Library prosa.analysis.facts.busy_interval.pi

Priority Inversion in a Busy Interval

In this module, we reason about priority inversion that occurs during a busy interval due to non-preemptive sections.
Consider any type of tasks ...
  Context {Task : TaskType}.
  Context `{TaskCost Task}.

... and any type of jobs associated with these tasks.
  Context {Job : JobType}.
  Context `{JobTask Job Task}.
  Context `{JobArrival Job}.
  Context `{JobCost Job}.

Consider any valid arrival sequence ...
... and any uniprocessor schedule of this arrival sequence.
  Context {PState : ProcessorState Job}.
  Hypothesis H_uni : uniprocessor_model PState.
  Variable sched : schedule PState.

Consider a JLFP policy that indicates a higher-or-equal priority relation, and assume that the relation is reflexive and transitive.
Consider a valid preemption model with known maximum non-preemptive segment lengths.
Further, allow for any work-bearing notion of job readiness.
  Context `{!JobReady Job PState}.
  Hypothesis H_job_ready : work_bearing_readiness arr_seq sched.

We assume that the schedule is valid ...
... and that the schedule respects the scheduling policy at every preemption point.
Consider any job j of tsk with positive job cost.
  Variable j : Job.
  Hypothesis H_j_arrives : arrives_in arr_seq j.
  Hypothesis H_job_cost_positive : job_cost_positive j.

Consider any busy interval prefix [t1, t2) of job j.
  Variable : instant.
  Hypothesis H_busy_interval_prefix :
    busy_interval_prefix arr_seq sched j .

Lower Priority In Busy Intervals

First, we state some basic properties about a lower priority job executing in the busy interval of the job under consideration. From the definition of the busy interval it follows that a lower priority job can only be executing inside the busy interval as a result of priority inversion.
Consider a lower-priority job.
    Variable jlp : Job.
    Hypothesis H_jlp_lp : ~~hep_job jlp j.

Consider an instant t within the busy window of the job such that jlp is scheduled at t.
    Variable t : instant.
    Hypothesis H_t_in_busy : t < .
    Hypothesis H_jlp_scheduled_at_t : scheduled_at sched jlp t.

First, we prove that no time from up to the instant t can be a preemption point.
    Lemma lower_priority_job_scheduled_implies_no_preemption_time :
         t' t
        ~~ preemption_time arr_seq sched t'.
      movet' /andP[ ].
      apply /negPPT.
      move: H_jlp_lp ⇒ /negP LP; apply: LP.
      have [ptst [ [PTT STT]]] : ptst : ,
          t' ptst t preemption_time arr_seq sched ptst scheduled_at sched jlp ptst.
      { by apply: scheduling_of_any_segment_starts_with_preemption_time_continuously_sched ⇒ //=. }
      apply: (scheduled_at_preemption_time_implies_higher_or_equal_priority arr_seq _ sched _ _ _ _ j _ _ _ ptst) ⇒ //.
      by lia.

Then it follows that the job must have been continuously scheduled from up to t.
    Lemma lower_priority_job_continuously_scheduled:
         t' t
        scheduled_at sched jlp t'.
      movet' IN.
      move : IN ⇒ /andP [ ].
      apply: neg_pt_scheduled_continuously_after ⇒ //.
      move ⇒ ??.
      apply lower_priority_job_scheduled_implies_no_preemption_time.
      by lia.

Any lower-priority jobs that are scheduled inside the busy-interval prefix [t1,t2) must arrive before that interval.
    Lemma low_priority_job_arrives_before_busy_interval_prefix:
      job_arrival jlp < .
      have : scheduled_at sched jlp .
      { apply lower_priority_job_continuously_scheduled ⇒ //. lia. }
      have : job_arrival jlp by apply: (has_arrived_scheduled sched jlp _ ).
      rewrite /has_arrived leq_eqVlt in .
      move : ⇒ /orP[/eqP EQ| ?]; last by done.
      have PP := scheduling_of_any_segment_starts_with_preemption_time _
                   arr_seq H_valid_arrivals
                   sched H_sched_valid
                   H_valid_preemption_model jlp t H_jlp_scheduled_at_t.
      feed PP ⇒ //.
      move: PP ⇒ [pt [/andP [ ] [PT FA]]].
      contradict PT.
      apply /negP.
      by apply (lower_priority_job_scheduled_implies_no_preemption_time ) ⇒ //=; lia.

