Require Import prosa.classic.util.all.
Require Import prosa.classic.model.arrival.basic.job
Require Import prosa.classic.model.schedule.uni.service
Require Import
Require Import prosa.classic.model.arrival.curves.bounds.
Require Import prosa.classic.analysis.uni.arrival_curves.workload_bound.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq path fintype bigop.
Require Import prosa.classic.model.arrival.basic.job
Require Import prosa.classic.model.schedule.uni.service
Require Import
Require Import prosa.classic.model.arrival.curves.bounds.
Require Import prosa.classic.analysis.uni.arrival_curves.workload_bound.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq path fintype bigop.
RTA for EDF-schedulers with bounded nonpreemprive segments
In this module we prove a general RTA theorem for EDF-schedulers.
Module RTAforEDFwithBoundedNonpreemptiveSegmentsWithArrivalCurves.
Import Job ArrivalCurves TaskArrival Priority UniprocessorSchedule Workload Service
ResponseTime MaxArrivalsWorkloadBound LimitedPreemptionPlatform RBF
AbstractRTAforEDFwithArrivalCurves BusyIntervalJLFP PriorityInversionIsBounded.
Section Analysis.
Context {Task: eqType}.
Variable task_max_nps task_cost: Task → time.
Variable task_deadline: Task → time.
Context {Job: eqType}.
Variable job_arrival: Job → time.
Variable job_max_nps job_cost: Job → time.
Variable job_task: Job → Task.
(* For clarity, let's denote the relative deadline of a task as D. *)
Let D tsk := task_deadline tsk.
(* The relative deadline of a job is equal to the deadline of the corresponding task. *)
Let job_relative_deadline j := D (job_task j).
(* Consider any arrival sequence with consistent, non-duplicate arrivals... *)
Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
Hypothesis H_arrival_times_are_consistent: arrival_times_are_consistent job_arrival arr_seq.
Hypothesis H_arr_seq_is_a_set: arrival_sequence_is_a_set arr_seq.
(* Next, consider any uniprocessor schedule of this arrival sequence...*)
Variable sched: schedule Job.
Hypothesis H_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence: jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence sched arr_seq.
(* ... where jobs do not execute before their arrival nor after completion. *)
Hypothesis H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute: jobs_must_arrive_to_execute job_arrival sched.
Hypothesis H_completed_jobs_dont_execute: completed_jobs_dont_execute job_cost sched.
(* Assume we have sequential jobs, i.e, jobs from the same
task execute in the order of their arrival. *)
Hypothesis H_sequential_jobs: sequential_jobs job_arrival job_cost sched job_task.
(* Consider the EDF policy that indicates a higher-or-equal priority relation. *)
Let higher_eq_priority: JLFP_policy Job := EDF job_arrival job_relative_deadline.
(* We consider an arbitrary function can_be_preempted which defines
a preemption model with bounded nonpreemptive segments. *)
Variable can_be_preempted: Job → time → bool.
Let preemption_time := preemption_time sched can_be_preempted.
Hypothesis H_correct_preemption_model:
correct_preemption_model arr_seq sched can_be_preempted.
Hypothesis H_model_with_bounded_nonpreemptive_segments:
job_cost job_task arr_seq can_be_preempted job_max_nps task_max_nps.
(* Next, we assume that the schedule is a work-conserving schedule... *)
Hypothesis H_work_conserving: work_conserving job_arrival job_cost arr_seq sched.
(* ... and the schedule respects the policy defined by the
can_be_preempted function (i.e., bounded nonpreemptive segments). *)
Hypothesis H_respects_policy:
job_arrival job_cost arr_seq sched can_be_preempted higher_eq_priority.
(* Consider an arbitrary task set ts. *)
Variable ts: list Task.
(* Assume that all jobs come from the task set... *)
Hypothesis H_all_jobs_from_taskset:
∀ j, arrives_in arr_seq j → job_task j \in ts.
