Library rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.last_execution
Require Import rt.util.all.
Require Import rt.model.arrival.basic.job rt.model.arrival.basic.arrival_sequence.
Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.schedule.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop.
(* In this file, we show how to compute the time instant after the last
execution of a job and prove several lemmas about that instant. This
notion is crucial for defining suspension intervals. *)
Module LastExecution.
Export Job UniprocessorSchedule.
(* In this section we define the time after the last execution of a job (if exists). *)
Section TimeAfterLastExecution.
Context {Job: eqType}.
Variable job_arrival: Job → time.
Variable job_cost: Job → time.
(* Consider any uniprocessor schedule. *)
Variable sched: schedule Job.
(* For simplicity, let's define some local names. *)
Let job_scheduled_at := scheduled_at sched.
Let job_completed_by := completed_by job_cost sched.
Section Defs.
(* Let j be any job in the arrival sequence. *)
Variable j: Job.
(* Next, we will show how to find the time after the most recent
execution of a given job j in the interval [job_arrival j, t).
(Note that this instant can be time t itself.) *)
Variable t: time.
(* Let scheduled_before denote whether job j was scheduled in the interval [0, t). *)
Let scheduled_before :=
[∃ t0: 'I_t, job_scheduled_at j t0].
(* In case j was scheduled before, we define the last time in which j was scheduled. *)
Let last_time_scheduled :=
\max_(t_last < t | job_scheduled_at j t_last) t_last.
(* Then, the time after the last execution of job j in the interval [0, t), if exists,
(a) immediately after the last time in which job j was scheduled, or,
(b) if j was never scheduled, at the arrival time of j. *)
Definition time_after_last_execution :=
if scheduled_before then
last_time_scheduled + 1
else job_arrival j.
End Defs.
(* Next, we prove lemmas about the time after the last execution. *)
Section Lemmas.
(* Assume that jobs do not execute before they arrived. *)
Hypothesis H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute:
jobs_must_arrive_to_execute job_arrival sched.
(* Let j be any job. *)
Variable j: Job.
(* In this section, we show that the time after the last execution occurs
no earlier than the arrival of the job. *)
Section JobHasArrived.
(* Then, the time following the last execution of job j in the
interval [0, t) occurs no earlier than the arrival of j. *)
Lemma last_execution_after_arrival:
∀ t,
has_arrived job_arrival j (time_after_last_execution j t).
unfold time_after_last_execution, has_arrived; intros t.
case EX: [∃ _, _]; last by done.
move: EX ⇒ /existsP [t0 SCHED].
apply leq_trans with (n := t0 + 1);
last by rewrite leq_add2r; apply leq_bigmax_cond.
apply leq_trans with (n := t0); last by rewrite addn1.
by apply H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute.
End JobHasArrived.
(* Next, we establish the monotonicity of the function. *)
Section Monotonicity.
(* Let t1 be any time no earlier than the arrival of job j. *)
Variable t1: time.
Hypothesis H_after_arrival: has_arrived job_arrival j t1.
(* Then, (time_after_last_execution j) grows monotonically
after that point. *)
Lemma last_execution_monotonic:
∀ t2,
t1 ≤ t2 →
time_after_last_execution j t1 ≤ time_after_last_execution j t2.
rename H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute into ARR.
intros t2 LE12.
rewrite /time_after_last_execution.
case EX1: [∃ _, _].
move: EX1 ⇒ /existsP [t0 SCHED0].
have EX2: [∃ t:'I_t2, job_scheduled_at j t].
have LT: t0 < t2 by apply: (leq_trans _ LE12).
by apply/existsP; ∃ (Ordinal LT).
rewrite EX2 2!addn1.
set m1 := \max_(_ < t1 | _)_.
have LTm1: m1 < t2.
apply: (leq_trans _ LE12).
by apply bigmax_ltn_ord with (i0 := t0).
apply leq_ltn_trans with (n := Ordinal LTm1); first by done.
by apply leq_bigmax_cond, (bigmax_pred _ _ t0).
case EX2: [∃ _, _]; last by done.
move: EX2 ⇒ /existsP [t0 SCHED0].
set m2 := \max_(_ < t2 | _)_.
rewrite addn1 ltnW // ltnS.
have SCHED2: scheduled_at sched j m2 by apply (bigmax_pred _ _ t0).
by apply ARR in SCHED2.