Finally, we show that lower-priority jobs that are scheduled inside the busy-interval prefix [t1,t2) must also be scheduled before the interval.
    Lemma low_priority_job_scheduled_before_busy_interval_prefix:
       t', t' < scheduled_at sched jlp t'.
      move: H_t_in_busy ⇒ /andP [GE LT].
      have ARR := low_priority_job_arrives_before_busy_interval_prefix .
       .-1; split.
      { by rewrite prednK; last apply leq_ltn_trans with (job_arrival jlp). }
      eapply neg_pt_scheduled_at ⇒ //.
      - rewrite prednK; last by apply leq_ltn_trans with (job_arrival jlp).
        apply lower_priority_job_continuously_scheduled ⇒ //. lia.
      - rewrite prednK; last by apply leq_ltn_trans with (job_arrival jlp).
        apply lower_priority_job_scheduled_implies_no_preemption_time.
        by lia.

  End LowerPriorityJobScheduled.

In this section, we prove that priority inversion only occurs at the start of the busy window and occurs due to only one job.
  Section SingleJob.

Suppose job j incurs priority inversion at a time t_pi in its busy window.
    Variable t_pi : instant.
    Hypothesis H_from_t1_before_t2 : t_pi < .
    Hypothesis H_PI_occurs : priority_inversion arr_seq sched j t_pi.

First, we show that there is no preemption time in the interval [t1,t_pi].
    Lemma no_preemption_time_before_pi :
         t t_pi
        ~~ preemption_time arr_seq sched t.
      moveppt intl.
      move : H_PI_occurs ⇒ /uni_priority_inversion_P PI.
      feed_n 5 PI ⇒ //=.
      move : PI ⇒ [jlp SCHED NHEP].
      by apply (lower_priority_job_scheduled_implies_no_preemption_time jlp NHEP t_pi).

Next, we show that the same job will be scheduled from the start of the busy interval to the priority inversion time t_pi.
    Lemma pi_job_remains_scheduled :
        scheduled_at sched jlp t_pi
           t t_pi scheduled_at sched jlp t.
      move : H_PI_occurs ⇒ /uni_priority_inversion_P PI.
      feed_n 5 PI ⇒ //=.
      move : PI ⇒ [jlp SCHED NHEP].
      move t IN.
      apply: lower_priority_job_continuously_scheduled ⇒ //.
      by have → : = jlp.

Thus, priority inversion takes place from the start of the busy interval to the instant t_pi, i.e., priority inversion takes place continuously.
    Lemma pi_continuous :
         t t_pi
        priority_inversion arr_seq sched j t.
      move: (H_PI_occurs) ⇒ /andP[j_nsched_pi /hasP[jlp jlp_sched_pi nHEPj]] t INTL.
      apply /uni_priority_inversion_P ⇒ // ; jlp ⇒ //.
      apply: pi_job_remains_scheduled ⇒ //.
      by rewrite -(scheduled_jobs_at_iff arr_seq).

  End SingleJob.

As a simple corollary to the lemmas proved in the previous section, we show that for any two jobs and that cause priority inversion to job j, it is the case that = .
  Section SingleJobEq.

Consider a time instant in [t1, t2) ...
    Variable : instant.
    Hypothesis H_ts1_in_busy_prefix : < .

... and a lower-priority (w.r.t. job j) job that is scheduled at time .
    Variable : Job.
    Hypothesis H_j1_sched : scheduled_at sched .
    Hypothesis H_j1_lower_prio : ~~ hep_job j.

Similarly, consider a time instant in [t1, t2) ...
    Variable : instant.
    Hypothesis H_ts2_in_busy_prefix : < .

... and a lower-priority job that is scheduled at time .
    Variable : Job.
    Hypothesis H_j2_sched : scheduled_at sched .
    Hypothesis H_j2_lower_prio : ~~ hep_job j.

Then, is equal to .
    Corollary only_one_pi_job :
       = .
      have [NEQ|NEQ] := leqP .
      { apply: H_uni; first by apply H_j1_sched.
        apply: pi_job_remains_scheduled; try apply H_j2_sched; try lia.
        by erewrite priority_inversion_hep_job.
      { apply: H_uni; last by apply H_j2_sched.
        apply: pi_job_remains_scheduled; try apply H_j1_sched; try lia.
        by erewrite priority_inversion_hep_job; try apply H_j1_sched.