(* ...and the cost of a job cannot be larger than the task cost. *)
Hypothesis H_job_cost_le_task_cost:
task_cost job_cost job_task arr_seq.
(* Let tsk be any task in ts that is to be analyzed. *)
Variable tsk: Task.
Hypothesis H_tsk_in_ts: tsk \in ts.
(* Let max_arrivals be a family of proper arrival curves, i.e., for any task tsk in ts
max_arrival tsk is (1) an arrival bound of tsk, and (2) it is a monotonic function
that equals 0 for the empty interval delta = 0. *)
Variable max_arrivals: Task → time → nat.
Hypothesis H_family_of_proper_arrival_curves:
family_of_proper_arrival_curves job_task arr_seq max_arrivals ts.
(* Consider a proper job lock-in service and task lock-in functions, i.e... *)
Variable job_lock_in_service: Job → time.
Variable task_lock_in_service: Task → time.
(* ...we assume that for all jobs in the arrival sequence the lock-in service is
(1) positive, (2) no bigger than costs of the corresponding jobs, and (3) a job
becomes nonpreemptive after it reaches its lock-in service... *)
Hypothesis H_proper_job_lock_in_service:
proper_job_lock_in_service job_cost arr_seq sched job_lock_in_service.
(* ...and that task_lock_in_service tsk is (1) no bigger than tsk's cost, (2) for any
job of task tsk job_lock_in_service is bounded by task_lock_in_service. *)
Hypothesis H_proper_task_lock_in_service:
task_cost job_task arr_seq job_lock_in_service task_lock_in_service tsk.
(* We introduce as an abbreviation "rbf" for the task request bound function,
which is defined as task_cost(T) × max_arrivals(T,Δ) for a task T. *)
Let rbf := task_request_bound_function task_cost max_arrivals.
(* Next, we introduce task_rbf as an abbreviation for the task
request bound function of task tsk. *)
Let task_rbf := rbf tsk.
(* Using the sum of individual request bound functions, we define the request bound
function of all tasks (total request bound function). *)
Let total_rbf := total_request_bound_function task_cost max_arrivals ts.
(* Next, we define an upper bound on interfering workload received from jobs
of other tasks with higher-than-or-equal priority. *)
Let bound_on_total_hep_workload A Δ :=
\sum_(tsk_o <- ts | tsk_o != tsk)
rbf tsk_o (minn ((A + ε) + D tsk - D tsk_o) Δ).
(* Let's define some local names for clarity. *)
Let job_pending_at := pending job_arrival job_cost sched.
Let job_scheduled_at := scheduled_at sched.
Let job_completed_by := completed_by job_cost sched.
Let job_backlogged_at := backlogged job_arrival job_cost sched.
Let arrivals_between := jobs_arrived_between arr_seq.
Let task_rbf_changes_at A := task_rbf_changes_at task_cost max_arrivals tsk A.
Let bound_on_total_hep_workload_changes_at :=
bound_on_total_hep_workload_changes_at task_cost task_deadline ts max_arrivals tsk.
Let response_time_bounded_by :=
is_response_time_bound_of_task job_arrival job_cost job_task arr_seq sched.
Let max_length_of_priority_inversion :=
max_length_of_priority_inversion job_max_nps arr_seq higher_eq_priority.
(* We also define a bound for the priority inversion caused by jobs with lower priority. *)
Definition blocking_bound :=
\max_(tsk_other <- ts | (tsk_other != tsk) && (D tsk < D tsk_other))
(task_max_nps tsk_other - ε).
Import Job ArrivalCurves TaskArrival Priority UniprocessorSchedule Workload Service
ResponseTime MaxArrivalsWorkloadBound LimitedPreemptionPlatform RBF
AbstractRTAforEDFwithArrivalCurves BusyIntervalJLFP PriorityInversionIsBounded.
Section Analysis.
Context {Task: eqType}.
Variable task_max_nps task_cost: Task → time.
