
(* --------------------------------- Prosa ---------------------------------- *)
From prosa Require Export util.all.
From prosa Require Export behavior.all.

(* -------------------------------- ProBsa ---------------------------------  *)
From probsa.util Require Export boolp.
From probsa.probability Require Export partition.
From probsa.rt.behavior Require Export job arrival_sequence.

(* -------------------------------- SSReflect ------------------------------- *)
From mathcomp Require Import finfun.

(* ------------------------------ Definitions ------------------------------- *)

Fixed Arrival Sequence

Given a probability space (Ω,μ) and a job type Job, function ξ_fix returns an event E Ω in which the arrival-sequence random variable ξ_pr is equal to some fixed (deterministic) arrival sequence ξ.
Definition ξ_fix {Ω} {μ : measure Ω} {Job : JobType}
           (ξ_pr : pr_arrival_sequence μ Job) (ξ : arrival_sequence Job) : pred Ω :=
  fun ω : Ωξ_pr ω == ξ.

Fixed Job Costs

Given a probability space (Ω, μ), an assignment of costs 𝗖 to jobs, and a set of jobs jobs, the term 𝓒_fix 𝗖 jobs denotes an event E Ω where the costs of jobs in jobs agree with the assignment of 𝗖.
Definition 𝓒_fix {Ω} {μ : measure Ω} {Job : JobType} {job_cost : JobCostRV Job Ω μ}
           (𝗖 : Job option work) (jobs : seq Job) : pred Ω :=
  fun ω : Ωall (fun j : Jobcompute_costs ω j == 𝗖 j) jobs.


In addition to the aforementioned straightforward events, one can construct partitions over arrival sequences and sequences of job costs of a fixed set of jobs.

Partition on Arrival Sequences

In this section, we define a construction for a partition S of a sample space on arrival sequences. Each event S◁{ξ} of the partition is an event with a fixed arrival sequence ξ.
Note a set of all arrival sequences is uncountable, which prevents us from using a countable type for indices of the partition. We can avoid this issue by restricting the set of all arrival sequences to the set of all possible arrival sequences (that is, arrival such that there exists ω : Ω such that ω : arr_seq ω = ξ.
Section ArrivalsPartition.

  Context {Ω} (μ : measure Ω).
  Context {Job : finType}
          {job_arrival : JobArrivalRV Job Ω μ}.

Index of the partition is all ξ for which there exists ω : Ω.
  Program Definition partition_on_ξ : @Ω_partition Ω μ :=
      I := [countType of imgT arr_seq];
      p := fun ξ ωarr_seq ω == sval ξ

End ArrivalsPartition.

Partition on Job Costs

In this section, we define a construction for a partition {S_i} of a sample space on (1) costs of a single job and (2) costs of a finite set of jobs.
Section CostPartition.

  Context {Ω} (μ : measure Ω).
  Context {Job : finType}
          {job_cost : JobCostRV Job Ω μ}.

Consider a job j. First, we define a partition S of Ω into events where the job cost of j is fixed. We define index of the partition as all job costs None, Some 0, Some 1, .... In other words, an event S◁{Some 2} contains ωs such that job_cost j ω = Some 2.
  Program Definition partition_on_𝓒 (j : Job) : @Ω_partition Ω μ :=
      I := [countType of option nat];
      p := fun (c : option work) (ω : Ω) ⇒ job_cost j ω == c

Consider a set of jobs jobs. We define a partition of Ω into events where job costs of these jobs are fixed. Index of the partition is all functions that map a job from jobs to its cost (i.e., [jobs] option work).
  Program Definition partition_on_𝓒s (jobs : seq Job) : @Ω_partition Ω μ :=
      I := [countType of { ffun (seq_sub jobs) [countType of option work] }];
      p := fun 𝓒 ω[ j : seq_sub jobs, 𝓒 j == job_cost (ssval j) ω]

End CostPartition.