Library prosa.analysis.abstract.IBF.supply_task
Require Export prosa.analysis.abstract.abstract_rta.
Require Export
Require Export prosa.analysis.abstract.IBF.task.
Require Export
Require Export prosa.analysis.abstract.IBF.task.
In this module, we define a task-intra-supply-interference-bound
function (task_intra_IBF). Function task_intra_IBF bounds
interference ignoring interference due to lack of supply and due
to self-interference.
Consider any type of job associated with any type of tasks ...
... with arrival times and costs.
Consider any kind of processor state model.
Consider any arrival sequence ...
... and any schedule of this arrival sequence.
Let tsk be any task that is to be analyzed.
Assume we are provided with abstract functions characterizing
interference and interfering workload.
Next, we introduce the notions of "task intra-supply
interference" and "task intra-supply IBF". Using these notions,
one can separate the interference due to the lack of supply or
due to self-interference from all the other sources of
Let us define a predicate stating that (1) there is supply at
time t and (2) the task of a job j is not scheduled at a
time instant t.
Definition nonself_intra (j : Job) (t : instant) :=
(nonself arr_seq sched j t) && has_supply sched t.
(nonself arr_seq sched j t) && has_supply sched t.
We define task intra-supply interference as interference
conditioned on the fact that there is supply and there is no
Consider an interference bound function task_intra_IBF.
We say that task intra-supply interference is bounded by
task_intra_IBF iff, for any job j of task tsk, the
cumulative task intra-supply interference within the interval
[t1, t1 + R)
is bounded by task_intra_IBF(A, R).