Library probsa.rt.behavior.arrival_sequence

(* --------------------------------- Prosa ---------------------------------- *)
From prosa Require Export util.all.
From prosa Require Export behavior.all.

(* -------------------------------- ProBsa ---------------------------------  *)
From probsa.util Require Export boolp.
From probsa.rt.behavior Require Export job.

(* ------------------------------ Definitions ------------------------------- *)

Probabilistic Arrival Sequence

Arrival sequence is a function that maps a time instant to a sequence of jobs that arrive at this time instant. A probabilistic arrival sequence is a random variable with a codomain in arrival sequences.
It is required by coq-proba library that codomain is an eqType; however, an arrival sequence is a function, which means that there is no decidable equality defined on schedules. Similarly to pr_schedule, we resolve this issue using classical logic. However, unlike the pr_schedule, Coq is able to derive eqType automatically due to the simpler definition of an arrival sequence.

Additional Definitions

job_arrival pr_arrival_sequence for Job : Finite

If Job is a finType, one can derive a probabilistic arrival sequence from JobArrivalRV.
Section ArrSeqForFinTypeJobs.

  Context {Ω} {μ : measure Ω}.

  Context {Job : finType}
          {job_arrival : JobArrivalRV Job Ω μ}.

The set of jobs that arrive at a time instant t in a scenario ω is simply j <- Job | job_arrival j ω = t. Note that since the number of jobs is finite, we can just check every single job if it arrives at time t in a scenario ω.
Due to the fact that arrival_sequence is an arrow type (instant seq Job), Coq cannot automatically derive the right type. Therefore, we need to steer Coq's coercion and type systems towards the right type via annotation B := Equality.clone _ _. This technicality does not change the intuitive meaning; therefore, we do not explain it here. An interested reader can inspect the resulting term using commands Set Printing All and Print arr_seq.
  Definition arr_seq : pr_arrival_sequence μ Job :=
    mkRvar _ (B := Equality.clone _ _)
           (fun ω t
              [seq j <- index_enum Job |
                if job_arrival j ω is Some ta
                then t == ta
                else false

End ArrSeqForFinTypeJobs.


Section ArrSeqAndJobArrivalAgree.

  Context {Ω} {μ : measure Ω}.

  Context {Job : finType}
          {job_arrival : JobArrivalRV Job Ω μ}.

  Lemma eq_arr_seq_impl_eq_job_arrival :
     (j : Job) (ω ω' : Ω),
      ( t, arr_seq ω t = arr_seq ω' t)
      job_arrival j ω = job_arrival j ω'.

End ArrSeqAndJobArrivalAgree.

Global Opaque arr_seq arrival_sequence.