Variable task_deadline: Task → time.
Context {Job: eqType}.
Variable job_arrival: Job → time.
Variable job_max_nps job_cost: Job → time.
Variable job_task: Job → Task.
(* For clarity, let's denote the relative deadline of a task as D. *)
Let D tsk := task_deadline tsk.
(* The relative deadline of a job is equal to the deadline of the corresponding task. *)
Let job_relative_deadline j := D (job_task j).
(* Consider any arrival sequence with consistent, non-duplicate arrivals... *)
Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
Hypothesis H_arrival_times_are_consistent: arrival_times_are_consistent job_arrival arr_seq.
Hypothesis H_arr_seq_is_a_set: arrival_sequence_is_a_set arr_seq.
(* Next, consider any uniprocessor schedule of this arrival sequence...*)
Variable sched: schedule Job.
Hypothesis H_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence: jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence sched arr_seq.
(* ... where jobs do not execute before their arrival nor after completion. *)
Hypothesis H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute: jobs_must_arrive_to_execute job_arrival sched.
Hypothesis H_completed_jobs_dont_execute: completed_jobs_dont_execute job_cost sched.
(* Assume we have sequential jobs, i.e, jobs from the same
task execute in the order of their arrival. *)
Hypothesis H_sequential_jobs: sequential_jobs job_arrival job_cost sched job_task.
(* Consider the EDF policy that indicates a higher-or-equal priority relation. *)
Let higher_eq_priority: JLFP_policy Job := EDF job_arrival job_relative_deadline.
(* We consider an arbitrary function can_be_preempted which defines
a preemption model with bounded nonpreemptive segments. *)
Variable can_be_preempted: Job → time → bool.
Let preemption_time := preemption_time sched can_be_preempted.
Hypothesis H_correct_preemption_model:
correct_preemption_model arr_seq sched can_be_preempted.
Hypothesis H_model_with_bounded_nonpreemptive_segments:
job_cost job_task arr_seq can_be_preempted job_max_nps task_max_nps.
(* Next, we assume that the schedule is a work-conserving schedule... *)
Hypothesis H_work_conserving: work_conserving job_arrival job_cost arr_seq sched.
(* ... and the schedule respects the policy defined by the
can_be_preempted function (i.e., bounded nonpreemptive segments). *)
Hypothesis H_respects_policy:
job_arrival job_cost arr_seq sched can_be_preempted higher_eq_priority.
(* Consider an arbitrary task set ts. *)
Variable ts: list Task.
(* Assume that all jobs come from the task set... *)
Hypothesis H_all_jobs_from_taskset:
∀ j, arrives_in arr_seq j → job_task j \in ts.
(* ...and the cost of a job cannot be larger than the task cost. *)
Hypothesis H_job_cost_le_task_cost:
task_cost job_cost job_task arr_seq.
(* Let tsk be any task in ts that is to be analyzed. *)
Variable tsk: Task.
Hypothesis H_tsk_in_ts: tsk \in ts.
(* Let max_arrivals be a family of proper arrival curves, i.e., for any task tsk in ts
max_arrival tsk is (1) an arrival bound of tsk, and (2) it is a monotonic function
that equals 0 for the empty interval delta = 0. *)
Variable max_arrivals: Task → time → nat.
Hypothesis H_family_of_proper_arrival_curves:
family_of_proper_arrival_curves job_task arr_seq max_arrivals ts.
(* Consider a proper job lock-in service and task lock-in functions, i.e... *)
Variable job_lock_in_service: Job → time.
Variable task_lock_in_service: Task → time.
(* ...we assume that for all jobs in the arrival sequence the lock-in service is
(1) positive, (2) no bigger than costs of the corresponding jobs, and (3) a job
becomes nonpreemptive after it reaches its lock-in service... *)
Hypothesis H_proper_job_lock_in_service:
proper_job_lock_in_service job_cost arr_seq sched job_lock_in_service.
