_of_task_scheduled :
     j t,
      job_of_task tsk j
      scheduled_at sched j t
      task_scheduled_at arr_seq sched tsk t.

And vice versa, if no job of task tsk is scheduled at time t, then task tsk is not scheduled at time t.
  Corollary job_of_other_task_scheduled :
     j t,
      ~~ job_of_task tsk j
      scheduled_at sched j t
      ~~ task_scheduled_at arr_seq sched tsk t.

Similarly, we show that if no job of task tsk is scheduled at time t, then task tsk is not served at time t.
  Corollary job_of_other_task_scheduled' :
     j t,
      ~~ job_of_task tsk j
      scheduled_at sched j t
      ~~ task_served_at arr_seq sched tsk t.

Lastly, if a job of task tsk is scheduled at time t but receives no service, then task tsk is not served at time t.
  Corollary job_of_task_not_served :
     j t,
      scheduled_at sched j t
      job_of_task tsk j
      service_at sched j t = 0
      ~~ task_served_at arr_seq sched tsk t.

In the following section, we prove a rewriting rule between the predicate task_served_at and job_of_task.
  Section SomeJobIsScheduled.

Assume that the processor is fully supply-consuming.
Consider a time instant t ...
    Variable t : instant.

... and assume that there is supply at t.
    Hypothesis H_supply : has_supply sched t.

Consider jobs j and j' (j' is not necessarily distinct from job j). Assume that j is scheduled at time t.
    Variable j : Job.
    Hypothesis H_sched : scheduled_at sched j t.

Then the predicate task_served_at is equal to the predicate job_of_task.