Library rt.analysis.uni.susp.sustainability.allcosts.reduction_properties
Require Import rt.util.all.
Require Import rt.model.priority rt.model.suspension.
Require Import rt.model.arrival.basic.arrival_sequence.
Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.response_time.
Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.suspension_intervals
Require Import rt.analysis.uni.susp.sustainability.allcosts.reduction.
Require Import
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop.
(* In this file, we prove several properties about the schedule we constructed
in the sustainability proof. *)
Module SustainabilityAllCostsProperties.
Import ScheduleWithSuspensions Suspension Priority SuspensionIntervals
PlatformWithSuspensions ResponseTime ScheduleConstruction
SuspensionTableConstruction ValidSuspensionAwareSchedule.
Module reduction := SustainabilityAllCosts.
Section ReductionProperties.
Context {Job: eqType}.
Variable job_arrival: Job → time.
Variable job_cost: Job → time.
Require Import rt.model.priority rt.model.suspension.
Require Import rt.model.arrival.basic.arrival_sequence.
Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.response_time.
Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.suspension_intervals
Require Import rt.analysis.uni.susp.sustainability.allcosts.reduction.
Require Import
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop.
(* In this file, we prove several properties about the schedule we constructed
in the sustainability proof. *)
Module SustainabilityAllCostsProperties.
Import ScheduleWithSuspensions Suspension Priority SuspensionIntervals
PlatformWithSuspensions ResponseTime ScheduleConstruction
SuspensionTableConstruction ValidSuspensionAwareSchedule.
Module reduction := SustainabilityAllCosts.
Section ReductionProperties.
Context {Job: eqType}.
Variable job_arrival: Job → time.
Variable job_cost: Job → time.
Basic Setup & Setting
(* Consider any job arrival sequence with consistent job arrivals. *)
Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
Hypothesis H_arrival_times_are_consistent:
arrival_times_are_consistent job_arrival arr_seq.
(* Assume any (schedule-independent) JLDP policy that is reflexive, transitive and total,
i.e., that indicates "higher-or-equal priority". *)
Variable higher_eq_priority: JLDP_policy Job.
Hypothesis H_priority_is_reflexive: JLDP_is_reflexive higher_eq_priority.
Hypothesis H_priority_is_transitive: JLDP_is_transitive higher_eq_priority.
Hypothesis H_priority_is_total: JLDP_is_total arr_seq higher_eq_priority.
(* Next, consider any suspension-aware schedule of the arrival sequence... *)
Variable sched_susp: schedule Job.
Hypothesis H_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence:
jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence sched_susp arr_seq.
(* ...and the associated job suspension times. *)
Variable job_suspension_duration: job_suspension Job.
(* Assume that, in this schedule, jobs only execute after they arrive... *)
Hypothesis H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute:
jobs_must_arrive_to_execute job_arrival sched_susp.
(* ...and no longer than their execution costs. *)
Hypothesis H_completed_jobs_dont_execute:
completed_jobs_dont_execute job_cost sched_susp.
(* Also assume that the schedule is work-conserving if there are non-suspended jobs, ... *)
Hypothesis H_work_conserving:
work_conserving job_arrival job_cost job_suspension_duration arr_seq sched_susp.
(* ...that the schedule respects job priorities... *)
Hypothesis H_respects_priority:
respects_JLDP_policy job_arrival job_cost job_suspension_duration arr_seq
sched_susp higher_eq_priority.
(* ...and that suspended jobs are not allowed to be scheduled. *)
Hypothesis H_respects_self_suspensions:
respects_self_suspensions job_arrival job_cost job_suspension_duration sched_susp.
Reduction Setup
(* Now we prove properties about the reduction.
Let j be the job to be analyzed with arrival time arr_j. *)
Variable j: Job.
Let arr_j := job_arrival j.
(* Suppose that we want to prove that the response time of job j in sched_susp
is upper-bounded by some value R. This allows us to restrict our analysis
to the finite scheduling window [0, arr_j + R) during the reduction. *)
Variable R: time.
(* Next, consider any job cost inflation... *)
Variable inflated_job_cost: Job → time.
(* which the cost of every job is no less than in the original schedule. *)
Hypothesis H_job_costs_do_not_decrease:
∀ any_j, inflated_job_cost any_j ≥ job_cost any_j.
(* Recall the schedule we constructed from sched_susp using these inflated costs. *)
Let sched_new := reduction.sched_new job_arrival job_cost arr_seq higher_eq_priority
sched_susp inflated_job_cost j R.
(* Also recall the predicate we defined for a suspended job in the new schedule... *)
Let suspended_in_sched_new :=
reduction.suspended_in_sched_new job_arrival job_cost arr_seq higher_eq_priority
sched_susp job_suspension_duration inflated_job_cost j R.
(* ...and the corresponding suspension table. *)
Let reduced_suspension_duration :=
reduction.reduced_suspension_duration job_arrival job_cost arr_seq higher_eq_priority
sched_susp job_suspension_duration inflated_job_cost j R.
(* For simplicity, let's define some local names. *)
Let job_response_time_in_sched_susp_bounded_by :=
is_response_time_bound_of_job job_arrival job_cost sched_susp.
Let job_response_time_in_sched_new_bounded_by :=
is_response_time_bound_of_job job_arrival inflated_job_cost sched_new.
Let suspended_in_sched_susp :=
suspended_at job_arrival job_cost job_suspension_duration sched_susp.
