Library probsa.rt.analysis.completion
(* --------------------------------- Prosa ---------------------------------- *)
From prosa Require Export analysis.facts.behavior.completion.
(* --------------------------------- ProBsa --------------------------------- *)
From probsa.rt.behavior Require Export job schedule service.
(* ---------------------------------- Main ---------------------------------- *)
From prosa Require Export analysis.facts.behavior.completion.
(* --------------------------------- ProBsa --------------------------------- *)
From probsa.rt.behavior Require Export job schedule service.
(* ---------------------------------- Main ---------------------------------- *)
... and any type of jobs. Assume that the jobs have
probabilistic costs defined by job_cost.
Consider any schedule sched.
Context {PState : ProcessorState Job}.
Variable sched : pr_schedule μ PState.
Lemma completion_monotone :
∀ (j : Job) (t1 t2 : instant) (ω : Ω),
(t1 ≤ t2)%nat →
pr_completed_by sched j t1 ω →
pr_completed_by sched j t2 ω.
Variable sched : pr_schedule μ PState.
Lemma completion_monotone :
∀ (j : Job) (t1 t2 : instant) (ω : Ω),
(t1 ≤ t2)%nat →
pr_completed_by sched j t1 ω →
pr_completed_by sched j t2 ω.