Library prosa.analysis.definitions.workload.elf_athep_bound

Bound on Higher-or-Equal Priority Workload under ELF Scheduling

In this file, we define an upper bound on workload incurred by a job from jobs with higher-or-equal priority that come from other tasks under ELF scheduling.
Section ELFWorkloadBound.

Consider any type of tasks, each characterized by a WCET task_cost, and an arrival curve max_arrivals.
  Context {Task : TaskType}.
  Context `{TaskCost Task}.
  Context `{MaxArrivals Task}.

Suppose the tasks have relative priority points.
  Context `{PriorityPoint Task}.

Now consider any task set ts.
  Variable ts : seq Task.

Consider any FP Policy.
  Context {FP : FP_policy Task}.

Now we define, given the arrival offset A, the length of the interval in which a higher or equal priority job from a task tsk_o in the same priority band as tsk may arrive.
Using the above definition, we now define a bound on the higher-or-equal priority workload from tasks in the same priority band as tsk.
Next we define a bound on the higher-priority workload from tasks in higher priority bands than tsk.
Finally, we define an upper bound on the workload received from jobs with higher-than-or-equal priority that come from other tasks.