Let job_is_late := reduction.job_is_late job_cost sched_susp inflated_job_cost sched_new.
Let build_schedule := reduction.build_schedule job_arrival job_cost arr_seq higher_eq_priority
sched_susp inflated_job_cost j R.
Let late_or_sched_jobs := reduction.jobs_that_are_late_or_scheduled_in_sched_susp
job_arrival job_cost arr_seq sched_susp inflated_job_cost sched_new.
Let hp_job := reduction.highest_priority_job job_arrival arr_seq higher_eq_priority
inflated_job_cost sched_new.
Let hp_late_job := reduction.highest_priority_late_job job_arrival job_cost arr_seq
higher_eq_priority sched_susp inflated_job_cost sched_new.
Let completed_in_sched_susp := completed_by job_cost sched_susp.
Let completed_in_sched_new := completed_by inflated_job_cost sched_new.
Properties of the Schedule Construction
(* In this section, we prove that the new schedule is equivalent to its construction function. *)
Section PropertiesOfScheduleConstruction.
(* By showing that the construction function depends only on the service, ... *)
Lemma sched_new_depends_only_on_service:
∀ sched1 sched2 t,
(∀ j, service sched1 j t = service sched2 j t) →
build_schedule sched1 t = build_schedule sched2 t.
intros sched1 sched2 t SAME.
rewrite /build_schedule /reduction.build_schedule.
case: (_ < _).
rewrite /reduction.highest_priority_late_job; f_equal.
apply eq_in_filter; intros j0 IN0; f_equal;
first by rewrite /pending /completed_by SAME.
by f_equal; rewrite /reduction.job_is_late SAME.
rewrite /reduction.highest_priority_job; f_equal.
apply eq_in_filter; intros j0 IN0.
by rewrite /pending /completed_by SAME.
(* ...we infer that the new schedule is equivalent to the construction function. *)
Corollary sched_new_uses_construction_function:
∀ t,
sched_new t = build_schedule sched_new t.
by ins; apply service_dependent_schedule_construction,
End PropertiesOfScheduleConstruction.
Basic Properties of the Generated Schedule
(* In this section, we prove some properties about the generated schedule that
only depend on the construction function but not on suspension times. *)
Section BasicScheduleProperties.
(* First, we show that scheduled jobs come from the arrival sequence. *)
Lemma sched_new_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence:
jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence sched_new arr_seq.
move ⇒ j0 t /eqP SCHEDn.
rewrite /scheduled_at sched_new_uses_construction_function in SCHEDn.
rewrite /build_schedule /reduction.build_schedule in SCHEDn.
case (ltnP t (arr_j + R)) ⇒ [LT | GE].
rewrite LT /reduction.highest_priority_late_job in SCHEDn;
apply seq_min_in_seq in SCHEDn.
rewrite mem_filter in SCHEDn.
move: SCHEDn ⇒ /andP [_ IN].
by eapply in_arrivals_implies_arrived; eauto 1.
rewrite ltnNge GE /= in SCHEDn.
rewrite /reduction.highest_priority_job in SCHEDn; apply seq_min_in_seq in SCHEDn.
rewrite mem_filter in SCHEDn.
move: SCHEDn ⇒ /andP [_ IN].
by eapply in_arrivals_implies_arrived; eauto 1.
(* Next, we show that jobs do not execute before their arrival times... *)
Lemma sched_new_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute:
jobs_must_arrive_to_execute job_arrival sched_new.
move ⇒ j0 t /eqP SCHEDn.
rewrite /scheduled_at sched_new_uses_construction_function in SCHEDn.
rewrite /build_schedule /reduction.build_schedule in SCHEDn.
case (ltnP t (arr_j + R)) ⇒ [LT | GE].
rewrite LT /reduction.highest_priority_late_job in SCHEDn;
apply seq_min_in_seq in SCHEDn.
rewrite mem_filter in SCHEDn.
by move: SCHEDn ⇒ /andP [/andP [/andP [ARR _] _] _].
rewrite ltnNge GE /= in SCHEDn.
rewrite /reduction.highest_priority_job in SCHEDn; apply seq_min_in_seq in SCHEDn.
rewrite mem_filter in SCHEDn.
by move: SCHEDn ⇒ /andP [/andP [ARR _] _].
(* ...nor longer than their execution costs. *)
Lemma sched_new_completed_jobs_dont_execute:
completed_jobs_dont_execute inflated_job_cost sched_new.
intros j0 t.
induction t;
first by rewrite /service /service_during big_geq //.
rewrite /service /service_during big_nat_recr //=.
rewrite leq_eqVlt in IHt; move: IHt ⇒ /orP [/eqP EQ | LT]; last first.
apply: leq_trans LT; rewrite -addn1.
by apply leq_add; last by apply leq_b1.
rewrite -[inflated_job_cost _]addn0; apply leq_add; first by rewrite -EQ.
rewrite leqn0 eqb0 /scheduled_at.
rewrite sched_new_uses_construction_function /build_schedule
case: (_ < _); rewrite /reduction.highest_priority_job
apply/eqP; intro SCHEDn.
apply seq_min_in_seq in SCHEDn.
rewrite mem_filter in SCHEDn.
move: SCHEDn ⇒ /andP [/andP [/andP [_ NOTCOMP] _] _].
by rewrite /completed_by EQ eq_refl in NOTCOMP.
apply/eqP; intro SCHEDn.
apply seq_min_in_seq in SCHEDn.
rewrite mem_filter in SCHEDn.
move: SCHEDn ⇒ /andP [/andP [_ NOTCOMP] _].
by rewrite /completed_by EQ eq_refl in NOTCOMP.