End Monotonicity.
(* Next, we prove that the function is idempotent. *)
Section Idempotence.
(* The time after the last execution of job j is an idempotent function. *)
Lemma last_execution_idempotent:
∀ t,
time_after_last_execution j (time_after_last_execution j t)
= time_after_last_execution j t.
rename H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute into ARR.
intros t.
rewrite {2 3}/time_after_last_execution.
case EX: [∃ _,_].
move: EX ⇒ /existsP [t0 SCHED].
rewrite /time_after_last_execution.
set ex := [∃ t0, _].
have EX': ex.
apply/existsP; rewrite addn1.
∃ (Ordinal (ltnSn _)).
by apply bigmax_pred with (i0 := t0).
rewrite EX'; f_equal.
rewrite addn1; apply/eqP.
set m := \max_(_ < t | _)_.
have LT: m < m.+1 by done.
rewrite eqn_leq; apply/andP; split.
rewrite -ltnS; apply bigmax_ltn_ord with (i0 := Ordinal LT).
by apply bigmax_pred with (i0 := t0).
apply leq_trans with (n := Ordinal LT); first by done.
by apply leq_bigmax_cond, bigmax_pred with (i0 := t0).
apply negbT in EX; rewrite negb_exists in EX.
move: EX ⇒ /forallP EX.
rewrite /time_after_last_execution.
set ex := [∃ _, _].
suff EX': ex = false; first by rewrite EX'.
apply negbTE; rewrite negb_exists; apply/forallP.
intros x.
apply/negP; intro SCHED.
apply ARR in SCHED.
by apply leq_ltn_trans with (p := job_arrival j) in SCHED;
first by rewrite ltnn in SCHED.
End Idempotence.
(* Next, we show that time_after_last_execution is bounded by the identity function. *)
Section BoundedByIdentity.
(* Let t be any time no earlier than the arrival of j. *)
Variable t: time.
Hypothesis H_after_arrival: has_arrived job_arrival j t.
(* Then, the time following the last execution of job j in the interval [0, t)
occurs no later than time t. *)
Lemma last_execution_bounded_by_identity:
time_after_last_execution j t ≤ t.
unfold time_after_last_execution.
case EX: [∃ _, _]; last by done.
move: EX ⇒ /existsP [t0 SCHED].
by rewrite addn1; apply bigmax_ltn_ord with (i0 := t0).
End BoundedByIdentity.
(* In this section, we show that if the service received by a job
remains the same, the time after last execution also doesn't change. *)
Section SameLastExecution.
(* Consider any time instants t and t'... *)
Variable t t': time.
(* which job j has received the same amount of service. *)
Hypothesis H_same_service: service sched j t = service sched j t'.
(* Then, we prove that the times after last execution relative to
instants t and t' are exactly the same. *)
Lemma same_service_implies_same_last_execution:
time_after_last_execution j t = time_after_last_execution j t'.
rename H_same_service into SERV.
have IFF := same_service_implies_scheduled_at_earlier_times
sched j t t' SERV.
rewrite /time_after_last_execution.
rewrite IFF; case EX2: [∃ _, _]; [f_equal | by done].
have EX1: [∃ x: 'I_t, job_scheduled_at j x] by rewrite IFF.
clear IFF.
move: t t' SERV EX1 EX2 ⇒ t1 t2; clear t t'.
wlog: t1 t2 / t1 ≤ t2 ⇒ [EQ SERV EX1 EX2 | LE].
by case/orP: (leq_total t1 t2); ins; [|symmetry]; apply EQ.
set m1 := \max_(t < t1 | job_scheduled_at j t) t.
set m2 := \max_(t < t2 | job_scheduled_at j t) t.
move ⇒ SERV /existsP [t1' SCHED1'] /existsP [t2' SCHED2'].
apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq; apply/andP; split.
have WID := big_ord_widen_cond t2
(fun x ⇒ job_scheduled_at j x) (fun x ⇒ x).
rewrite /m1 /m2 {}WID //.
rewrite big_mkcond [\max_(t < t2 | _) _]big_mkcond.
apply leq_big_max; intros i _.
case AND: (_ && _); last by done.
by move: AND ⇒ /andP [SCHED _]; rewrite SCHED.