  End SingleJobEq.

From the above lemmas, it follows that either job j incurs no priority inversion at all or certainly at time , i.e., the beginning of its busy interval.
  Lemma busy_interval_pi_cases :
    cumulative_priority_inversion arr_seq sched j = 0
     priority_inversion arr_seq sched j .
    case: (posnP (cumulative_priority_inversion arr_seq sched j )); first by left.
    rewrite sum_nat_gt0 // ⇒ /hasP[].
    rewrite mem_filter /= mem_index_iota lt0bINTL PI_pi.
    by right; apply: pi_continuous //; lia.

Next, we use the above facts to establish bounds on the maximum priority inversion that can be incurred in a busy interval.

Priority Inversion due to Non-Preemptive Sections

First, we introduce the notion of the maximum length of a nonpreemptive segment among all lower priority jobs (w.r.t. a given job j) arrived so far.
Note that any bound on the max_lp_nonpreemptive_segment function is also be a bound on the maximum priority inversion (assuming there are no other mechanisms that could cause priority inversion). This bound may be different for different scheduler and/or task models. Thus, we don't define such a bound in this module.

  Section TaskMaxNPS.

First, assuming proper non-preemptive sections, ...
... we observe that the maximum non-preemptive segment length of any task that releases a job with lower priority (w.r.t. a given job j) and non-zero execution cost upper-bounds the maximum possible non-preemptive segment length of any lower-priority job.
    Lemma max_np_job_segment_bounded_by_max_np_task_segment :
      max_lp_nonpreemptive_segment j
       \max_(j_lp arrivals_between arr_seq 0 | (~~ hep_job j_lp j)
                                                     && (job_cost j_lp > 0))
          (task_max_nonpreemptive_segment (job_task j_lp) - ε).
      rewrite /max_lp_nonpreemptive_segment.
      apply: leq_big_maxj' JINB NOTHEP.
      rewrite leq_sub2r //.
      apply in_arrivals_implies_arrived in JINB.
      by apply H_valid_nps.

  End TaskMaxNPS.

Next, we prove that the function max_lp_nonpreemptive_segment indeed upper-bounds the priority inversion length.
  Section PreemptionTimeExists.

In this section, we require the jobs to have valid bounded non-preemptive segments.
First, we prove that, if a job with higher-or-equal priority is scheduled at a quiet time t+1, then this is the first time when this job is scheduled.
    Lemma hp_job_not_scheduled_before_quiet_time :
       jhp t,
        quiet_time arr_seq sched j t.+1
        scheduled_at sched jhp t.+1
        hep_job jhp j
        ~~ scheduled_at sched jhp t.
      intros jhp t QT HP.
      apply/negP; intros .
      specialize (QT jhp).
      feed_n 3 QT ⇒ //.
      - have MATE: jobs_must_arrive_to_execute sched by [].
        by have HA: has_arrived jhp t by exact: MATE.
      - apply completed_implies_not_scheduled in QT ⇒ //.
        by move: QT ⇒ /negP NSCHED; apply: NSCHED.

Thus, there must be a preemption time in the interval , + max_lp_nonpreemptive_segment j . That is, if a job with higher-or-equal priority is scheduled at time instant , then is a preemption time. Otherwise, if a job with lower priority is scheduled at time , then this job also should be scheduled before the beginning of the busy interval. So, the next preemption time will be no more than max_lp_nonpreemptive_segment j time units later.
We proceed by doing a case analysis.
    Section CaseAnalysis.

(1) Case when the schedule is idle at time .
      Section Case1.

Assume that the schedule is idle at time .
        Hypothesis H_is_idle : is_idle arr_seq sched .

Then time instant is a preemption time.
        Lemma preemption_time_exists_case1:
            preemption_time arr_seq sched pr_t
             pr_t + max_lp_nonpreemptive_segment j .
          set (service := service sched).
          move: (H_valid_model_with_bounded_nonpreemptive_segments) ⇒ CORR.
          move: (H_busy_interval_prefix) ⇒ [NEM [ [NQT HPJ]]].
           ; split.
          - exact: idle_time_is_pt.
          - by apply/andP; split; last rewrite leq_addr.

      End Case1.

(2) Case when a job with higher-or-equal priority is scheduled at time .
      Section Case2.