End BasicScheduleProperties.
Service Invariants
(* In this section, we prove some service invariants guaranteed by the new schedule
up to time (arr_j + R).
Note that these properties follow directly from the schedule construction and
do not depend on suspension times. *)
Section ServiceInvariant.
(* Let t be any time in the interval [0, arr_j + R]. *)
Variable t: time.
Hypothesis H_before_R: t ≤ arr_j + R.
(* By induction on time, we prove that for any job, the service received up to
time t in the new schedule is no more than the service received up to time t in
the original schedule, plus the difference between job costs due to inflation. *)
Lemma sched_new_service_invariant:
∀ any_j,
service sched_new any_j t
≤ service sched_susp any_j t + (inflated_job_cost any_j - job_cost any_j).
rename H_priority_is_total into TOTAL, H_priority_is_transitive into TRANS,
H_respects_priority into PRIO, H_work_conserving into WORK.
rename t into t', H_before_R into BEFORE.
move: t' BEFORE.
induction t';
first by intros _ j0; rewrite /service /service_during big_geq.
intros LTr; feed IHt'; first by apply ltnW.
intros j0.
case (boolP (scheduled_at sched_new j0 t')) ⇒ [SCHEDn| NOTSCHEDn]; last first.
apply negbTE in NOTSCHEDn.
rewrite /service /service_during big_nat_recr //=.
rewrite /service_at NOTSCHEDn addn0.
apply: (leq_trans (IHt' j0)).
by rewrite leq_add2r extend_sum.
move: (SCHEDn) ⇒ IN.
rewrite /scheduled_at sched_new_uses_construction_function in IN.
rewrite /build_schedule /reduction.build_schedule LTr in IN; move: IN ⇒ /eqP IN.
rewrite /reduction.highest_priority_late_job in IN.
apply seq_min_in_seq in IN; rewrite mem_filter in IN.
move: IN ⇒ /andP [/andP [PEND OR] IN].
move: OR ⇒ /orP [LT | SCHEDs].
apply leq_trans with (n := service sched_new j0 t' + 1);
first by rewrite /service/service_during big_nat_recr // leq_add ?leq_b1.
rewrite addn1.
by apply: (leq_trans LT); rewrite leq_add2r extend_sum.
rewrite /service /service_during big_nat_recr // big_nat_recr //=.
rewrite /service_at SCHEDn SCHEDs -addnA [1 + _]addnC addnA leq_add2r.
by apply IHt'.
(* From the previous lemma, we conclude that any job that completes in the new
schedule up to time t must have completed in the original schedule as well. *)
Corollary sched_new_jobs_complete_later:
∀ any_j,
completed_by inflated_job_cost sched_new any_j t →
completed_by job_cost sched_susp any_j t.
intros j0 COMPn.
rewrite /completed_by eqn_leq; apply/andP; split;
first by apply cumulative_service_le_job_cost.
rewrite -(leq_add2r (inflated_job_cost j0 - job_cost j0)).
rewrite subnKC; last by eauto 1.
move: COMPn ⇒ /eqP {1}<-.
by apply sched_new_service_invariant.
End ServiceInvariant.
Properties of the Suspension Predicate
(* In order to prove schedule properties that depend on suspension times, we first
prove some facts about the suspension predicate we defined. *)
Section SuspensionPredicate.
(* Let any_j be any job. *)
Variable any_j: Job.
(* First, we show that if the suspension predicate holds for any_j at time t,
then any_j must have arrived... *)
Lemma suspended_in_sched_new_implies_arrived:
∀ t,
suspended_in_sched_new any_j t → has_arrived job_arrival any_j t.
rename any_j into j0.
move ⇒ t /andP [/andP [LT SUSPs] _].
by eapply suspended_implies_arrived; eauto 1.
(* ...and cannot have completed. *)
Lemma suspended_in_sched_new_implies_not_completed:
∀ t,
suspended_in_sched_new any_j t → ~~ completed_in_sched_new any_j t.
rename any_j into j0.
move ⇒ t /andP [/andP [LT SUSPs] _].
apply/negP; intro COMPn.
apply suspended_implies_not_completed in SUSPs.
apply sched_new_jobs_complete_later in COMPn; last by apply ltnW.
by rewrite COMPn in SUSPs.
(* Next, we show that if the suspension predicate changes from false at time t
to true at time (t + 1), then any_j must be scheduled at time t. *)
Lemma executes_before_suspension_in_sched_new:
∀ t,
t < arr_j + R →
has_arrived job_arrival any_j t →
~~ suspended_in_sched_new any_j t →
suspended_in_sched_new any_j t.+1 →
scheduled_at sched_new any_j t.
rename any_j into j0.
intros t LTr ARR NOTSUSPn SUSPn'.
rewrite negb_and LTr /= negbK -/suspended_in_sched_susp -/job_is_late in NOTSUSPn.
move: NOTSUSPn ⇒ /orP [NOTSUSPs | LATE]; last first.
apply contraT; intro NOTSCHEDn.
move: SUSPn' ⇒ /andP [_ NOTLATE].
rewrite /job_is_late /reduction.job_is_late -leqNgt -/sched_new in LATE NOTLATE.
have GT: service sched_new j0 t < service sched_new j0 t.+1.
apply: (leq_trans LATE); apply: (leq_trans _ NOTLATE).