destruct (leqP t2 m1) as [GEm1 | LTm1].
apply leq_trans with (n := t2); last by done.
by apply ltnW, bigmax_ltn_ord with (i0 := t2').
destruct (ltnP m2 t1) as [LTm2 | GEm2].
apply leq_trans with (n := Ordinal LTm2); first by done.
by apply leq_bigmax_cond, bigmax_pred with (i0 := t2').
have LTm2: m2 < t2 by apply bigmax_ltn_ord with (i0 := t2').
have SCHEDm2: job_scheduled_at j m2 by apply bigmax_pred with (i0 := t2').
exfalso; move: SERV ⇒ /eqP SERV.
rewrite -[_ == _]negbK in SERV.
move: SERV ⇒ /negP SERV; apply SERV; clear SERV.
rewrite neq_ltn; apply/orP; left.
rewrite /service /service_during.
rewrite → big_cat_nat with (n := m2) (p := t2);
[simpl | by done | by apply ltnW].
rewrite -addn1; apply leq_add; first by apply extend_sum.
destruct t2; first by rewrite ltn0 in LTm1.
rewrite big_nat_recl; last by done.
by rewrite /service_at -/job_scheduled_at SCHEDm2.
End SameLastExecution.
(* In this section, we show that the service received by a job
does not change since the last execution. *)
Section SameService.
(* We prove that, for any time t, the service received by job j
before (time_after_last_execution j t) is the same as the service
by j before time t. *)
Lemma same_service_since_last_execution:
∀ t,
service sched j (time_after_last_execution j t) = service sched j t.
intros t; rewrite /time_after_last_execution.
case EX: [∃ _, _].
move: EX ⇒ /existsP [t0 SCHED0].
set m := \max_(_ < _ | _) _; rewrite addn1.
have LTt: m < t by apply: (bigmax_ltn_ord _ _ t0).
rewrite leq_eqVlt in LTt.
move: LTt ⇒ /orP [/eqP EQ | LTt]; first by rewrite EQ.
rewrite {2}/service/service_during.
rewrite → big_cat_nat with (n := m.+1);
[simpl | by done | by apply ltnW].
rewrite [X in _ + X]big_nat_cond [X in _ + X]big1 ?addn0 //.
move ⇒ i /andP [/andP [GTi LTi] _].
apply/eqP; rewrite eqb0; apply/negP; intro BUG.
have LEi: (Ordinal LTi) ≤ m by apply leq_bigmax_cond.
by apply (leq_ltn_trans LEi) in GTi; rewrite ltnn in GTi.
apply negbT in EX; rewrite negb_exists in EX.
move: EX ⇒ /forallP ALL.
rewrite /service /service_during.
rewrite (ignore_service_before_arrival job_arrival) // big_geq //.
rewrite big_nat_cond big1 //; move ⇒ i /andP [/= LTi _].
by apply/eqP; rewrite eqb0; apply (ALL (Ordinal LTi)).
End SameService.
(* In this section, we show that for any smaller value of service, we can
always find the last execution that corresponds to that service. *)
Section ExistsIntermediateExecution.
(* Assume that job j has completed by time t. *)
Variable t: time.
Hypothesis H_j_has_completed: completed_by job_cost sched j t.
(* Then, for any value of service less than the cost of j, ...*)
Variable s: time.
Hypothesis H_less_than_cost: s < job_cost j.
(* ...there exists a last execution where the service received
by job j equals s. *)
Lemma exists_last_execution_with_smaller_service:
∃ t0,
service sched j (time_after_last_execution j t0) = s.
have SAME := same_service_since_last_execution.
rename H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute into ARR.
move: H_j_has_completed ⇒ /eqP COMP.
feed (exists_intermediate_point (service sched j));
first by apply service_is_a_step_function.
move ⇒ EX; feed (EX (job_arrival j) t).
feed (cumulative_service_implies_scheduled sched j 0 t);
first by apply leq_ltn_trans with (n := s);
last by rewrite -/(service _ _ _) COMP.
move ⇒ [t' [/= LTt SCHED]].
apply leq_trans with (n := t'); last by apply ltnW.
by apply ARR in SCHED.
feed (EX s).
apply/andP; split; last by rewrite COMP.
rewrite /service /service_during.
by rewrite (ignore_service_before_arrival job_arrival) // big_geq.
move: EX ⇒ [x_mid [_ SERV]]; ∃ x_mid.
by rewrite -SERV SAME.