Assume that a job jhp with higher-or-equal priority is scheduled at time .
        Variable jhp : Job.
        Hypothesis H_jhp_is_scheduled : scheduled_at sched jhp .
        Hypothesis H_jhp_hep_priority : hep_job jhp j.

Then time instant is a preemption time.
        Lemma preemption_time_exists_case2:
            preemption_time arr_seq sched pr_t
             pr_t + max_lp_nonpreemptive_segment j .
          set (service := service sched).
          move : (H_valid_model_with_bounded_nonpreemptive_segments) ⇒ [VALID BOUNDED].
          move: (H_valid_model_with_bounded_nonpreemptive_segments) ⇒ CORR.
          move: (H_busy_interval_prefix) ⇒ [NEM [ [NQT HPJ]]].
           ; split; last by apply/andP; split; [|rewrite leq_addr].
          destruct .
          - exact: zero_is_pt.
          - apply: first_moment_is_pt H_jhp_is_scheduled ⇒ //.
            exact: hp_job_not_scheduled_before_quiet_time.

      End Case2.

The following argument requires a unit-service assumption.
      Hypothesis H_unit : unit_service_proc_model PState.

(3) Case when a job with lower priority is scheduled at time .
      Section Case3.

Assume that a job jhp with lower priority is scheduled at time .
        Variable jlp : Job.
        Hypothesis H_jlp_is_scheduled : scheduled_at sched jlp .
        Hypothesis H_jlp_low_priority : ~~ hep_job jlp j.

To prove the lemma in this case we need a few auxiliary facts about the first preemption point of job jlp.
        Section FirstPreemptionPointOfjlp.

Let's denote the progress of job jlp at time as progr_t1.
          Let progr_t1 := service sched jlp .

Consider the first preemption point of job jlp after progr_t1.
          Variable fpt : instant.
          Hypothesis H_fpt_is_preemption_point : job_preemptable jlp (progr_t1 + fpt).
          Hypothesis H_fpt_is_first_preemption_point :
              progr_t1 ρ progr_t1 + (job_max_nonpreemptive_segment jlp - ε)
              job_preemptable jlp ρ
              service sched jlp + fpt ρ.

For correctness, we also assume that fpt does not exceed the length of the maximum non-preemptive segment.
          Hypothesis H_progr_le_max_nonp_segment :
            fpt job_max_nonpreemptive_segment jlp - ε.

First we show that fpt is indeed the first preemption point after progr_t1.
          Lemma no_intermediate_preemption_point:
              progr_t1 ρ < progr_t1 + fpt
              ~~ job_preemptable jlp ρ.
            moveprog /andP [GE LT].
            apply/negP; intros PPJ.
            move: H_fpt_is_first_preemption_pointK; specialize (K prog).
            feed_n 2 K ⇒ [|//|]; first (apply/andP; split⇒ //).
            { apply leq_trans with (service sched jlp + fpt).
              + exact: ltnW.
              + by rewrite leq_add2l; apply H_progr_le_max_nonp_segment.
            by move: K; rewrite leqNgt; move ⇒ /negP NLT; apply: NLT.

Thanks to the fact that the scheduler respects the notion of preemption points we show that jlp is continuously scheduled in time interval [t1, t1 + fpt).
          Lemma continuously_scheduled_between_preemption_points:
               t' < + fpt
              scheduled_at sched jlp t'.
            move: (H_valid_model_with_bounded_nonpreemptive_segments) ⇒ CORR.
            have ARRs : arrives_in arr_seq jlp by [].
            movet' /andP [GE LT].
            have Fact: Δ, t' = + Δ.
            { by (t' - ); apply/eqP; rewrite eq_sym; apply/eqP; rewrite subnKC. }
            move: Fact ⇒ [Δ EQ]; subst t'.
            have NPPJ := @no_intermediate_preemption_point (@service _ _ sched jlp ( + Δ)).
            apply proj1 in CORR; specialize (CORR jlp ARRs).
            move: CORR ⇒ [_ [_ [T _] ]].
            apply T; apply: NPPJ; apply/andP; split.
            { by apply service_monotonic; rewrite leq_addr. }
            rewrite /service -(service_during_cat _ _ _ ).
            { rewrite ltn_add2l; rewrite ltn_add2l in LT.
              apply leq_ltn_trans with Δ ⇒ [|//].
              rewrite -{2}(sum_of_ones Δ).
              by rewrite leq_sum. }
            { by apply/andP; split; [|rewrite leq_addr]. }

