Library prosa.analysis.facts.priority.fifo_ahep_bound

Higher-or-Equal-Priority Interference Bound under FIFO

In this file, we introduce a bound on the cumulative interference from higher- and equal-priority under FIFO scheduling.
Consider any type of tasks, each characterized by a WCET task_cost and an arrival curve max_arrivals ...
  Context {Task : TaskType}.
  Context `{TaskCost Task}.
  Context `{MaxArrivals Task}.

... and any type of jobs associated with these tasks, where each job has a task job_task, a cost job_cost, and an arrival time job_arrival.
  Context {Job : JobType}.
  Context `{JobTask Job Task}.
  Context `{JobCost Job}.
  Context `{JobArrival Job}.

Consider any kind of unit-supply uniprocessor model.
Consider any arrival sequence arr_seq with consistent, non-duplicate arrivals.
We further require that a job's cost cannot exceed its task's stated WCET.
We consider an arbitrary task set ts ...
  Variable ts : seq Task.

... and assume that all jobs stem from tasks in this task set.
We assume that max_arrivals is a family of valid arrival curves that constrains the arrival sequence arr_seq, i.e., for any task tsk in ts, max_arrival tsk is (1) an arrival bound of tsk, and ...
... (2) a monotonic function that equals 0 for the empty interval delta = 0.
Let tsk be any task in ts that is to be analyzed.
  Variable tsk : Task.
  Hypothesis H_tsk_in_ts : tsk \in ts.

Consider any schedule ...
  Variable sched : schedule PState.

... where jobs do not execute before their arrival nor after completion.
Next, we establish a bound on the interference produced by higher- and equal-priority jobs.
Consider a job j of the task under analysis tsk with a positive cost.
  Variable j : Job.
  Hypothesis H_job_of_task : job_of_task tsk j.
  Hypothesis H_j_in_arrivals : arrives_in arr_seq j.
  Hypothesis H_job_cost_positive : job_cost_positive j.

Consider the busy window of j and denote it as [t1, t2).
  Variable t1 t2 : instant.
  Hypothesis H_busy_window : classical.busy_interval arr_seq sched j t1 t2.

Consider any arbitrary sub-interval [t1, Δ) within the busy window of j.
  Variable Δ : instant.
  Hypothesis H_in_busy : t1 + Δ < t2.

The cumulative interference from higher- and equal-priority jobs during [t1, Δ) is bounded as follows.
  Lemma bound_on_hep_workload :
    cumulative_another_hep_job_interference arr_seq sched j t1 (t1 + Δ)
      \sum_(tsko <- ts) task_request_bound_function tsko (job_arrival j - t1 + ε) - task_cost tsk.
    move: (H_busy_window) ⇒ [[_ [_ [_ /andP [ARR1 ARR2]]]] _].
    rewrite (cumulative_i_ohep_eq_service_of_ohep _ arr_seq) ⇒ //; last eauto 6 with basic_rt_facts; last first.
    { by move: (H_busy_window) ⇒ [[_ [Q _]] _]. }
    eapply leq_trans; first by apply service_of_jobs_le_workload ⇒ //.
    rewrite (leqRW (workload_equal_subset _ _ _ _ _ _ _)) ⇒ //.
    rewrite (workload_minus_job_cost j)//;
            last by apply job_in_arrivals_between ⇒ //; last by rewrite addn1.
    rewrite /workload_of_jobs (big_rem tsk) //=
            (addnC (task_request_bound_function tsk (job_arrival j - t1 + ε))).
    rewrite -addnBA; last first.
    - apply leq_trans with (task_request_bound_function tsk ε).
      { by apply: task_rbf_1_ge_task_cost; exact: non_pathological_max_arrivals. }
      { by apply task_rbf_monotone; [apply H_valid_arrival_curve | lia]. }
    - eapply leq_trans; last first.
      { by erewrite leq_add2l; apply task_rbf_without_job_under_analysis; (try apply ARR1) ⇒ //; lia. }
      rewrite addnBA.
      + rewrite leq_sub2r //; eapply leq_trans.
        × apply sum_over_partitions_lej' inJOBS_.
          by apply H_all_jobs_from_taskset, (in_arrivals_implies_arrived _ _ _ _ inJOBS).
        × rewrite (big_rem tsk) //= addnC leq_add //; last by rewrite addnA subnKC.
          rewrite big_seq_cond [in X in _ X]big_seq_cond big_mkcond [in X in _ X]big_mkcond //=.
          apply leq_sumtsk' _; rewrite andbC //=.
          destruct (tsk' \in rem (T:=Task) tsk ts) eqn:IN; last by [].
          apply rem_in in IN.
          rewrite addnBAC //=.
          apply: leq_trans; last by apply rbf_spec with (t := t1) (Δ := job_arrival j + 1 - t1).
          by rewrite subnKC //= addn1; apply leqW.
      + move : H_job_of_taskTSKj.
        rewrite /task_workload_between /task_workload /workload_of_jobs (big_rem j) //=;
                first by rewrite TSKj; apply leq_addr.
        apply job_in_arrivals_between ⇒ //.
        by lia.

End RTAforFullyPreemptiveFIFOModelwithArrivalCurves.