Library prosa.util.div_mod
Require Export prosa.util.nat.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop div.
Definition div_floor (x y: nat) : nat := x %/ y.
Definition div_ceil (x y: nat) := if y %| x then x %/ y else (x %/ y).+1.
Lemma mod_elim:
∀ a b c,
c>0 →
b<c →
(a + c - b)%%c = ( if a%%c ≥ b then (a%%c - b) else (a%%c + c - b)).
intros× CP BC.
have G: a%%c < c by apply ltn_pmod.
case (b ≤ a %% c)eqn:CASE;rewrite -addnBA;auto;rewrite -modnDml.
- rewrite add_subC;auto. rewrite -modnDmr modnn addn0 modn_small;auto;ssromega.
- rewrite modn_small;try ssromega.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop div.
Definition div_floor (x y: nat) : nat := x %/ y.
Definition div_ceil (x y: nat) := if y %| x then x %/ y else (x %/ y).+1.
Lemma mod_elim:
∀ a b c,
c>0 →
b<c →
(a + c - b)%%c = ( if a%%c ≥ b then (a%%c - b) else (a%%c + c - b)).
intros× CP BC.
have G: a%%c < c by apply ltn_pmod.
case (b ≤ a %% c)eqn:CASE;rewrite -addnBA;auto;rewrite -modnDml.
- rewrite add_subC;auto. rewrite -modnDmr modnn addn0 modn_small;auto;ssromega.
- rewrite modn_small;try ssromega.