End ExistsIntermediateExecution.
(* In this section we prove that before the last execution the job
must have received strictly less service. *)
Section LessServiceBeforeLastExecution.
(* Let t be any time... *)
Variable t: time.
(* ...and consider any earlier time t0 no earlier than the arrival of job j... *)
Variable t0: time.
Hypothesis H_no_earlier_than_arrival: has_arrived job_arrival j t0.
(* ...and before the last execution of job j (with respect to time t). *)
Hypothesis H_before_last_execution: t0 < time_after_last_execution j t.
(* Then, we can prove that the service received by j before time t0
is strictly less than the service received by j before time t. *)
Lemma less_service_before_start_of_suspension:
service sched j t0 < service sched j t.
rename H_no_earlier_than_arrival into ARR, H_before_last_execution into LT.
set ex := time_after_last_execution in LT.
set S := service sched.
case EX:([∃ t0:'I_t, scheduled_at sched j t0]); last first.
rewrite /ex /time_after_last_execution EX in LT.
apply leq_trans with (p := t0) in LT; last by done.
by rewrite ltnn in LT.
rewrite /ex /time_after_last_execution EX in LT.
set m := (X in _ < X + 1) in LT.
apply leq_ltn_trans with (n := S j m);
first by rewrite -/m addn1 ltnS in LT; apply extend_sum.
move: EX ⇒ /existsP [t' SCHED'].
have LTt: m < t by apply bigmax_ltn_ord with (i0 := t').
rewrite /S /service /service_during.
rewrite → big_cat_nat with (p := t) (n := m); [simpl | by done | by apply ltnW].
rewrite -addn1 leq_add2l; destruct t; first by done.
rewrite big_nat_recl //.
apply leq_trans with (n := scheduled_at sched j m); last by apply leq_addr.
rewrite lt0n eqb0 negbK.
by apply bigmax_pred with (i0 := t').
End LessServiceBeforeLastExecution.
End Lemmas.
End TimeAfterLastExecution.
End LastExecution.
Require Import rt.model.arrival.basic.job rt.model.arrival.basic.arrival_sequence.
Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.schedule.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop.
(* In this file, we show how to compute the time instant after the last
execution of a job and prove several lemmas about that instant. This
notion is crucial for defining suspension intervals. *)
Module LastExecution.
Export Job UniprocessorSchedule.
(* In this section we define the time after the last execution of a job (if exists). *)
Section TimeAfterLastExecution.
Context {Job: eqType}.
Variable job_arrival: Job → time.
Variable job_cost: Job → time.
(* Consider any uniprocessor schedule. *)
Variable sched: schedule Job.
(* For simplicity, let's define some local names. *)
Let job_scheduled_at := scheduled_at sched.
Let job_completed_by := completed_by job_cost sched.
Section Defs.
(* Let j be any job in the arrival sequence. *)
Variable j: Job.
(* Next, we will show how to find the time after the most recent
execution of a given job j in the interval [job_arrival j, t).
(Note that this instant can be time t itself.) *)
Variable t: time.
(* Let scheduled_before denote whether job j was scheduled in the interval [0, t). *)
Let scheduled_before :=
[∃ t0: 'I_t, job_scheduled_at j t0].
(* In case j was scheduled before, we define the last time in which j was scheduled. *)
Let last_time_scheduled :=
\max_(t_last < t | job_scheduled_at j t_last) t_last.
(* Then, the time after the last execution of job j in the interval [0, t), if exists,
(a) immediately after the last time in which job j was scheduled, or,
(b) if j was never scheduled, at the arrival time of j. *)
Definition time_after_last_execution :=
if scheduled_before then
last_time_scheduled + 1
else job_arrival j.
End Defs.
(* Next, we prove lemmas about the time after the last execution. *)
Section Lemmas.
(* Assume that jobs do not execute before they arrived. *)
Hypothesis H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute:
jobs_must_arrive_to_execute job_arrival sched.
(* Let j be any job. *)
Variable j: Job.
(* In this section, we show that the time after the last execution occurs
no earlier than the arrival of the job. *)
Section JobHasArrived.
