Library prosa.implementation.facts.generic_schedule
Require Export prosa.implementation.definitions.generic_scheduler.
Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.transform.replace_at.
Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.transform.replace_at.
Properties of the Generic Reference Scheduler
For any type of jobs and type of schedule, ...
... any scheduling policy, and ...
... any notion of idleness.
For notational convenience, we define prefix t to denote the finite
prefix considered when scheduling a job at time t.
Let prefix t := if t is t'.+1 then schedule_up_to policy idle_state t' else empty_schedule idle_state.
To begin with, we establish two simple rewriting lemmas for unrolling
schedule_up_to. First, we observe that the allocation is indeed
determined by the policy based on the preceding prefix.
Lemma schedule_up_to_def:
∀ t,
schedule_up_to policy idle_state t t = policy (prefix t) t.
Proof. by elim⇒ [|n IH]; rewrite [LHS]/schedule_up_to -/(schedule_up_to _) /replace_at; apply ifT. Qed.
∀ t,
schedule_up_to policy idle_state t t = policy (prefix t) t.
Proof. by elim⇒ [|n IH]; rewrite [LHS]/schedule_up_to -/(schedule_up_to _) /replace_at; apply ifT. Qed.
Second, we note how to replace schedule_up_to in the general case with
its definition.
Lemma schedule_up_to_unfold:
∀ h t,
schedule_up_to policy idle_state h t = replace_at (prefix h) h (policy (prefix h) h) t.
Proof. by move⇒ h t; rewrite [LHS]/schedule_up_to /prefix; elim: h. Qed.
∀ h t,
schedule_up_to policy idle_state h t = replace_at (prefix h) h (policy (prefix h) h) t.
Proof. by move⇒ h t; rewrite [LHS]/schedule_up_to /prefix; elim: h. Qed.
Next, we observe that we can increase a prefix's horizon by one
time unit without changing any allocations in the prefix.
Lemma schedule_up_to_widen:
∀ h t,
t ≤ h →
schedule_up_to policy idle_state h t = schedule_up_to policy idle_state h.+1 t.
move⇒ h t RANGE.
rewrite [RHS]schedule_up_to_unfold rest_of_schedule_invariant // ⇒ EQ.
now move: RANGE; rewrite EQ ltnn.
∀ h t,
t ≤ h →
schedule_up_to policy idle_state h t = schedule_up_to policy idle_state h.+1 t.
move⇒ h t RANGE.
rewrite [RHS]schedule_up_to_unfold rest_of_schedule_invariant // ⇒ EQ.
now move: RANGE; rewrite EQ ltnn.
After the horizon of a prefix, the schedule is still "empty", meaning
that all instants are idle.
Lemma schedule_up_to_empty:
∀ h t,
h < t →
schedule_up_to policy idle_state h t = idle_state.
move⇒ h t.
elim: h ⇒ [LT|h IH LT].
{ rewrite /schedule_up_to rest_of_schedule_invariant // ⇒ ZERO.
now subst. }
{ rewrite /schedule_up_to rest_of_schedule_invariant -/(schedule_up_to _ _ h t);
first by apply IH ⇒ //; apply ltn_trans with (n := h.+1).
move⇒ EQ. move: LT.
now rewrite EQ ltnn. }
∀ h t,
h < t →
schedule_up_to policy idle_state h t = idle_state.
move⇒ h t.
elim: h ⇒ [LT|h IH LT].
{ rewrite /schedule_up_to rest_of_schedule_invariant // ⇒ ZERO.
now subst. }
{ rewrite /schedule_up_to rest_of_schedule_invariant -/(schedule_up_to _ _ h t);
first by apply IH ⇒ //; apply ltn_trans with (n := h.+1).
move⇒ EQ. move: LT.
now rewrite EQ ltnn. }
A crucial fact is that a prefix up to horizon h1 is identical to a
prefix up to a later horizon h2 at times up to h1.
Lemma schedule_up_to_prefix_inclusion:
∀ h1 h2,
h1 ≤ h2 →
∀ t,
t ≤ h1 →
schedule_up_to policy idle_state h1 t = schedule_up_to policy idle_state h2 t.
move⇒ h1 h2 LEQ t BEFORE.
elim: h2 LEQ BEFORE; first by rewrite leqn0 ⇒ /eqP →.
move⇒ t' IH.
rewrite leq_eqVlt ltnS ⇒ /orP [/eqP <-|LEQ] // t_H1.
rewrite IH // schedule_up_to_widen //.
now apply (leq_trans t_H1).
∀ h1 h2,
h1 ≤ h2 →
∀ t,
t ≤ h1 →
schedule_up_to policy idle_state h1 t = schedule_up_to policy idle_state h2 t.
move⇒ h1 h2 LEQ t BEFORE.
elim: h2 LEQ BEFORE; first by rewrite leqn0 ⇒ /eqP →.
move⇒ t' IH.
rewrite leq_eqVlt ltnS ⇒ /orP [/eqP <-|LEQ] // t_H1.
rewrite IH // schedule_up_to_widen //.
now apply (leq_trans t_H1).
It follows that generic_schedule and schedule_up_to for a given
horizon h share an identical prefix.
Corollary schedule_up_to_identical_prefix:
∀ h t,
t ≤ h.+1 →
identical_prefix (schedule_up_to policy idle_state h) (generic_schedule policy idle_state) t.
move⇒ h t LE.
rewrite /identical_prefix /generic_schedule ⇒ t' LT.
rewrite (schedule_up_to_prefix_inclusion t' h) //.
by move: (leq_trans LT LE); rewrite ltnS.
End GenericScheduleProperties.
∀ h t,
t ≤ h.+1 →
identical_prefix (schedule_up_to policy idle_state h) (generic_schedule policy idle_state) t.
move⇒ h t LE.
rewrite /identical_prefix /generic_schedule ⇒ t' LT.
rewrite (schedule_up_to_prefix_inclusion t' h) //.
by move: (leq_trans LT LE); rewrite ltnS.
End GenericScheduleProperties.