Library prosa.analysis.facts.jitter

Propagation of Release Jitter in Arrival Curves

In this module, we prove correct an approach to "hiding" release jitter by "folding" it into arrival curves.
Consider any type of tasks described by arrival curves and the corresponding jobs.
  Context {Task : TaskType} {arrival_curve : MaxArrivals Task}
          {Job : JobType} `{JobTask Job Task}.

Let original_arrival denote each job's actual arrival time ...
  Context {original_arrival : JobArrival Job}.

... and suppose the jobs are affected by bounded release jitter.
  Context `{TaskJitter Task} `{JobJitter Job}.

In the following, consider an arbitrary valid arrival sequence.
Recall the induced "release curve" and associated definitions.
  #[local] Existing Instance release_as_arrival.
  #[local] Existing Instance release_curve.

In the following, we let rel_seq denote the induced "release curve".
Suppose we are given a set of tasks ...
  Variable ts : seq Task.

... with valid bounds on release jitter.

Restated General Properties

We begin by restating general properties of delay propagation, specialized to the case of jitter propagation.
The arrival and release sequences contain an identical set of jobs.
  Corollary jitter_arrives_in_iff :
      arrives_in arr_seq j arrives_in rel_seq j.
    movej; split;
          [ apply: (arrives_in_propagated_if original_arrival release_as_arrival) ⇒ //
          | apply: (arrives_in_propagated_only_if original_arrival release_as_arrival) ⇒ //
          ]; exact: jitter_arr_seq_mapping_valid.

The induced "release sequence" is valid.
If the arrival curve is structurally valid, then so is the induced release curve.
  Corollary valid_release_curve :
    valid_taskset_arrival_curve ts max_arrivals
    valid_taskset_arrival_curve ts release_curve.
    apply: propagated_arrival_curve_validtsk IN.
    by move: (VALID tsk IN) ⇒ [_ {}].

Furthermore, if the arrival curve correctly bounds arrivals according to arr_seq, then the "release curve" also correctly bounds releases according to rel_seq.
  Corollary release_curve_respected :
    valid_taskset_arrival_curve ts max_arrivals
    @taskset_respects_max_arrivals _ _ _ arr_seq arrival_curve ts
    @taskset_respects_max_arrivals _ _ _ rel_seq release_curve ts.
    moveAC VALID.
    apply: (propagated_arrival_curve_respected original_arrival release_as_arrival) ⇒ //; try by rewrite map_id.
    - by apply: jitter_delay_mapping_valid.
    - by apply: jitter_arr_seq_mapping_valid.

Jitter Propagation Properties

Next, we establish validity properties specific to jitter propagation. These are needed to apply response-time analysis results.
Since the arrival and release sequence describe identical sets of jobs, trivially all jobs continue to belong to the tasks in the task set.
  Lemma jitter_prop_same_jobs :
      all_jobs_from_taskset arr_seq ts
      all_jobs_from_taskset rel_seq ts.
  Proof. by moveALL j IN; apply: ALL; rewrite jitter_arrives_in_iff. Qed.

Next, consider an arbitrary schedule of the workload.
  Context {PState : ProcessorState Job}.
  Variable sched : schedule PState.

Again, trivially, all jobs in the schedule continue to belong to the release sequence.
  Lemma jitter_prop_same_jobs' :
      jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence sched arr_seq
      jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence sched rel_seq.
  Proof. moveFROM j t SCHED; rewrite -jitter_arrives_in_iff; exact: FROM. Qed.

Let us now consider the execution costs.
  Context `{JobCost Job} `{TaskCost Task}.

Since the set of jobs didn't change, and since release jitter propagation does not change execution costs, job costs remain trivially valid.
  Lemma jitter_prop_valid_costs :
    arrivals_have_valid_job_costs arr_seq
    arrivals_have_valid_job_costs rel_seq.
    moveVALID j IN.
    apply: VALID.
    by rewrite jitter_arrives_in_iff.

If the given schedule respects release jitter, then it continues to do so after we've reinterpreted the release times to be the arrival times.
  Lemma jitter_ready_to_execute :
    @jobs_must_be_ready_to_execute _ _ sched _ original_arrival jitter_ready_instance
    @jobs_must_be_ready_to_execute _ _ sched _ release_as_arrival basic_ready_instance.
  Proof. moveRDY j t SCHED; by move: (RDY j t SCHED). Qed.

If the schedule is work-conserving, then it continues to be so after we've "hidden" release jitter by reinterpreting release times as arrival times.
  Theorem jitter_work_conservation :
    @work_conserving _ original_arrival _ _ jitter_ready_instance arr_seq sched
    @work_conserving _ release_as_arrival _ _ basic_ready_instance rel_seq sched.
    moveWC_jit j t ARR_rel /andP [R_rel NSCHED].
    have ARR_arr: arrives_in arr_seq j by rewrite jitter_arrives_in_iff.
    apply: WC_jit; first exact: ARR_arr.
    by apply/andP; split.

If the given schedule is valid w.r.t. to original arrivals, then it continues to be valid after reinterpreting release times as arrival times.
  Lemma jitter_valid_schedule :
    @valid_schedule _ _ sched _ original_arrival jitter_ready_instance arr_seq
    @valid_schedule _ _ sched _ release_as_arrival basic_ready_instance rel_seq.
    move ⇒ [SRC RDY].
    - exact: jitter_prop_same_jobs'.
    - exact: jitter_ready_to_execute.

