Library prosa.analysis.facts.priority.inversion
Require Export prosa.analysis.definitions.priority_inversion.
Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.model.uniprocessor.
Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.model.uniprocessor.
Lemmas about Priority Inversion
Consider any type of tasks ...
... and any type of jobs associated with these tasks.
Context {Job : JobType}.
Context `{JobTask Job Task}.
Context `{JobArrival Job}.
Context `{JobCost Job}.
Context `{JobTask Job Task}.
Context `{JobArrival Job}.
Context `{JobCost Job}.
Next, consider any kind of processor state model, ...
... any valid arrival sequence, ...
Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job.
Hypothesis H_valid_arrival_sequence : valid_arrival_sequence arr_seq.
Hypothesis H_valid_arrival_sequence : valid_arrival_sequence arr_seq.
... and any valid schedule.
Variable sched : schedule PState.
Hypothesis H_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence :
jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence sched arr_seq.
Hypothesis H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute : jobs_must_arrive_to_execute sched.
Hypothesis H_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence :
jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence sched arr_seq.
Hypothesis H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute : jobs_must_arrive_to_execute sched.
Assume a given reflexive JLFP policy...
Context {JLFP : JLFP_policy Job}.
Hypothesis H_priority_is_reflexive : reflexive_job_priorities JLFP.
Hypothesis H_priority_is_reflexive : reflexive_job_priorities JLFP.
... and consider an arbitrary job.
Occurrence of Priority Inversion
Lemma sched_itself_implies_no_priority_inversion :
∀ t,
scheduled_at sched j t →
~~ priority_inversion arr_seq sched j t.
Proof. by move⇒ t SCHED; rewrite negb_and negbK scheduled_jobs_at_iff// SCHED. Qed.
∀ t,
scheduled_at sched j t →
~~ priority_inversion arr_seq sched j t.
Proof. by move⇒ t SCHED; rewrite negb_and negbK scheduled_jobs_at_iff// SCHED. Qed.
Conversely, if job j experiences a priority inversion at time t, then
some (other) job is scheduled at the time, ...
Lemma priority_inversion_scheduled_at :
∀ t,
priority_inversion arr_seq sched j t →
∃ j', scheduled_at sched j' t.
move⇒ t /andP [_ /hasP [j' SCHED _]].
by ∃ j'; move: SCHED; rewrite scheduled_jobs_at_iff.
∀ t,
priority_inversion arr_seq sched j t →
∃ j', scheduled_at sched j' t.
move⇒ t /andP [_ /hasP [j' SCHED _]].
by ∃ j'; move: SCHED; rewrite scheduled_jobs_at_iff.
... and thus there is no priority inversion at idle instants.
Lemma no_priority_inversion_when_idle :
∀ t,
is_idle arr_seq sched t →
~~ priority_inversion arr_seq sched j t.
move⇒ t /[!is_idle_iff] /eqP // /[!scheduled_job_at_none] // IDLE.
apply: contraT ⇒ /negPn.
move⇒ /andP [_ /hasP [j' SCHED _]].
rewrite scheduled_jobs_at_iff // in SCHED.
by move: (IDLE j') ⇒ /negP.
Section Uniprocessors.
∀ t,
is_idle arr_seq sched t →
~~ priority_inversion arr_seq sched j t.
move⇒ t /[!is_idle_iff] /eqP // /[!scheduled_job_at_none] // IDLE.
apply: contraT ⇒ /negPn.
move⇒ /andP [_ /hasP [j' SCHED _]].
rewrite scheduled_jobs_at_iff // in SCHED.
by move: (IDLE j') ⇒ /negP.
Section Uniprocessors.
Occurrence of Priority Inversion on Uniprocessors
On a uniprocessor, the job scheduled when j incurs priority inversion
necessarily has lower priority than j.
Lemma priority_inversion_hep_job :
∀ t j',
scheduled_at sched j' t →
priority_inversion arr_seq sched j t = ~~ hep_job j' j.
move⇒ t j' SCHED'.
case HEP: (~~ hep_job _ _); apply/eqP.
{ rewrite eqb_id; apply/andP; split.
- rewrite scheduled_jobs_at_iff //.
apply: scheduled_job_at_neq ⇒ //.
apply: contraT ⇒ /negPn/eqP EQ.
by move: HEP; rewrite EQ H_priority_is_reflexive.
- apply/hasP; ∃ j' ⇒ //.
by rewrite scheduled_jobs_at_iff. }
{ rewrite eqbF_neg; apply contraT ⇒ /negPn /andP[_ /hasP [j'' /[!scheduled_jobs_at_iff] // SCHED'' HEP'']].
move: HEP HEP''.
by have → : j' = j'' by apply: H_uni. }
∀ t j',
scheduled_at sched j' t →
priority_inversion arr_seq sched j t = ~~ hep_job j' j.
move⇒ t j' SCHED'.
case HEP: (~~ hep_job _ _); apply/eqP.