(* Then, the time following the last execution of job j in the
interval [0, t) occurs no earlier than the arrival of j. *)
Lemma last_execution_after_arrival:
∀ t,
has_arrived job_arrival j (time_after_last_execution j t).
unfold time_after_last_execution, has_arrived; intros t.
case EX: [∃ _, _]; last by done.
move: EX ⇒ /existsP [t0 SCHED].
apply leq_trans with (n := t0 + 1);
last by rewrite leq_add2r; apply leq_bigmax_cond.
apply leq_trans with (n := t0); last by rewrite addn1.
by apply H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute.
End JobHasArrived.
(* Next, we establish the monotonicity of the function. *)
Section Monotonicity.
(* Let t1 be any time no earlier than the arrival of job j. *)
Variable t1: time.
Hypothesis H_after_arrival: has_arrived job_arrival j t1.
(* Then, (time_after_last_execution j) grows monotonically
after that point. *)
Lemma last_execution_monotonic:
∀ t2,
t1 ≤ t2 →
time_after_last_execution j t1 ≤ time_after_last_execution j t2.
rename H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute into ARR.
intros t2 LE12.
rewrite /time_after_last_execution.
case EX1: [∃ _, _].
move: EX1 ⇒ /existsP [t0 SCHED0].
have EX2: [∃ t:'I_t2, job_scheduled_at j t].
have LT: t0 < t2 by apply: (leq_trans _ LE12).
by apply/existsP; ∃ (Ordinal LT).
rewrite EX2 2!addn1.
set m1 := \max_(_ < t1 | _)_.
have LTm1: m1 < t2.
apply: (leq_trans _ LE12).
by apply bigmax_ltn_ord with (i0 := t0).
apply leq_ltn_trans with (n := Ordinal LTm1); first by done.
by apply leq_bigmax_cond, (bigmax_pred _ _ t0).
case EX2: [∃ _, _]; last by done.
move: EX2 ⇒ /existsP [t0 SCHED0].
set m2 := \max_(_ < t2 | _)_.
rewrite addn1 ltnW // ltnS.
have SCHED2: scheduled_at sched j m2 by apply (bigmax_pred _ _ t0).
by apply ARR in SCHED2.
End Monotonicity.
(* Next, we prove that the function is idempotent. *)
Section Idempotence.
(* The time after the last execution of job j is an idempotent function. *)
Lemma last_execution_idempotent:
∀ t,
time_after_last_execution j (time_after_last_execution j t)
= time_after_last_execution j t.
rename H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute into ARR.
intros t.
rewrite {2 3}/time_after_last_execution.
case EX: [∃ _,_].
move: EX ⇒ /existsP [t0 SCHED].
rewrite /time_after_last_execution.
set ex := [∃ t0, _].
have EX': ex.
apply/existsP; rewrite addn1.
∃ (Ordinal (ltnSn _)).
by apply bigmax_pred with (i0 := t0).
rewrite EX'; f_equal.
rewrite addn1; apply/eqP.
set m := \max_(_ < t | _)_.
have LT: m < m.+1 by done.
rewrite eqn_leq; apply/andP; split.
rewrite -ltnS; apply bigmax_ltn_ord with (i0 := Ordinal LT).
by apply bigmax_pred with (i0 := t0).
apply leq_trans with (n := Ordinal LT); first by done.
by apply leq_bigmax_cond, bigmax_pred with (i0 := t0).
apply negbT in EX; rewrite negb_exists in EX.
move: EX ⇒ /forallP EX.
rewrite /time_after_last_execution.
set ex := [∃ _, _].
suff EX': ex = false; first by rewrite EX'.
apply negbTE; rewrite negb_exists; apply/forallP.
intros x.
apply/negP; intro SCHED.
apply ARR in SCHED.
by apply leq_ltn_trans with (p := job_arrival j) in SCHED;
first by rewrite ltnn in SCHED.
End Idempotence.
(* Next, we show that time_after_last_execution is bounded by the identity function. *)
Section BoundedByIdentity.
(* Let t be any time no earlier than the arrival of j. *)
Variable t: time.
Hypothesis H_after_arrival: has_arrived job_arrival j t.