Thus, assuming an ideal-progress processor model, job jlp reaches its preemption point at time instant + fpt, which implies that time instant + fpt is a preemption time.
          Lemma first_preemption_time :
            ideal_progress_proc_model PState
            preemption_time arr_seq sched ( + fpt).
            have [IDLE|[j' SCHED']] :=
              scheduled_at_cases _ H_valid_arrivals sched ltac:(by []) ltac:(by []) ( + fpt);
              first exact: idle_time_is_pt.
            have [EQ|NEQ] := (eqVneq jlp j').
            { move: (SCHED'); rewrite -(scheduled_job_at_scheduled_at arr_seq) // -EQ /preemption_time ⇒ /eqP →.
              rewrite /service -(service_during_cat _ _ _ ); last first.
              { by apply/andP; split; last rewrite leq_addr. }
              have : service_during sched jlp ( + fpt) = fpt ⇒ //.
              { rewrite -{2}(sum_of_ones fpt) /service_during.
                apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq //; apply/andP; split.
                + by rewrite leq_sum.
                + rewrite big_nat_cond [in X in _ X]big_nat_cond.
                  rewrite leq_sum //.
                  movex /andP [HYP _].
                  exact/H_progress/continuously_scheduled_between_preemption_points. } }
            { case: (posnP fpt) ⇒ [ZERO|POS].
              { subst fpt; rewrite addn0 in SCHED'.
                exfalso; move: NEQ ⇒ /negP; apply; apply/eqP.
                exact: H_uni. }
              { have [sm ]: sm, sm.+1 = fpt by fpt.-1; rewrite prednK.
                move: SCHED'; rewrite - addnSSCHED'.
                apply: first_moment_is_pt (SCHED') ⇒ //.
                apply: scheduled_job_at_neq ⇒ //.
                apply: (continuously_scheduled_between_preemption_points ( + sm)).
                by apply/andP; split; [rewrite leq_addr | rewrite - addnS]. } }

          Lemma preemption_time_le_max_len_of_np_segment :
             + fpt + max_lp_nonpreemptive_segment j .
            have ARRs : arrives_in arr_seq jlp by [].
            apply/andP; split; first by rewrite leq_addr.
            rewrite leq_add2l.
            unfold max_lp_nonpreemptive_segment.
            rewrite (big_rem jlp) //=.
            { rewrite H_jlp_low_priority //=.
              have NZ: service sched jlp < job_cost jlp by exact: service_lt_cost.
              rewrite ifT; last lia.
              apply leq_trans with (job_max_nonpreemptive_segment jlp - ε).
              - by apply H_progr_le_max_nonp_segment.
              - by rewrite leq_maxl.
            apply: arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals ⇒ [//|//|].
            apply/andP; split⇒ [//|].
            eapply low_priority_job_arrives_before_busy_interval_prefix with ; eauto 2.
            by move: (H_busy_interval_prefix) ⇒ [NEM [ [NQT HPJ]]]; apply/andP.

        End FirstPreemptionPointOfjlp.

For the next step, we assume an ideal-progress processor.
        Hypothesis H_progress : ideal_progress_proc_model PState.

Next, we combine the above facts to conclude the lemma.
        Lemma preemption_time_exists_case3:
            preemption_time arr_seq sched pr_t
             pr_t + max_lp_nonpreemptive_segment j .
          set (service := service sched).
          have EX: pt,
              ((service jlp ) pt (service jlp ) + (job_max_nonpreemptive_segment jlp - 1)) && job_preemptable jlp pt.
          { have ARRs: arrives_in arr_seq jlp by [].
            move: (proj2 (H_valid_model_with_bounded_nonpreemptive_segments) jlp ARRs) [_ EXPP].
            destruct H_sched_valid as [A B].
            specialize (EXPP (service jlp )).
            feed EXPP.
            { apply/andP; split⇒ [//|].
              exact: service_at_most_cost.
            move: EXPP ⇒ [pt [NEQ PP]].
            by pt; apply/andP.
          move: (ex_minnP EX) ⇒ [sm_pt /andP [NEQ PP] MIN]; clear EX.
          have Fact: Δ, sm_pt = service jlp + Δ.
          { (sm_pt - service jlp ).
            apply/eqP; rewrite eq_sym; apply/eqP; rewrite subnKC //.
            by move: NEQ ⇒ /andP [T _]. }
          move: Fact ⇒ [Δ EQ]; subst sm_pt; rename Δ into sm_pt.
           ( + sm_pt); split.
          { apply first_preemption_time; rewrite /service.service//.
            + by intros; apply MIN; apply/andP; split.
            + by lia.
          apply: preemption_time_le_max_len_of_np_segment ⇒ //.
          by lia.