In the following, suppose the given schedule is valid w.r.t. the original arrival times and jitter-affected readiness.
As one would think, the set of scheduled jobs remains unchanged. For technical reasons (dependence of the definition of scheduled_jobs_at on the arrival sequence), this is a lot less obvious at the Coq level than one intuitively might expect.
  Lemma jitter_scheduled_jobs_at_equiv :
     t j,
      (j \in scheduled_jobs_at rel_seq sched t) =
      (j \in scheduled_jobs_at arr_seq sched t).
    movej t.
    have SRC := @valid_schedule_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence _ _ sched _
                  original_arrival jitter_ready_instance arr_seq H_valid_schedule.
    rewrite [RHS]scheduled_jobs_at_iff; [| |exact: SRC|] ⇒ //.
    rewrite (@scheduled_jobs_at_iff _ release_as_arrival); first by done.
    - exact: valid_release_sequence.
    - exact: jitter_prop_same_jobs'.
    - exact
        /(@jobs_must_arrive_to_be_ready _ _ sched _ release_as_arrival basic_ready_instance)

Unsurprisingly, on a uniprocessor, the scheduled job remains unchanged, too. Again, this is less straightforward than one might think due to technical reasons (type-class resolution).
  Lemma jitter_scheduled_job_at_eq :
      uniprocessor_model PState
      scheduled_job_at arr_seq sched t = scheduled_job_at rel_seq sched t.
    movet UNI.
    have SRC := @valid_schedule_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence _ _ sched _
                  original_arrival jitter_ready_instance arr_seq H_valid_schedule.
    (* Note: there is a lot of repetition here because the automation chokes on
       the multiple available type-class instances and/or promptly picks the
       wrong ones. Not pretty, but it works. *)

    case SCHED: scheduled_job_at ⇒ [j|];
      case SCHED': scheduled_job_at ⇒ [j'|]; last by done.
    { move: SCHED ⇒ /eqP; rewrite scheduled_job_at_scheduled_at; [| |exact: SRC| |] ⇒ // SCHED.
      move: SCHED' ⇒ /eqP; rewrite (@scheduled_job_at_scheduled_at _ release_as_arrival).
      - moveSCHED'.
        by rewrite (UNI j j' sched t).
      - exact: valid_release_sequence.
      - exact: jitter_prop_same_jobs'.
      - exact
          /(@jobs_must_arrive_to_be_ready _ _ sched _ release_as_arrival basic_ready_instance)
      - by [].
    { exfalso.
      move: SCHED ⇒ /eqP; rewrite scheduled_job_at_scheduled_at; [| |exact: SRC| |] ⇒ //.
      move: SCHED'; rewrite (@scheduled_job_at_none _ release_as_arrival);
        first by moveNSCHED; apply/negP.
      - exact: valid_release_sequence.
      - exact: jitter_prop_same_jobs'.
      - exact
          /(@jobs_must_arrive_to_be_ready _ _ sched _ release_as_arrival basic_ready_instance)
            /jitter_ready_to_execute. }

    { exfalso.
      move: SCHED; rewrite scheduled_job_at_none; [| |exact: SRC|] ⇒ // NSCHED.
      move: SCHED' ⇒ /eqP; rewrite (@scheduled_job_at_scheduled_at _ release_as_arrival);
        first by apply/negP.
      - exact: valid_release_sequence.
      - exact: jitter_prop_same_jobs'.
      - exact
          /(@jobs_must_arrive_to_be_ready _ _ sched _ release_as_arrival basic_ready_instance)
      - by []. }

Importantly, the schedule remains FP-policy compliant if it was so to begin with, despite the postponed arrival times.
  Theorem jitter_FP_compliance `{FP : FP_policy Task} `{JobPreemptable Job}:
    uniprocessor_model PState
      _ _ _ original_arrival _ _ _ jitter_ready_instance arr_seq sched FP
      _ _ _ release_as_arrival _ _ _ basic_ready_instance rel_seq sched FP.
    moveUNI COMP j j_hp t ARR_rel PT_rel BL SCHED_hp.
    have ARR_arr: arrives_in arr_seq j by rewrite jitter_arrives_in_iff.
    apply: COMP ⇒ //.
    by rewrite /preemption_time jitter_scheduled_job_at_eq.

Transferred Response-Time Bound

Finally, we state the main result, which is the whole point of jitter propagation in the first place: if it is possible to bound response times after release jitter has been folded into the arrival curves, then this implies a response-time bound for the original problem with jitter. This theorem conceptually corresponds to equations (5) and (6) in Audsley et al. (1993), but has been generalized to arbitrary arrival curves.
  • Audsley, N., Burns, A., Richardson, M., Tindell, K., and Wellings, A. (1993). Applying new scheduling theory to static priority preemptive scheduling. Software Engineering Journal, 8(5):284–292.
  Theorem jitter_response_time_bound :
     tsk R,
      tsk \in ts
      @task_response_time_bound _ _ release_as_arrival _ _ _ rel_seq sched tsk R
      @task_response_time_bound _ _ original_arrival _ _ _ arr_seq sched tsk (task_jitter tsk + R).
    movetsk R IN RTB j IN_arr TSK.
    have IN_rel: arrives_in rel_seq j by rewrite -jitter_arrives_in_iff.
    move: (RTB j IN_rel TSK).
    rewrite /job_response_time_bound/job_arrival/release_as_arrival/job_arrival.
    apply: completion_monotonic.
    move: TSK; rewrite /job_of_task ⇒ /eqP TSK.
    move: (H_valid_jitter tsk IN j TSK).
    by lia.

End JitterPropagationFacts.