(* Then, the time following the last execution of job j in the interval [0, t)
occurs no later than time t. *)
Lemma last_execution_bounded_by_identity:
time_after_last_execution j t ≤ t.
unfold time_after_last_execution.
case EX: [∃ _, _]; last by done.
move: EX ⇒ /existsP [t0 SCHED].
by rewrite addn1; apply bigmax_ltn_ord with (i0 := t0).
End BoundedByIdentity.
(* In this section, we show that if the service received by a job
remains the same, the time after last execution also doesn't change. *)
Section SameLastExecution.
(* Consider any time instants t and t'... *)
Variable t t': time.
(* which job j has received the same amount of service. *)
Hypothesis H_same_service: service sched j t = service sched j t'.
(* Then, we prove that the times after last execution relative to
instants t and t' are exactly the same. *)
Lemma same_service_implies_same_last_execution:
time_after_last_execution j t = time_after_last_execution j t'.
rename H_same_service into SERV.
have IFF := same_service_implies_scheduled_at_earlier_times
sched j t t' SERV.
rewrite /time_after_last_execution.
rewrite IFF; case EX2: [∃ _, _]; [f_equal | by done].
have EX1: [∃ x: 'I_t, job_scheduled_at j x] by rewrite IFF.
clear IFF.
move: t t' SERV EX1 EX2 ⇒ t1 t2; clear t t'.
wlog: t1 t2 / t1 ≤ t2 ⇒ [EQ SERV EX1 EX2 | LE].
by case/orP: (leq_total t1 t2); ins; [|symmetry]; apply EQ.
set m1 := \max_(t < t1 | job_scheduled_at j t) t.
set m2 := \max_(t < t2 | job_scheduled_at j t) t.
move ⇒ SERV /existsP [t1' SCHED1'] /existsP [t2' SCHED2'].
apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq; apply/andP; split.
have WID := big_ord_widen_cond t2
(fun x ⇒ job_scheduled_at j x) (fun x ⇒ x).
rewrite /m1 /m2 {}WID //.
rewrite big_mkcond [\max_(t < t2 | _) _]big_mkcond.
apply leq_big_max; intros i _.
case AND: (_ && _); last by done.
by move: AND ⇒ /andP [SCHED _]; rewrite SCHED.
destruct (leqP t2 m1) as [GEm1 | LTm1].
apply leq_trans with (n := t2); last by done.
by apply ltnW, bigmax_ltn_ord with (i0 := t2').
destruct (ltnP m2 t1) as [LTm2 | GEm2].
apply leq_trans with (n := Ordinal LTm2); first by done.
by apply leq_bigmax_cond, bigmax_pred with (i0 := t2').
have LTm2: m2 < t2 by apply bigmax_ltn_ord with (i0 := t2').
have SCHEDm2: job_scheduled_at j m2 by apply bigmax_pred with (i0 := t2').
exfalso; move: SERV ⇒ /eqP SERV.
rewrite -[_ == _]negbK in SERV.
move: SERV ⇒ /negP SERV; apply SERV; clear SERV.
rewrite neq_ltn; apply/orP; left.
rewrite /service /service_during.
rewrite → big_cat_nat with (n := m2) (p := t2);
[simpl | by done | by apply ltnW].
rewrite -addn1; apply leq_add; first by apply extend_sum.
destruct t2; first by rewrite ltn0 in LTm1.
rewrite big_nat_recl; last by done.
by rewrite /service_at -/job_scheduled_at SCHEDm2.
End SameLastExecution.
(* In this section, we show that the service received by a job
does not change since the last execution. *)
Section SameService.
(* We prove that, for any time t, the service received by job j
before (time_after_last_execution j t) is the same as the service
by j before time t. *)
Lemma same_service_since_last_execution:
∀ t,
service sched j (time_after_last_execution j t) = service sched j t.
intros t; rewrite /time_after_last_execution.
case EX: [∃ _, _].
move: EX ⇒ /existsP [t0 SCHED0].
set m := \max_(_ < _ | _) _; rewrite addn1.
have LTt: m < t by apply: (bigmax_ltn_ord _ _ t0).
rewrite leq_eqVlt in LTt.
move: LTt ⇒ /orP [/eqP EQ | LTt]; first by rewrite EQ.
rewrite {2}/service/service_during.
rewrite → big_cat_nat with (n := m.+1);
[simpl | by done | by apply ltnW].