by rewrite leq_add2r extend_sum.
rewrite /service/service_during big_nat_recr// -addn1 leq_add2l in GT.
rewrite lt0n eqb0 negbK in GT.
by rewrite GT in NOTSCHEDn.
move: (SUSPn') ⇒ /andP [/andP [_ SUSPs'] NOTLATE'].
rewrite -/suspended_in_sched_susp in SUSPs'.
rewrite /reduction.job_is_late -/sched_new -leqNgt in NOTLATE'.
apply contraT; intro NOTSCHEDn.
have SAME: service sched_new j0 t.+1 = service sched_new j0 t.
apply negbTE in NOTSCHEDn.
by rewrite /service /service_during big_nat_recr //= /service_at NOTSCHEDn.
rewrite SAME {SAME} in NOTLATE'.
have INV := sched_new_service_invariant t (ltnW LTr) j0.
have SCHEDs: ~~ scheduled_at sched_susp j0 t.
apply contraT; rewrite negbK; intro SCHEDs.
have BUG: service sched_susp j0 t + 1 ≤ service sched_susp j0 t.
rewrite -(leq_add2r (inflated_job_cost j0 - job_cost j0)).
apply: (leq_trans _ INV); apply: (leq_trans _ NOTLATE').
rewrite leq_add2r.
by rewrite /service /service_during big_nat_recr //= /service_at SCHEDs.
by rewrite addn1 ltnn in BUG.
suff BUG: scheduled_at sched_susp j0 t by rewrite BUG in SCHEDs.
by eapply executes_before_suspension; eauto 1.
(* For simplicity, let's call suspension_start the time following the last
execution of a job. *)
Let suspension_start := time_after_last_execution job_arrival.
(* Then, we prove that if any_j is suspended at time t, it does not receive
any service between time t and the previous beginning of suspension. *)
Lemma suspended_in_sched_new_no_service_since_execution:
∀ t t_mid,
suspended_in_sched_new any_j t →
suspension_start sched_new any_j t ≤ t_mid < t →
service sched_new any_j t ≤ service sched_new any_j t_mid.
have BEFORE := executes_before_suspension_in_sched_new.
rename any_j into j0.
induction t; first by intros t_susp _; rewrite ltn0 andbF.
move ⇒ t_mid SUSPn' /andP [GE LT].
move: (SUSPn') ⇒ /andP [/andP [LTr' SUSPs'] _].
have LTr: t < arr_j + R by apply: (ltn_trans _ LTr').
have ARR: has_arrived job_arrival j0 t.+1.
by apply suspended_implies_arrived in SUSPs'.
rewrite /has_arrived leq_eqVlt in ARR; move: ARR ⇒ /orP [/eqP EQ | ARR].
rewrite /service /service_during.
rewrite (cumulative_service_before_job_arrival_zero job_arrival) ?EQ //.
by apply sched_new_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute.
case (boolP (scheduled_at sched_new j0 t)) ⇒ [SCHEDn | NOTSCHEDn]; last first.
apply leq_trans with (n := service sched_new j0 t).
apply negbTE in NOTSCHEDn; rewrite /service/service_during.
by rewrite big_nat_recr //= /service_at NOTSCHEDn addn0.
case (boolP (t_mid == t)) ⇒ [/eqP EQ | DIFF]; first by subst.
apply IHt.
apply contraT; intro NOTSUSPn.
suff SCHEDn: scheduled_at sched_new j0 t by rewrite SCHEDn in NOTSCHEDn.
by apply BEFORE.
apply/andP; split.
apply: (leq_trans _ GE); apply last_execution_monotonic; last by done.
by apply sched_new_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute.
by rewrite ltn_neqAle -ltnS LT andbT.
set start := suspension_start sched_new.
apply leq_trans with (n := service sched_new j0 (start j0 t.+1));
last by apply extend_sum.
apply extend_sum; first by done.
rewrite /start /suspension_start /time_after_last_execution.
have EX: [∃ t0:'I_t.+1, scheduled_at sched_new j0 t0].
by apply/existsP; ∃ (Ordinal (ltnSn t)).
rewrite EX -addn1 leq_add2r addn1.
have GEt := @leq_bigmax_cond _ (fun x:'I_t.+1 ⇒ scheduled_at sched_new j0 x)
id (Ordinal (ltnSn t)).
by apply GEt.
(* Next, we prove that if the suspension predicate holds for any_j at time t,
then the latest execution of any_j in the new schedule is no earlier than
its latest execution in the original schedule. *)
Lemma suspended_in_sched_new_suspension_starts_no_earlier:
∀ t,
has_arrived job_arrival any_j t →
suspended_in_sched_new any_j t →
suspension_start sched_susp any_j t ≤ suspension_start sched_new any_j t.
have BEFORE := executes_before_suspension_in_sched_new.
rename any_j into j0.
induction t.
intros ARR SUSPs; apply leq_trans with (n := 0); last by done.
rewrite /suspension_start /time_after_last_execution.
have NOTEX: [∃ t0: 'I_0, scheduled_at sched_susp j0 t0] = false.
by apply negbTE; rewrite negb_exists; apply/forallP; intros [x LT0].
by rewrite NOTEX {NOTEX}.
intros ARR SUSPn'.
move: (SUSPn') ⇒ /andP [/andP [LTr _] _].
have LTr': t < arr_j + R by apply: (ltn_trans _ LTr).
