Library prosa.analysis.facts.priority.gel
Require Import
Require Import prosa.model.priority.gel.
Require Import prosa.model.schedule.priority_driven.
Require Import prosa.analysis.facts.model.sequential.
Require Import prosa.analysis.facts.priority.sequential.
Require Import prosa.model.priority.gel.
Require Import prosa.model.schedule.priority_driven.
Require Import prosa.analysis.facts.model.sequential.
Require Import prosa.analysis.facts.priority.sequential.
In this file we state and prove some basic facts
about the GEL scheduling policy.
Consider any type of tasks and jobs.
Context `{Task : TaskType} {Job : JobType}
`{JobTask Job Task} `{PriorityPoint Task} {Arrival : JobArrival Job}.
`{JobTask Job Task} `{PriorityPoint Task} {Arrival : JobArrival Job}.
Under GEL, hep_job is a statement about absolute priority points.
Fact hep_job_priority_point :
∀ j j',
hep_job j j' = ((job_arrival j)%:R + task_priority_point (job_task j)
≤ (job_arrival j')%:R + task_priority_point (job_task j'))%R.
Proof. by move⇒ j j'; rewrite /hep_job/GEL/job_priority_point. Qed.
∀ j j',
hep_job j j' = ((job_arrival j)%:R + task_priority_point (job_task j)
≤ (job_arrival j')%:R + task_priority_point (job_task j'))%R.
Proof. by move⇒ j j'; rewrite /hep_job/GEL/job_priority_point. Qed.
If we are looking at two jobs of the same task, then hep_job is a
statement about their respective arrival times.
Fact hep_job_arrival_gel :
∀ j j',
same_task j j' →
hep_job j j' = (job_arrival j ≤ job_arrival j').
move⇒ j j' /eqP SAME.
by rewrite hep_job_priority_point SAME; lia.
Section HEPJobArrival.
∀ j j',
same_task j j' →
hep_job j j' = (job_arrival j ≤ job_arrival j').
move⇒ j j' /eqP SAME.
by rewrite hep_job_priority_point SAME; lia.
Section HEPJobArrival.
Consider a job j...
... and a higher or equal priority job j'.
The arrival time of j' is bounded as follows.
Lemma hep_job_arrives_before :
((job_arrival j')%:R ≤
(job_arrival j)%:R +
task_priority_point (job_task j) - task_priority_point (job_task j'))%R.
Proof. by move : H_j'_hep; rewrite hep_job_priority_point; lia. Qed.
((job_arrival j')%:R ≤
(job_arrival j)%:R +
task_priority_point (job_task j) - task_priority_point (job_task j'))%R.
Proof. by move : H_j'_hep; rewrite hep_job_priority_point; lia. Qed.
Using the above lemma, we prove that for any
higher-or-equal priority job j', the term
job_arrival j + task_priority_point (job_task j) -
task_priority_point (job_task j') is positive.
Corollary hep_job_arrives_after_zero :
(0 ≤ (job_arrival j)%:R +
task_priority_point (job_task j) - task_priority_point (job_task j'))%R.
Proof. exact: le_trans hep_job_arrives_before. Qed.
End HEPJobArrival.
(0 ≤ (job_arrival j)%:R +
task_priority_point (job_task j) - task_priority_point (job_task j'))%R.
Proof. exact: le_trans hep_job_arrives_before. Qed.
End HEPJobArrival.
Next, we prove that the GEL policy respects sequential tasks.
Lemma GEL_respects_sequential_tasks:
policy_respects_sequential_tasks (GEL Job Task).
Proof. by move ⇒ j1 j2 TSK ARR; rewrite hep_job_arrival_gel. Qed.
policy_respects_sequential_tasks (GEL Job Task).
Proof. by move ⇒ j1 j2 TSK ARR; rewrite hep_job_arrival_gel. Qed.
In this section, we prove that in a schedule following
the GEL policy, tasks are always sequential.
Consider any arrival sequence.
Allow for any uniprocessor model.
Next, consider any schedule of the arrival sequence, ...
Variable sched : schedule PState.
Context `{JobCost Job}.
Hypothesis H_valid_arrivals : valid_arrival_sequence arr_seq.
Context `{JobCost Job}.
Hypothesis H_valid_arrivals : valid_arrival_sequence arr_seq.
... allow for any work-bearing notion of job readiness, ...
Context `{@JobReady Job PState _ Arrival}.
Hypothesis H_job_ready : work_bearing_readiness arr_seq sched.
Hypothesis H_job_ready : work_bearing_readiness arr_seq sched.
... and assume that the schedule is valid.
In addition, we assume the existence of a function mapping jobs
to their preemption points ...
... and assume that it defines a valid preemption model.
Next, we assume that the schedule respects the scheduling policy at every preemption point.
Hypothesis H_respects_policy : respects_JLFP_policy_at_preemption_point arr_seq sched (GEL Job Task).
To prove sequentiality, we use the lemma
early_hep_job_is_scheduled. Clearly, under the GEL priority
policy, jobs satisfy the conditions described by the lemma
(i.e., given two jobs j1 and j2 from the same task, if j1
arrives earlier than j2, then j1 always has a higher
priority than job j2, and hence completes before j2);
therefore GEL implies the sequential_tasks property.
Lemma GEL_implies_sequential_tasks:
sequential_tasks arr_seq sched.
move ⇒ j1 j2 t ARR1 ARR2 SAME LT.
apply: early_hep_job_is_scheduled ⇒ //.
rewrite always_higher_priority_jlfp !hep_job_arrival_gel //.
- by rewrite -ltnNge; apply/andP; split ⇒ //.
- by rewrite same_task_sym.
End SequentialTasks.
End GELBasicFacts.
sequential_tasks arr_seq sched.
move ⇒ j1 j2 t ARR1 ARR2 SAME LT.
apply: early_hep_job_is_scheduled ⇒ //.
rewrite always_higher_priority_jlfp !hep_job_arrival_gel //.
- by rewrite -ltnNge; apply/andP; split ⇒ //.
- by rewrite same_task_sym.
End SequentialTasks.
End GELBasicFacts.
We add the following lemma to the basic facts database.
Global Hint Resolve
: basic_rt_facts.
: basic_rt_facts.