rewrite [X in _ + X]big_nat_cond [X in _ + X]big1 ?addn0 //.
move ⇒ i /andP [/andP [GTi LTi] _].
apply/eqP; rewrite eqb0; apply/negP; intro BUG.
have LEi: (Ordinal LTi) ≤ m by apply leq_bigmax_cond.
by apply (leq_ltn_trans LEi) in GTi; rewrite ltnn in GTi.
apply negbT in EX; rewrite negb_exists in EX.
move: EX ⇒ /forallP ALL.
rewrite /service /service_during.
rewrite (ignore_service_before_arrival job_arrival) // big_geq //.
rewrite big_nat_cond big1 //; move ⇒ i /andP [/= LTi _].
by apply/eqP; rewrite eqb0; apply (ALL (Ordinal LTi)).
End SameService.
(* In this section, we show that for any smaller value of service, we can
always find the last execution that corresponds to that service. *)
Section ExistsIntermediateExecution.
(* Assume that job j has completed by time t. *)
Variable t: time.
Hypothesis H_j_has_completed: completed_by job_cost sched j t.
(* Then, for any value of service less than the cost of j, ...*)
Variable s: time.
Hypothesis H_less_than_cost: s < job_cost j.
(* ...there exists a last execution where the service received
by job j equals s. *)
Lemma exists_last_execution_with_smaller_service:
∃ t0,
service sched j (time_after_last_execution j t0) = s.
have SAME := same_service_since_last_execution.
rename H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute into ARR.
move: H_j_has_completed ⇒ /eqP COMP.
feed (exists_intermediate_point (service sched j));
first by apply service_is_a_step_function.
move ⇒ EX; feed (EX (job_arrival j) t).
feed (cumulative_service_implies_scheduled sched j 0 t);
first by apply leq_ltn_trans with (n := s);
last by rewrite -/(service _ _ _) COMP.
move ⇒ [t' [/= LTt SCHED]].
apply leq_trans with (n := t'); last by apply ltnW.
by apply ARR in SCHED.
feed (EX s).
apply/andP; split; last by rewrite COMP.
rewrite /service /service_during.
by rewrite (ignore_service_before_arrival job_arrival) // big_geq.
move: EX ⇒ [x_mid [_ SERV]]; ∃ x_mid.
by rewrite -SERV SAME.
End ExistsIntermediateExecution.
(* In this section we prove that before the last execution the job
must have received strictly less service. *)
Section LessServiceBeforeLastExecution.
(* Let t be any time... *)
Variable t: time.
(* ...and consider any earlier time t0 no earlier than the arrival of job j... *)
Variable t0: time.
Hypothesis H_no_earlier_than_arrival: has_arrived job_arrival j t0.
(* ...and before the last execution of job j (with respect to time t). *)
Hypothesis H_before_last_execution: t0 < time_after_last_execution j t.
(* Then, we can prove that the service received by j before time t0
is strictly less than the service received by j before time t. *)
Lemma less_service_before_start_of_suspension:
service sched j t0 < service sched j t.
rename H_no_earlier_than_arrival into ARR, H_before_last_execution into LT.
set ex := time_after_last_execution in LT.
set S := service sched.
case EX:([∃ t0:'I_t, scheduled_at sched j t0]); last first.
rewrite /ex /time_after_last_execution EX in LT.
apply leq_trans with (p := t0) in LT; last by done.
by rewrite ltnn in LT.
rewrite /ex /time_after_last_execution EX in LT.
set m := (X in _ < X + 1) in LT.
apply leq_ltn_trans with (n := S j m);
first by rewrite -/m addn1 ltnS in LT; apply extend_sum.
move: EX ⇒ /existsP [t' SCHED'].
have LTt: m < t by apply bigmax_ltn_ord with (i0 := t').
rewrite /S /service /service_during.
rewrite → big_cat_nat with (p := t) (n := m); [simpl | by done | by apply ltnW].
rewrite -addn1 leq_add2l; destruct t; first by done.
rewrite big_nat_recl //.
apply leq_trans with (n := scheduled_at sched j m); last by apply leq_addr.
rewrite lt0n eqb0 negbK.
by apply bigmax_pred with (i0 := t').
End LessServiceBeforeLastExecution.
End Lemmas.
End TimeAfterLastExecution.
End LastExecution.