(* ...and that task_lock_in_service tsk is (1) no bigger than tsk's cost, (2) for any
job of task tsk job_lock_in_service is bounded by task_lock_in_service. *)
Hypothesis H_proper_task_lock_in_service:
task_cost job_task arr_seq job_lock_in_service task_lock_in_service tsk.
(* We introduce as an abbreviation "rbf" for the task request bound function,
which is defined as task_cost(T) × max_arrivals(T,Δ) for a task T. *)
Let rbf := task_request_bound_function task_cost max_arrivals.
(* Next, we introduce task_rbf as an abbreviation for the task
request bound function of task tsk. *)
Let task_rbf := rbf tsk.
(* Using the sum of individual request bound functions, we define the request bound
function of all tasks (total request bound function). *)
Let total_rbf := total_request_bound_function task_cost max_arrivals ts.
(* Next, we define an upper bound on interfering workload received from jobs
of other tasks with higher-than-or-equal priority. *)
Let bound_on_total_hep_workload A Δ :=
\sum_(tsk_o <- ts | tsk_o != tsk)
rbf tsk_o (minn ((A + ε) + D tsk - D tsk_o) Δ).
(* Let's define some local names for clarity. *)
Let job_pending_at := pending job_arrival job_cost sched.
Let job_scheduled_at := scheduled_at sched.
Let job_completed_by := completed_by job_cost sched.
Let job_backlogged_at := backlogged job_arrival job_cost sched.
Let arrivals_between := jobs_arrived_between arr_seq.
Let task_rbf_changes_at A := task_rbf_changes_at task_cost max_arrivals tsk A.
Let bound_on_total_hep_workload_changes_at :=
bound_on_total_hep_workload_changes_at task_cost task_deadline ts max_arrivals tsk.
Let response_time_bounded_by :=
is_response_time_bound_of_task job_arrival job_cost job_task arr_seq sched.
Let max_length_of_priority_inversion :=
max_length_of_priority_inversion job_max_nps arr_seq higher_eq_priority.
(* We also define a bound for the priority inversion caused by jobs with lower priority. *)
Definition blocking_bound :=
\max_(tsk_other <- ts | (tsk_other != tsk) && (D tsk < D tsk_other))
(task_max_nps tsk_other - ε).
Priority inversion is bounded
In this section, we prove that a priority inversion for task tsk is bounded by the maximum length of nonpreemtive segments among the tasks with lower priority.
Section PriorityInversionIsBounded.
(* First, we prove that the maximum length of a priority inversion of job j is
bounded by the maximum length of a nonpreemptive section of a task with
lower-priority task (i.e., the blocking term). *)
Lemma priority_inversion_is_bounded_by_blocking:
∀ j t,
arrives_in arr_seq j →
job_task j = tsk →
t ≤ job_arrival j →
max_length_of_priority_inversion j t ≤ blocking_bound.
intros j t ARR TSK LE.
unfold max_length_of_priority_inversion, blocking_bound.
apply leq_trans with
(\max_(j_lp <- jobs_arrived_between arr_seq 0 t |
~~ higher_eq_priority j_lp j)
(task_max_nps (job_task j_lp) - ε)
{ apply leq_big_max.
intros j' JINB NOTHEP.
specialize (H_job_cost_le_task_cost j').
feed H_job_cost_le_task_cost.
{ apply mem_bigcat_nat_exists in JINB.
by move: JINB ⇒ [ta' [JIN' _]]; ∃ ta'.
rewrite leq_sub2r //.
apply in_arrivals_implies_arrived in JINB.
move: (H_model_with_bounded_nonpreemptive_segments j' JINB) ⇒ [_ [_ [T _]]].
by apply T.
{ apply /bigmax_leq_seqP.
intros j' JINB NOTHEP.
apply leq_bigmax_cond_seq with
(x := (job_task j')) (F := fun tsk ⇒ task_max_nps tsk - 1).