rewrite /has_arrived leq_eqVlt in ARR; move: ARR ⇒ /orP [/eqP EQ | ARR].
have LAST := last_execution_after_arrival.
rewrite /suspension_start /has_arrived in LAST ×.
apply leq_trans with (n := job_arrival j0);
last by apply LAST, sched_new_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute.
rewrite /time_after_last_execution.
suff NOTEX: [∃ t0: 'I_t.+1, scheduled_at sched_susp j0 t0] = false
by rewrite NOTEX.
apply negbTE; rewrite negb_exists; apply/forallP; intros t0.
apply/negP; intro SCHED0.
apply H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute in SCHED0.
suff BUG: t0 < t0 by rewrite ltnn in BUG.
by apply: (leq_trans _ SCHED0); rewrite EQ.
rewrite ltnS in ARR.
case (boolP (suspended_in_sched_new j0 t)) ⇒ [SUSPn | NOTSUSPn].
apply leq_trans with (n := suspension_start sched_new j0 t); last first.
apply last_execution_monotonic; last by done.
by apply sched_new_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute.
apply leq_trans with (n := suspension_start sched_susp j0 t); [|by apply IHt].
apply eq_leq, same_service_implies_same_last_execution.
rewrite /service /service_during big_nat_recr //= /service_at.
case (boolP (scheduled_at sched_susp j0 t)); last by done.
intros SCHEDs; apply H_respects_self_suspensions in SCHEDs.
by move: SUSPn ⇒ /andP [/andP [_ SUSPs] _].
move: (SUSPn') ⇒ /andP [/andP [_ SUSPs']] _.
apply leq_trans with (n := t.+1);
first by move: SUSPs' ⇒ /andP [_ /andP [LE _]].
rewrite /suspension_start /time_after_last_execution.
have EX: [∃ t0:'I_t.+1, scheduled_at sched_new j0 t0].
by apply/existsP; ∃ (Ordinal (ltnSn t)).
rewrite EX -addn1 leq_add2r addn1.
have GE := @leq_bigmax_cond _ (fun x:'I_t.+1 ⇒ scheduled_at sched_new j0 x)
id (Ordinal (ltnSn t)).
by apply GE.
(* using the previous lemmas, we conclude that the suspension predicate is continuous
between any suspension point and the last execution of the job. *)
Lemma suspended_in_sched_new_is_continuous:
∀ t t_mid,
suspended_in_sched_new any_j t →
suspension_start sched_new any_j t ≤ t_mid < t →
suspended_in_sched_new any_j t_mid.
have NOSERV := suspended_in_sched_new_no_service_since_execution.
have NOEARLIER := suspended_in_sched_new_suspension_starts_no_earlier.
rename any_j into j0; intros t.
induction t_mid as [k IH] using strong_ind.
have INV := sched_new_service_invariant.
move ⇒ SUSPn /andP [GE LT].
move: (SUSPn) ⇒ /andP [/andP [LTr SUSPt] NOTLATEt].
rewrite -/job_is_late in NOTLATEt.
apply/andP; split; last first.
rewrite /reduction.job_is_late -/sched_new -2!leqNgt in NOTLATEt ×.
feed (INV t); [by apply ltnW | specialize (INV j0)].
set Sn := service sched_new in INV NOTLATEt ×.
set Ss := service sched_susp in INV NOTLATEt ×.
set cost0 := job_cost j0 in INV NOTLATEt ×.
set cost0' := inflated_job_cost j0 in INV NOTLATEt ×.
have SAME: Sn j0 t = Ss j0 t + (cost0' - cost0).
by apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq; apply/andP.
clear INV.
apply leq_trans with (n := Ss j0 t + (cost0' - cost0));
first by rewrite leq_add2r; apply extend_sum; last by apply ltnW.
rewrite -SAME {SAME}.
by apply NOSERV; rewrite ?SUSPn ?LTr ?SUSPt ?GE ?LT.
apply/andP; split; first by apply: (ltn_trans _ LTr).
apply suspended_in_suspension_interval with (t0 := t); try done.
apply/negP; intro COMPmid.
apply suspended_implies_not_completed in SUSPt.
suff BUG: completed_by job_cost sched_susp j0 t by rewrite BUG in SUSPt.
by apply completion_monotonic with (t0 := k); [| by apply ltnW |].
apply/andP; split;
last by apply: (ltn_trans LT); move: SUSPt ⇒ /andP [_ /andP [_ GTt]].
apply: (leq_trans _ GE).
apply NOEARLIER; try done.
by apply suspended_implies_arrived in SUSPt.
End SuspensionPredicate.
Properties of the Suspension Table
(* In this section, we prove some properties about the suspension table. *)
Section SuspensionTable.
(* First, we show that no job ever suspends after (arr_j + R). *)
Lemma suspended_in_sched_new_only_inside_window:
∀ any_j t,
arr_j + R ≤ t →
~~ suspended_at job_arrival inflated_job_cost reduced_suspension_duration
sched_new any_j t.
intros any_j t LE.
case (boolP (has_arrived job_arrival any_j t)) ⇒ [ARR | NOTARR]; last first.
apply/negP; intro SUSP.
apply suspended_implies_arrived in SUSP;
last by apply sched_new_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute.
by rewrite SUSP in NOTARR.
apply suspension_duration_no_suspension_after_t_max; try done;
first by apply sched_new_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute.
intros j0 t0 LT.
rewrite /reduction.suspended_in_sched_new LT /=.
move ⇒ /andP [SUSPs _].
by apply suspended_implies_arrived in SUSPs.