{ rewrite eqb_id; apply/andP; split.
- rewrite scheduled_jobs_at_iff //.
apply: scheduled_job_at_neq ⇒ //.
apply: contraT ⇒ /negPn/eqP EQ.
by move: HEP; rewrite EQ H_priority_is_reflexive.
- apply/hasP; ∃ j' ⇒ //.
by rewrite scheduled_jobs_at_iff. }
{ rewrite eqbF_neg; apply contraT ⇒ /negPn /andP[_ /hasP [j'' /[!scheduled_jobs_at_iff] // SCHED'' HEP'']].
move: HEP HEP''.
by have → : j' = j'' by apply: H_uni. }
Conversely, if a higher-priority job is scheduled on a uniprocessor, then
j does not incur priority inversion.
Corollary no_priority_inversion_when_hep_job_scheduled :
∀ t j',
scheduled_at sched j' t →
hep_job j' j →
~~ priority_inversion arr_seq sched j t.
move⇒ t j' SCHED HEP.
rewrite (priority_inversion_hep_job t j') //.
by apply/negPn.
∀ t j',
scheduled_at sched j' t →
hep_job j' j →
~~ priority_inversion arr_seq sched j t.
move⇒ t j' SCHED HEP.
rewrite (priority_inversion_hep_job t j') //.
by apply/negPn.
From the above lemmas, we obtain a simplified definition of
priority_inversion that holds on uniprocessors.
Lemma uni_priority_inversion_P :
∀ t,
reflect (exists2 j', scheduled_at sched j' t & ~~ hep_job j' j)
(priority_inversion arr_seq sched j t).
move⇒ t; apply: (iffP idP) ⇒ [PI | [j' SCHED' NHEP]].
- have [j' SCHED'] := priority_inversion_scheduled_at t PI.
by move: PI; rewrite (priority_inversion_hep_job t j').
- apply/andP; split.
+ rewrite scheduled_jobs_at_iff //.
apply: scheduled_job_at_neq ⇒ //.
by apply/eqP ⇒ EQ; move: NHEP; rewrite EQ H_priority_is_reflexive.
+ by apply/hasP; ∃ j' ⇒ //; rewrite scheduled_jobs_at_iff.
End Uniprocessors.
∀ t,
reflect (exists2 j', scheduled_at sched j' t & ~~ hep_job j' j)
(priority_inversion arr_seq sched j t).
move⇒ t; apply: (iffP idP) ⇒ [PI | [j' SCHED' NHEP]].
- have [j' SCHED'] := priority_inversion_scheduled_at t PI.
by move: PI; rewrite (priority_inversion_hep_job t j').
- apply/andP; split.
+ rewrite scheduled_jobs_at_iff //.
apply: scheduled_job_at_neq ⇒ //.
by apply/eqP ⇒ EQ; move: NHEP; rewrite EQ H_priority_is_reflexive.
+ by apply/hasP; ∃ j' ⇒ //; rewrite scheduled_jobs_at_iff.
End Uniprocessors.
Cumulative Priority Inversion
[t1, t2)
can be split arbitrarily: is equal
to the sum of CPI in an interval [t1, t_mid)
and CPI in an interval
[t_mid, t2)
Lemma cumulative_priority_inversion_cat:
∀ (t_mid t1 t2 : instant),
t1 ≤ t_mid →
t_mid ≤ t2 →
cumulative_priority_inversion arr_seq sched j t1 t2 =
cumulative_priority_inversion arr_seq sched j t1 t_mid
+ cumulative_priority_inversion arr_seq sched j t_mid t2.
intros t_mid t1 t2 LE1 LE2.
rewrite /cumulative_priority_inversion -big_cat //=.
replace (index_iota t1 t_mid ++ index_iota t_mid t2) with (index_iota t1 t2); first by reflexivity.
interval_to_duration t1 t_mid δ1.
interval_to_duration (t1 + δ1) t2 δ2.
rewrite -!addnA /index_iota.
erewrite iotaD_impl with (n_le := δ1); last by lia.
by rewrite !addKn addnA addKn.
End PI.
∀ (t_mid t1 t2 : instant),
t1 ≤ t_mid →
t_mid ≤ t2 →
cumulative_priority_inversion arr_seq sched j t1 t2 =
cumulative_priority_inversion arr_seq sched j t1 t_mid
+ cumulative_priority_inversion arr_seq sched j t_mid t2.
intros t_mid t1 t2 LE1 LE2.
rewrite /cumulative_priority_inversion -big_cat //=.
replace (index_iota t1 t_mid ++ index_iota t_mid t2) with (index_iota t1 t2); first by reflexivity.
interval_to_duration t1 t_mid δ1.
interval_to_duration (t1 + δ1) t2 δ2.
rewrite -!addnA /index_iota.
erewrite iotaD_impl with (n_le := δ1); last by lia.
by rewrite !addKn addnA addKn.
End PI.