{ apply H_all_jobs_from_taskset.
apply mem_bigcat_nat_exists in JINB.
by inversion JINB as [ta' [JIN' _]]; ∃ ta'. }
{ have NINTSK: job_task j' != tsk.
{ apply/eqP; intros TSKj'.
rewrite /higher_eq_priority /EDF -ltnNge in NOTHEP.
rewrite /job_relative_deadline TSKj' TSK ltn_add2r in NOTHEP.
move: NOTHEP; rewrite ltnNge; move ⇒ /negP T; apply: T.
apply leq_trans with t; last by done.
eapply in_arrivals_implies_arrived_between in JINB; last by eauto 2.
move: JINB; move ⇒ /andP [_ T].
by apply ltnW.
apply/andP; split; first by done.
rewrite /higher_eq_priority /EDF /job_relative_deadline -ltnNge in NOTHEP.
rewrite -TSK.
have ARRLE: job_arrival j' < job_arrival j.
{ apply leq_trans with t; last by done.
eapply in_arrivals_implies_arrived_between in JINB; last by eauto 2.
by move: JINB; move ⇒ /andP [_ T].
have F: ∀ a b c d, a + b < c + d → a > c → b < d.
{ clear.
rewrite -addn1 -addnA -leq_subLR -addnBAC in H; last by apply ltnW.
rewrite addn1 addnS in H.
rewrite -subn_gt0 in H0.
apply ltn_trans with (a - c + b); last by done.
eapply F; eauto 2.
(* Using the lemma above, we prove that the priority inversion of the task is bounded by
the maximum length of a nonpreemptive section of lower-priority tasks. *)
Lemma priority_inversion_is_bounded:
job_arrival job_cost job_task arr_seq sched higher_eq_priority tsk blocking_bound.
intros j ARR TSK POS t1 t2 PREF.
move: (PREF) ⇒ [_ [_ [_ /andP [T _]]]].
case NEQ: (t2 - t1 ≤ blocking_bound).
{ apply leq_trans with (t2 - t1); last by done.
rewrite /cumulative_priority_inversion /is_priority_inversion.
rewrite -[X in _ ≤ X]addn0 -[t2 - t1]mul1n -iter_addn -big_const_nat.
rewrite leq_sum //.
intros t _; case: (sched t); last by done.
by intros s; case: (higher_eq_priority).
move: NEQ ⇒ /negP /negP; rewrite -ltnNge; move ⇒ NEQ.
have PPE := preemption_time_exists
task_max_nps job_arrival job_max_nps job_cost job_task arr_seq
_ sched _ _ _ higher_eq_priority _ _ can_be_preempted
_ _ _ _ j _ _ t1 t2.
feed_n 13 PPE; try done.
{ by apply EDF_is_reflexive. }
{ by apply EDF_is_transitive. }
move: PPE ⇒ [ppt [PPT /andP [GE LE]]].
apply leq_trans with (cumulative_priority_inversion sched higher_eq_priority j t1 ppt);
last apply leq_trans with (ppt - t1).
{ rewrite /cumulative_priority_inversion /is_priority_inversion.
rewrite (@big_cat_nat _ _ _ ppt) //=.
rewrite -[X in _ ≤ X]addn0 leq_add2l.
rewrite leqn0.
rewrite big_nat_cond big1 //; move ⇒ t /andP [/andP [GEt LTt] _ ].
case SCHED: (sched t) ⇒ [s | ]; last by done.
have SCHEDHP := not_quiet_implies_exists_scheduled_hp_job
task_max_nps job_arrival job_max_nps job_cost job_task arr_seq
_ sched _ _ _ higher_eq_priority _ _ can_be_preempted
_ _ _ _ j _ _ t1 t2 _ (ppt - t1) _ t.
feed_n 15 SCHEDHP; try done.