(* Next, using the lemmas about the suspension predicate, we show that the suspension
predicate for the new schedule matches the generated suspension table.
(see model/schedule/uni/susp/build_suspension_table.v) *)
Lemma sched_new_suspension_matches:
∀ any_j t,
t < arr_j + R →
suspended_in_sched_new any_j t =
suspended_at job_arrival inflated_job_cost reduced_suspension_duration sched_new any_j t.
apply suspension_duration_matches_predicate_up_to_t_max;
first by apply sched_new_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute.
- by intros j0 t LT SUSP; apply suspended_in_sched_new_implies_arrived.
- by intros j0 t LT SUSP; apply suspended_in_sched_new_implies_not_completed.
- by intros j0 t LT SUSP; apply suspended_in_sched_new_is_continuous.
(* Recall the definition of cumulative suspension in both schedules. *)
Let cumulative_suspension_in_sched_susp :=
cumulative_suspension job_arrival job_cost job_suspension_duration sched_susp.
Let cumulative_suspension_in_sched_new :=
cumulative_suspension job_arrival inflated_job_cost reduced_suspension_duration sched_new.
(* To conclude, we prove that the cumulative suspension in the new schedule is no
larger than in the original schedule,... *)
Lemma sched_new_has_shorter_suspension:
∀ any_j t,
cumulative_suspension_in_sched_new any_j t
≤ cumulative_suspension_in_sched_susp any_j t.
intros j0 t.
apply leq_sum; intros i _.
case (ltnP i (arr_j + R)) ⇒ [LTr | GEr].
rewrite -sched_new_suspension_matches //.
rewrite /suspended_in_sched_new /reduction.suspended_in_sched_new.
rewrite LTr /=.
by case: (X in (_ && X)); rewrite ?andbT ?andbF.
apply leq_trans with (n := 0); last by done.
rewrite leqn0 eqb0.
case (boolP (has_arrived job_arrival j0 i)) ⇒ [ARR | NOTARR];
first by apply suspended_in_sched_new_only_inside_window.
apply/negP; intro SUSPn.
apply suspended_implies_arrived in SUSPn; first by rewrite SUSPn in NOTARR.
by apply sched_new_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute.
(* ... which implies that the total suspension is also no larger. *)
Corollary sched_new_has_shorter_total_suspension:
∀ any_j,
total_suspension inflated_job_cost reduced_suspension_duration any_j ≤
total_suspension job_cost job_suspension_duration any_j.
intros any_j.
apply leq_trans with (n := cumulative_suspension_in_sched_new any_j (arr_j + R)).
unfold total_suspension, reduced_suspension_duration, reduction.reduced_suspension_duration,
rewrite -/sched_new.
set SUSP_new := _ job_arrival job_cost _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
set cost' := inflated_job_cost.
set arr := job_arrival j.
apply leq_trans with (n := \sum_(0 ≤ t < cost' any_j) \sum_(0 ≤ t0 < arr + R)
if (service sched_new any_j t0 == t) then SUSP_new any_j t0 else false);
first by apply leq_sum; ins; rewrite big_mkcond; apply leq_sum; ins; case: (_ == _).
rewrite exchange_big /=.
apply leq_sum_nat; move ⇒ i /= LT _.
case COMP: (completed_in_sched_new any_j i).
apply leq_trans with (n := 0); last by done.
rewrite big_nat_cond big1 //; move ⇒ s /= LTs.
case EQ: (_ == _); last by done.
move: EQ ⇒ /eqP EQ; rewrite andbT -EQ {EQ} in LTs.
by move: COMP ⇒ /eqP COMP; rewrite ltn_neqAle COMP eq_refl in LTs.
apply negbT in COMP; rewrite /completed_in_sched_new /completed_by in COMP.
set s := service sched_new any_j i; rewrite -/s neq_ltn in COMP.
move: COMP ⇒ /orP [LTs | GTs]; last first.
suff BUG': inflated_job_cost any_j ≥ s by rewrite ltnNge BUG' in GTs.
apply cumulative_service_le_job_cost.
by apply sched_new_completed_jobs_dont_execute.
rewrite → big_cat_nat with (n := s); [simpl | by done | by apply ltnW].
rewrite → big_cat_nat with (m := s) (n := s.+1); [simpl | by done | by done].
rewrite big_nat_cond big1; last first.
move ⇒ i0; rewrite andbT; move ⇒ /= LT0.
by case EQ: (_ == _) ⇒ //; move: EQ ⇒ /eqP EQ; subst; rewrite ltnn in LT0.
rewrite add0n big_nat_recr //= eq_refl big_geq // add0n.
rewrite big_nat_cond big1; [rewrite addn0 |]; last first.
move ⇒ i0; rewrite andbT; move ⇒ /andP [LT0 _].
rewrite ltn_neqAle in LT0; move: LT0 ⇒ /andP [NEQ _].
by apply negbTE in NEQ; rewrite NEQ.
by rewrite -sched_new_suspension_matches.
apply leq_trans with (n := cumulative_suspension_in_sched_susp any_j (arr_j + R));
first by apply sched_new_has_shorter_suspension.
by apply cumulative_suspension_le_total_suspension.
End SuspensionTable.
Suspension-Related Schedule Properties
(* Having shown that the suspension table matches the suspension predicate,
we now analyze the suspension predicate and prove that the generated
schedule satisfies all the remaining properties. *)
Section AdditionalScheduleProperties.
