Library prosa.analysis.facts.model.dbf

Facts about the Demand Bound Function (DBF)

In this file we establish some properties of DBFs.
Consider any type of task with relative deadlines and any type of jobs associated with such tasks.
  Context {Task : TaskType} `{TaskDeadline Task}
          {Job : JobType} `{JobTask Job Task} `{JobArrival Job}.

Consider a valid arrival sequence.
First, we establish a relation between a task's arrivals in a given interval and those arrivals that also have a deadline contained within the given interval.
  Lemma task_arrivals_with_deadline_within_eq:
     (tsk : Task) (t : instant) (delta : duration),
      task_arrivals_with_deadline_within arr_seq tsk t (t + delta)
      = task_arrivals_between arr_seq tsk t (t + (delta - (task_deadline tsk -1))).
    movetsk t delta.
    rewrite /task_arrivals_with_deadline_within/job_deadline
    rewrite (@arrivals_between_cat _ _ _ (t + (delta - (task_deadline tsk - 1)))); try lia.
    rewrite filter_cat.
    rewrite (@eq_in_filter _ _ (fun jjob_of_task tsk j)).
    { set nilS := [seq j <- arrivals_between arr_seq t (t + (delta - (task_deadline tsk - 1))) | job_of_task tsk j].
      rewrite -[in RHS](@cats0 _ nilS).
      apply /eqP; rewrite eqseq_cat ⇒ //=.
      apply /andP; split ⇒ //=.
      rewrite (@eq_in_filter _ _ pred0);
        first by rewrite filter_pred0.
      movej IN.
      have [/eqP ->|] := boolP (job_of_task tsk j) ⇒ //=.
      have GEQ: job_arrival j t + (delta - (task_deadline tsk - 1))
        by apply: job_arrival_between_ge.
      have LT := (arrivals_between_nonempty _ _ _ _ IN).
      by lia. }
    { movej IN.
      have [/eqP ->|] := boolP (job_of_task tsk j) ⇒ //=.
      have → : (job_arrival j + task_deadline tsk t + delta) ⇒ //.
      have LT := (arrivals_between_nonempty _ _ _ _ IN).
      have LTj: job_arrival j < t + (delta - (task_deadline tsk - 1))
        by apply: job_arrival_between_lt.
      by lia. }

As a corollary, we also show a much more useful result that arises when we count these jobs.
  Corollary num_task_arrivals_with_deadline_within_eq:
     (tsk : Task) (t : instant) (delta : duration),
      number_of_task_arrivals_with_deadline_within arr_seq tsk t (t + delta)
      = number_of_task_arrivals arr_seq tsk t (t + (delta - (task_deadline tsk - 1))).
    movetsk t delta.
    rewrite /number_of_task_arrivals_with_deadline_within
    by rewrite task_arrivals_with_deadline_within_eq.

In the following, assume we are given a valid WCET bound for each task.
A task's demand in a given interval is the sum of the execution costs (i.e., the workload) of the task's jobs that both arrive in the interval and have a deadline within it.
  Definition task_demand_within (tsk : Task) (t1 t2 : instant) :=
      causing_demand (j : Job) := (job_deadline j t2) && (job_of_task tsk j)
      workload_of_jobs causing_demand (arrivals_between arr_seq t1 t2).

Consider a task set ts.
  Variable ts : seq Task.

Let max_arrivals be any arrival curve.
The task's processor demand task_demand_within is upper-bounded by the task's DBF task_demand_bound_function.
  Lemma task_demand_within_le_task_dbf:
     (tsk : Task) t delta,
      tsk \in ts
      task_demand_within tsk t (t + delta) task_demand_bound_function tsk delta.
    movetsk t delta IN0.
    have ->: task_demand_within tsk t (t + delta)
             = task_workload tsk (arrivals_between arr_seq t (t + (delta - (task_deadline tsk - 1)))).
    { rewrite /task_demand_within/task_workload/workload_of_jobs.
      under eq_bigl do rewrite andbC.
      rewrite -big_filter.
      move: (task_arrivals_with_deadline_within_eq tsk t delta).
      rewrite /task_arrivals_with_deadline_within/task_arrivals_between ⇒ →.
      by rewrite big_filter. }
    rewrite /task_demand_bound_function/task_workload.
    by apply: rbf_spec.

We also prove that task_demand_within is less than shifted RBF.
  Corollary task_demand_within_le_task_rbf_shifted:
     (tsk : Task) t delta,
      tsk \in ts
      task_demand_within tsk t (t + delta) task_request_bound_function tsk (delta - (task_deadline tsk - 1)).
    movetsk t delta IN0.
    by apply task_demand_within_le_task_dbf.

Next, we define the total workload of all jobs that arrives in a given interval that also have a deadline within the interval.
  Definition total_demand_within (t1 t2 : instant) :=
      causing_demand (j : Job) := job_deadline j t2
      workload_of_jobs causing_demand (arrivals_between arr_seq t1 t2).

Assume that all jobs come from the task set ts.
Finally we establish that total_demand_within is bounded by total_demand_bound_function.
  Lemma total_demand_within_le_total_dbf:
     (t : instant) (delta : duration),
      total_demand_within t (t + delta) total_demand_bound_function ts delta.
    movet delta.
    apply (@leq_trans (\sum_(tsk <- ts) task_demand_within tsk t (t + delta))).
    { apply workload_of_jobs_le_sum_over_partitions ⇒ //.
      movej IN; by apply in_arrivals_implies_arrived in IN. }
    rewrite /total_demand_bound_function.
    apply leq_sum_seqtsk' tsk_IN P_tsk.
    by apply task_demand_within_le_task_dbf.

As a corollary, we also note that total_demand_within is less than the sum of each task's shifted RBF.
  Corollary total_demand_within_le_sum_task_rbf_shifted:
     (t : instant ) (delta : instant),
      total_demand_within t (t + delta)
       \sum_(tsk <- ts) task_request_bound_function tsk (delta - (task_deadline tsk - 1)).
    movet delta.
    by apply total_demand_within_le_total_dbf.

End ProofDemandBoundDefinition.