{ by apply EDF_is_reflexive. }
{ by apply EDF_is_transitive. }
{ ∃ ppt; split. by done. by rewrite subnKC //; apply/andP; split. }
{ by rewrite subnKC //; apply/andP; split. }
move: SCHEDHP ⇒ [j_hp [ARRB [HP SCHEDHP]]].
apply/eqP; rewrite eqb0 Bool.negb_involutive.
have EQ: s = j_hp.
{ by ( try ( apply only_one_job_scheduled with (sched0 := sched) (t0 := t) ) ||
apply only_one_job_scheduled with (sched := sched) (t := t) ); [apply/eqP | ]. }
by rewrite EQ.
rewrite ltn_subRL in NEQ.
apply leq_trans with (t1 + blocking_bound); last by apply ltnW.
apply leq_trans with (t1 + max_length_of_priority_inversion j t1); first by done.
by rewrite leq_add2l; eapply priority_inversion_is_bounded_by_blocking; eauto 2.
{ rewrite /cumulative_priority_inversion /is_priority_inversion.
rewrite -[X in _ ≤ X]addn0 -[ppt - t1]mul1n -iter_addn -big_const_nat.
rewrite leq_sum //.
intros t _; case: (sched t); last by done.
by intros s; case: higher_eq_priority.
{ rewrite leq_subLR.
apply leq_trans with (t1 + max_length_of_priority_inversion j t1); first by done.
rewrite leq_add2l; eapply priority_inversion_is_bounded_by_blocking; eauto 2.
End PriorityInversionIsBounded.
(* First, we prove that the maximum length of a priority inversion of job j is
bounded by the maximum length of a nonpreemptive section of a task with
lower-priority task (i.e., the blocking term). *)
Lemma priority_inversion_is_bounded_by_blocking:
∀ j t,
arrives_in arr_seq j →
job_task j = tsk →
t ≤ job_arrival j →
max_length_of_priority_inversion j t ≤ blocking_bound.
intros j t ARR TSK LE.
unfold max_length_of_priority_inversion, blocking_bound.
apply leq_trans with
(\max_(j_lp <- jobs_arrived_between arr_seq 0 t |
~~ higher_eq_priority j_lp j)
(task_max_nps (job_task j_lp) - ε)
{ apply leq_big_max.
intros j' JINB NOTHEP.
specialize (H_job_cost_le_task_cost j').
feed H_job_cost_le_task_cost.
{ apply mem_bigcat_nat_exists in JINB.
by move: JINB ⇒ [ta' [JIN' _]]; ∃ ta'.
rewrite leq_sub2r //.
apply in_arrivals_implies_arrived in JINB.
move: (H_model_with_bounded_nonpreemptive_segments j' JINB) ⇒ [_ [_ [T _]]].
by apply T.
{ apply /bigmax_leq_seqP.
intros j' JINB NOTHEP.
apply leq_bigmax_cond_seq with
(x := (job_task j')) (F := fun tsk ⇒ task_max_nps tsk - 1).
{ apply H_all_jobs_from_taskset.
apply mem_bigcat_nat_exists in JINB.
by inversion JINB as [ta' [JIN' _]]; ∃ ta'. }
{ have NINTSK: job_task j' != tsk.
{ apply/eqP; intros TSKj'.
rewrite /higher_eq_priority /EDF -ltnNge in NOTHEP.
rewrite /job_relative_deadline TSKj' TSK ltn_add2r in NOTHEP.
move: NOTHEP; rewrite ltnNge; move ⇒ /negP T; apply: T.
apply leq_trans with t; last by done.
eapply in_arrivals_implies_arrived_between in JINB; last by eauto 2.
move: JINB; move ⇒ /andP [_ T].
by apply ltnW.
apply/andP; split; first by done.
rewrite /higher_eq_priority /EDF /job_relative_deadline -ltnNge in NOTHEP.
rewrite -TSK.
have ARRLE: job_arrival j' < job_arrival j.