(* First, we show that the new schedule respects self-suspensions. *)
Lemma sched_new_respects_self_suspensions:
respects_self_suspensions job_arrival inflated_job_cost reduced_suspension_duration sched_new.
move ⇒ j0 t /eqP SCHEDn; apply/negP.
case (ltnP t (arr_j + R)) ⇒ [LTr | GEr];
last by apply suspended_in_sched_new_only_inside_window.
rewrite -sched_new_suspension_matches /suspended_in_sched_new //.
rewrite negb_and negbK.
rewrite /scheduled_at sched_new_uses_construction_function in SCHEDn.
rewrite /build_schedule /reduction.build_schedule in SCHEDn.
case (ltnP t (arr_j + R)) ⇒ [LT | GE]; last by rewrite ltnNge GE.
rewrite LT /reduction.highest_priority_late_job in SCHEDn.
apply seq_min_in_seq in SCHEDn.
rewrite mem_filter in SCHEDn.
move: SCHEDn ⇒ /andP [/andP [PEND OR] _].
move: OR ⇒ /orP [SERV | SCHED]; first by rewrite SERV orbT.
apply/orP; left.
rewrite negb_and; apply/orP; right.
by apply/negP; apply H_respects_self_suspensions.
(* Next, we prove that the new schedule is (suspension-aware) work-conserving... *)
Lemma sched_new_work_conserving:
work_conserving job_arrival inflated_job_cost reduced_suspension_duration
arr_seq sched_new.
have COMPnew := sched_new_completed_jobs_dont_execute.
have MATCH := sched_new_suspension_matches.
rename H_work_conserving into WORKs, H_respects_priority into PRIOs.
intros j0 t IN BACK.
move: BACK ⇒ /andP [/andP[PEND NOTSCHED] NOTSUSP].
rewrite /scheduled_at sched_new_uses_construction_function in NOTSCHED ×.
rewrite /build_schedule /reduction.build_schedule in NOTSCHED ×.
case: (ltnP t (arr_j + R)) ⇒ [BEFORE | AFTER]; last first.
clear NOTSUSP; rewrite ltnNge AFTER /= in NOTSCHED.
rewrite -/hp_job in NOTSCHED ×.
destruct (hp_job t) eqn:SCHEDn; first by ∃ s.
exfalso; clear NOTSCHED.
suff NOTNONE: hp_job t != None by rewrite SCHEDn in NOTNONE.
move: (PEND) ⇒ /andP [ARR NOTCOMPn].
have IN0: j0 \in jobs_arrived_up_to arr_seq t.
by eapply arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals; eauto 1.
apply seq_min_exists with (x := j0).
by rewrite mem_filter PEND IN0.
rewrite -MATCH // in NOTSUSP.
rewrite /suspended_in_sched_new negb_and negbK in NOTSUSP.
rewrite -/hp_late_job in NOTSCHED ×.
destruct (hp_late_job t) eqn:SCHEDn; first by ∃ s.
exfalso; clear NOTSCHED.
suff NOTNONE: hp_late_job t != None by rewrite SCHEDn in NOTNONE.
move: (PEND) ⇒ /andP [ARR NOTCOMPn].
have IN0: j0 \in jobs_arrived_up_to arr_seq t.
by eapply arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals; eauto 1.
move: NOTSUSP ⇒ /orP [NOTSUSPs | LT]; last first.
clear SCHEDn; apply seq_min_exists with (x := j0).
by rewrite mem_filter PEND IN0 andbT LT.
case (boolP (completed_by job_cost sched_susp j0 t)) ⇒ [COMPs | NOTCOMPs].
clear SCHEDn; apply seq_min_exists with (x := j0).
rewrite mem_filter PEND IN0 andbT /=.
apply/orP; left.
apply leq_trans with (n := job_cost j0 + (inflated_job_cost j0 - job_cost j0));
last by move: COMPs ⇒ /eqP <-; rewrite leq_add2r.
rewrite subnKC; last by apply H_job_costs_do_not_decrease.
by rewrite ltn_neqAle; apply/andP; split;
last by apply sched_new_completed_jobs_dont_execute.
case (boolP (scheduled_at sched_susp j0 t)) ⇒ [SCHEDs | NOTSCHEDs].
clear SCHEDn; apply seq_min_exists with (x := j0).
by rewrite mem_filter PEND IN0 andbT SCHEDs orbT.
feed (WORKs j0 t IN); first by repeat (apply/andP; split).
move: WORKs ⇒ [j_hp SCHEDhp].
clear SCHEDn; apply seq_min_exists with (x := j_hp).
have ARRhp: has_arrived job_arrival j_hp t.
by apply H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute.
have ARRINhp: arrives_in arr_seq j_hp.
by eapply H_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence; eauto 1.
have INhp: j_hp \in jobs_arrived_up_to arr_seq t.
by eapply arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals; eauto 1.
rewrite mem_filter INhp andbT SCHEDhp orbT andbT.
apply/andP; split; first by done.
apply contraT; rewrite negbK; intro COMPhpN.
have COMPhpS: completed_by job_cost sched_susp j_hp t.
by apply sched_new_jobs_complete_later; first by apply ltnW.
by apply completed_implies_not_scheduled in COMPhpS;
first by rewrite SCHEDhp in COMPhpS.