      End Case3.

    End CaseAnalysis.

As Case 3 depends on unit-service and ideal-progress assumptions, we require the same here.
    Hypothesis H_unit : unit_service_proc_model PState.
    Hypothesis H_progress : ideal_progress_proc_model PState.

By doing the case analysis, we show that indeed there is a preemption time in the time interval [, + max_lp_nonpreemptive_segment j ].
    Lemma preemption_time_exists :
        preemption_time arr_seq sched pr_t
         pr_t + max_lp_nonpreemptive_segment j .
      have [Idle|[s Sched_s]] :=
        scheduled_at_cases _ H_valid_arrivals sched ltac:(by []) ltac:(by []) .
      - by apply preemption_time_exists_case1.
      - destruct (hep_job s j) eqn:PRIO.
        + exact: preemption_time_exists_case2.
        + apply: preemption_time_exists_case3 ⇒ //.
          by rewrite -eqbF_neg; apply /eqP.

  End PreemptionTimeExists.

In this section we prove that if a preemption point ppt exists in a job's busy window, it suffers no priority inversion after ppt. Equivalently the cumulative_priority_inversion of the job in the busy window , is bounded by the cumulative_priority_inversion of the job in the time window ,[ppt]).
Consider the preemption point ppt.
    Variable ppt: instant.
    Hypothesis H_preemption_point : preemption_time arr_seq sched ppt.
    Hypothesis H_after_t1 : ppt.

We first establish the aforementioned result by showing that j cannot suffer priority inversion after the preemption time ppt ...
    Lemma no_priority_inversion_after_preemption_point :
        ppt t <
        ~~ priority_inversion arr_seq sched j t.
      movet /andP [pptt ].
      apply /negPPI.
      move: PI ⇒ /andP[j_nsched_pi /hasP[jlp jlp_sched_pi nHEPj]].
      have [/eqP //|[j' /eqP //=]] :=
        scheduled_jobs_at_uni_cases arr_seq ltac:(done) sched ltac:(done)
                                                                     ltac:(done) ltac:(done) t; first by rewrite in jlp_sched_pi.
      rewrite mem_seq1 in jlp_sched_pi.
      move : jlp_sched_pi ⇒ /eqP HJLP.
      replace j' with jlp in *; clear HJLP.
      move : ⇒ /eqP .
      rewrite scheduled_jobs_at_scheduled_at in ⇒ //=.
      have [ptst [ [PTT STT]]] : ptst : ,
          ppt ptst t preemption_time arr_seq sched ptst scheduled_at sched jlp ptst.
      { by apply: scheduling_of_any_segment_starts_with_preemption_time_continuously_sched. }
       contradict nHEPj.
       apply /negP /negPn.
       apply: scheduled_at_preemption_time_implies_higher_or_equal_priority ⇒ //.
       by lia.

... and then lift this fact to cumulative priority inversion.
    Lemma priority_inversion_occurs_only_till_preemption_point :
      cumulative_priority_inversion arr_seq sched j
      cumulative_priority_inversion arr_seq sched j ppt.
      have [LEQ|LT_t1t2] := leqP ;
        last by rewrite /cumulative_priority_inversion big_geq //; exact: ltnW.
      have [LEQ_t2ppt|LT] := leqP ppt;
        first by rewrite (cumulative_priority_inversion_cat _ _ _ ppt) //
                 ; exact: leq_addr.
      move: (H_busy_interval_prefix) ⇒ [_ [_ [_ /andP [T _]]]].
      rewrite /cumulative_priority_inversion (@big_cat_nat _ _ _ ppt) //=.
      rewrite -[X in _ X]addn0 leq_add2l leqn0.
      rewrite big_nat_cond big1 //; movet /andP[/andP[GEt LEt] _].
      apply/eqP; rewrite eqb0.
      by apply/no_priority_inversion_after_preemption_point/andP.

  End NoPriorityInversionAfterPreemptionPoint.

End PriorityInversionIsBounded.