{ apply leq_trans with t; last by done.
eapply in_arrivals_implies_arrived_between in JINB; last by eauto 2.
by move: JINB; move ⇒ /andP [_ T].
have F: ∀ a b c d, a + b < c + d → a > c → b < d.
{ clear.
rewrite -addn1 -addnA -leq_subLR -addnBAC in H; last by apply ltnW.
rewrite addn1 addnS in H.
rewrite -subn_gt0 in H0.
apply ltn_trans with (a - c + b); last by done.
eapply F; eauto 2.
(* Using the lemma above, we prove that the priority inversion of the task is bounded by
the maximum length of a nonpreemptive section of lower-priority tasks. *)
Lemma priority_inversion_is_bounded:
job_arrival job_cost job_task arr_seq sched higher_eq_priority tsk blocking_bound.
intros j ARR TSK POS t1 t2 PREF.
move: (PREF) ⇒ [_ [_ [_ /andP [T _]]]].
case NEQ: (t2 - t1 ≤ blocking_bound).
{ apply leq_trans with (t2 - t1); last by done.
rewrite /cumulative_priority_inversion /is_priority_inversion.
rewrite -[X in _ ≤ X]addn0 -[t2 - t1]mul1n -iter_addn -big_const_nat.
rewrite leq_sum //.
intros t _; case: (sched t); last by done.
by intros s; case: (higher_eq_priority).
move: NEQ ⇒ /negP /negP; rewrite -ltnNge; move ⇒ NEQ.
have PPE := preemption_time_exists
task_max_nps job_arrival job_max_nps job_cost job_task arr_seq
_ sched _ _ _ higher_eq_priority _ _ can_be_preempted
_ _ _ _ j _ _ t1 t2.
feed_n 13 PPE; try done.
{ by apply EDF_is_reflexive. }
{ by apply EDF_is_transitive. }
move: PPE ⇒ [ppt [PPT /andP [GE LE]]].
apply leq_trans with (cumulative_priority_inversion sched higher_eq_priority j t1 ppt);
last apply leq_trans with (ppt - t1).
{ rewrite /cumulative_priority_inversion /is_priority_inversion.
rewrite (@big_cat_nat _ _ _ ppt) //=.
rewrite -[X in _ ≤ X]addn0 leq_add2l.
rewrite leqn0.
rewrite big_nat_cond big1 //; move ⇒ t /andP [/andP [GEt LTt] _ ].
case SCHED: (sched t) ⇒ [s | ]; last by done.
have SCHEDHP := not_quiet_implies_exists_scheduled_hp_job
task_max_nps job_arrival job_max_nps job_cost job_task arr_seq
_ sched _ _ _ higher_eq_priority _ _ can_be_preempted
_ _ _ _ j _ _ t1 t2 _ (ppt - t1) _ t.
feed_n 15 SCHEDHP; try done.
{ by apply EDF_is_reflexive. }
{ by apply EDF_is_transitive. }
{ ∃ ppt; split. by done. by rewrite subnKC //; apply/andP; split. }
{ by rewrite subnKC //; apply/andP; split. }
move: SCHEDHP ⇒ [j_hp [ARRB [HP SCHEDHP]]].
apply/eqP; rewrite eqb0 Bool.negb_involutive.
have EQ: s = j_hp.
{ by ( try ( apply only_one_job_scheduled with (sched0 := sched) (t0 := t) ) ||
apply only_one_job_scheduled with (sched := sched) (t := t) ); [apply/eqP | ]. }
by rewrite EQ.
rewrite ltn_subRL in NEQ.
apply leq_trans with (t1 + blocking_bound); last by apply ltnW.
apply leq_trans with (t1 + max_length_of_priority_inversion j t1); first by done.
by rewrite leq_add2l; eapply priority_inversion_is_bounded_by_blocking; eauto 2.
{ rewrite /cumulative_priority_inversion /is_priority_inversion.
rewrite -[X in _ ≤ X]addn0 -[ppt - t1]mul1n -iter_addn -big_const_nat.
rewrite leq_sum //.
intros t _; case: (sched t); last by done.
by intros s; case: higher_eq_priority.