(* ...and respects job priorities. *)
Lemma sched_new_respects_policy:
respects_JLDP_policy job_arrival inflated_job_cost reduced_suspension_duration
arr_seq sched_new higher_eq_priority.
have MATCH := sched_new_suspension_matches.
rename H_priority_is_transitive into TRANS, H_priority_is_total into TOTAL,
H_priority_is_reflexive into REFL, H_work_conserving into WORKs,
H_respects_priority into PRIOs.
move ⇒ j1 j2 t ARRin BACK /eqP SCHED.
move: BACK ⇒ /andP [/andP [PEND NOTSCHED] NOTSUSPn].
rewrite /scheduled_at sched_new_uses_construction_function /build_schedule
/reduction.build_schedule in SCHED NOTSCHED ×.
case: (ltnP t (arr_j + R)) ⇒ [BEFORE | AFTER]; last first.
rewrite ltnNge AFTER /= in SCHED NOTSCHED.
rewrite /reduction.highest_priority_job in SCHED NOTSCHED.
set jobs := reduction.pending_jobs _ _ _ _ _ in SCHED NOTSCHED.
have IN: j1 \in jobs.
rewrite mem_filter PEND /=.
move: PEND ⇒ /andP [ARR _].
by eapply arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals; eauto 1.
apply seq_min_computes_min with (y := j1) in SCHED; try (by done).
by intros x y; rewrite 2!mem_filter; move ⇒ /andP [_ INx] /andP [_ INy];
apply TOTAL; eapply in_arrivals_implies_arrived; eauto 2.
rewrite /reduction.highest_priority_late_job in SCHED NOTSCHED.
set jobs := _ sched_new t in SCHED NOTSCHED.
rewrite -MATCH // negb_and negbK in NOTSUSPn.
have TOT: ∀ x y, x \in jobs → y \in jobs →
higher_eq_priority t x y || higher_eq_priority t y x.
intros x y INx INy; rewrite 2!mem_filter in INx INy.
move: INx INy ⇒ /andP [_ INx] /andP [_ INy].
by apply TOTAL; eapply in_arrivals_implies_arrived; eauto 1.
have ARR1: has_arrived job_arrival j1 t by move: PEND ⇒ /andP [ARR _].
have IN1: j1 \in jobs_arrived_up_to arr_seq t.
by eapply arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals; eauto 1.
move: NOTSUSPn ⇒ /orP [NOTSUSPs | LT]; last first.
apply seq_min_computes_min with (l := jobs); try done.
by rewrite mem_filter IN1 andbT PEND LT.
rewrite BEFORE /= in NOTSUSPs.
case (boolP (scheduled_at sched_susp j1 t)) ⇒ [SCHEDs | NOTSCHEDs].
apply seq_min_computes_min with (l := jobs); try done.
by rewrite mem_filter IN1 andbT PEND SCHEDs orbT.
case (boolP (completed_by job_cost sched_susp j1 t)) ⇒ [COMPs | NOTCOMPs].
apply seq_min_computes_min with (l := jobs); try (by done).
rewrite mem_filter PEND /= IN1 andbT.
apply/orP; left.
rewrite /reduction.job_is_late.
move: COMPs ⇒ /eqP ->; rewrite subnKC; last by eauto 1.
move: PEND ⇒ /andP [_ NOTCOMP].
rewrite ltn_neqAle; apply/andP; split; first by done.
apply cumulative_service_le_job_cost.
by apply sched_new_completed_jobs_dont_execute.
feed (WORKs j1 t ARRin); first by repeat (apply/andP; split).
move: WORKs ⇒ [j_hp SCHEDhp].
apply: (TRANS _ j_hp);
last by apply PRIOs; try done; repeat (apply/andP; split).
have ARRhp: has_arrived job_arrival j_hp t.
by apply H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute.
have ARRINhp: arrives_in arr_seq j_hp.
by eapply H_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence; eauto 1.
have INhp: j_hp \in jobs_arrived_up_to arr_seq t.
by eapply arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals; eauto 1.
apply seq_min_computes_min with (l := jobs); try done.
rewrite mem_filter INhp andbT SCHEDhp orbT andbT.
apply/andP; split; first by done.
apply contraT; rewrite negbK; intro COMPhpN.
have COMPhpS: completed_by job_cost sched_susp j_hp t.
by apply sched_new_jobs_complete_later; first by apply ltnW.
by apply completed_implies_not_scheduled in COMPhpS;
first by rewrite SCHEDhp in COMPhpS.
End AdditionalScheduleProperties.
Final Remarks
Section FinalRemarks.
(* To summarize, we conclude that the new schedule is a valid suspension-aware schedule ... *)
Remark sched_new_is_valid:
valid_suspension_aware_schedule job_arrival arr_seq higher_eq_priority
reduced_suspension_duration inflated_job_cost sched_new.
repeat split.
- by apply sched_new_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence.
- by apply sched_new_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute.
- by apply sched_new_completed_jobs_dont_execute.
- by apply sched_new_work_conserving.
- by apply sched_new_respects_policy.
- by apply sched_new_respects_self_suspensions.
(* ...and that if the analyzed job j has response-time bound R in the schedule,
then it also has response-time bound R in the original schedule. *)
Remark sched_new_response_time_of_job_j:
job_response_time_in_sched_new_bounded_by j R →
job_response_time_in_sched_susp_bounded_by j R.
by apply sched_new_jobs_complete_later.
End FinalRemarks.
End ReductionProperties.
End SustainabilityAllCostsProperties.