{ rewrite leq_subLR.
apply leq_trans with (t1 + max_length_of_priority_inversion j t1); first by done.
rewrite leq_add2l; eapply priority_inversion_is_bounded_by_blocking; eauto 2.
End PriorityInversionIsBounded.
Response-Time Bound
In this section, we prove that the maximum among the solutions of the response-time bound recurrence is a response-time bound for tsk.
Section ResponseTimeBound.
(* Let L be any positive fixed point of the busy interval recurrence. *)
Variable L: time.
Hypothesis H_L_positive: L > 0.
Hypothesis H_fixed_point: L = total_rbf L.
(* To reduce the time complexity of the analysis, recall the notion of search space. *)
Let is_in_search_space A :=
(A < L) && (task_rbf_changes_at A || bound_on_total_hep_workload_changes_at A).
(* Consider any value R, and assume that for any given arrival offset A in the search space,
there is a solution of the response-time bound recurrence which is bounded by R. *)
Variable R: nat.
Hypothesis H_R_is_maximum:
∀ A,
is_in_search_space A →
∃ F,
A + F = blocking_bound
+ (task_rbf (A + ε) - (task_cost tsk - task_lock_in_service tsk))
+ bound_on_total_hep_workload A (A + F) ∧
F + (task_cost tsk - task_lock_in_service tsk) ≤ R.
(* Then, using the results for the general RTA for EDF-schedulers, we establish a
response-time bound for the more concrete model of bounded nonpreemptive segments.
Note that in case of the general RTA for EDF-schedulers, we just _assume_ that
the priority inversion is bounded. In this module we provide the preemption model
with bounded nonpreemptive segments and _prove_ that the priority inversion is
bounded. *)
Theorem uniprocessor_response_time_bound_edf_with_bounded_nonpreemptive_segments:
response_time_bounded_by tsk R.
eapply uniprocessor_response_time_bound_edf; eauto 2.
by apply priority_inversion_is_bounded.
End ResponseTimeBound.
End Analysis.
End RTAforEDFwithBoundedNonpreemptiveSegmentsWithArrivalCurves.
(* Let L be any positive fixed point of the busy interval recurrence. *)
Variable L: time.
Hypothesis H_L_positive: L > 0.
Hypothesis H_fixed_point: L = total_rbf L.
(* To reduce the time complexity of the analysis, recall the notion of search space. *)
Let is_in_search_space A :=
(A < L) && (task_rbf_changes_at A || bound_on_total_hep_workload_changes_at A).
(* Consider any value R, and assume that for any given arrival offset A in the search space,
there is a solution of the response-time bound recurrence which is bounded by R. *)
Variable R: nat.
Hypothesis H_R_is_maximum:
∀ A,
is_in_search_space A →
∃ F,
A + F = blocking_bound
+ (task_rbf (A + ε) - (task_cost tsk - task_lock_in_service tsk))
+ bound_on_total_hep_workload A (A + F) ∧
F + (task_cost tsk - task_lock_in_service tsk) ≤ R.
(* Then, using the results for the general RTA for EDF-schedulers, we establish a
response-time bound for the more concrete model of bounded nonpreemptive segments.
Note that in case of the general RTA for EDF-schedulers, we just _assume_ that
the priority inversion is bounded. In this module we provide the preemption model
with bounded nonpreemptive segments and _prove_ that the priority inversion is
bounded. *)
Theorem uniprocessor_response_time_bound_edf_with_bounded_nonpreemptive_segments:
response_time_bounded_by tsk R.
eapply uniprocessor_response_time_bound_edf; eauto 2.
by apply priority_inversion_is_bounded.
End ResponseTimeBound.
End Analysis.
End RTAforEDFwithBoundedNonpreemptiveSegmentsWithArrivalCurves.